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Introduction Insects are reported to be in decline around the globe, but long-term datasets are rare. The causes of these trends are elusive, with changes in land use and climate among the top candidates. Yet if species traits can predict rates of population change, this can help identify underlying mechanisms. If climate change is important, for example, high-latitude species may decline as temperate species expand. Land use changes, however, may impact species that rely on certain habitats. Aims and methods We present 30 years of moth captures (comprising 97,032 individuals of 808 species) from a site in southeast Norway to test for population trends that are correlated with species traits. We use time series analyses and joint species distribution models combined with local climate and habitat data. Results and discussion Species richness declined by 8.2% per decade and total abundance appeared to decline as well (−9.4%, p = 0.14) but inter-annual variability was high. One-fifth of species declined, although 6% increased. Winter and summer weather were correlated with annual rates of abundance change for many species. Opposite to general expectation, many species responded negatively to higher summer and winter temperatures. Surprisingly, species’ northern range limits and the habitat in which their food plants grew were not strong predictors of their time trends or their responses to climatic variation. Complex and indirect effects of both land use and climate change may play a role in these declines. Implications for insect conservation Our results provide additional evidence for long-term declines in insect abundance. The multifaceted causes of population changes may limit the ability of species traits to reveal which species are most at risk.

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Given the increasing attention on the occurrence of microplastics in the environment, and the potential envi-ronmental threats they pose, there is a need for researchers to move quickly from basic understanding to applied science that supports decision makers in finding feasible mitigation measures and solutions. At the same time, they must provide sufficient, accurate and clear information to the media, public and other relevant groups (e.g., NGOs). Key requirements include systematic and coordinated research efforts to enable evidence-based decision making and to develop efficient policy measures on all scales (national, regional and global). To achieve this, collaboration between key actors is essential and should include researchers from multiple disciplines, policy-makers, authorities, civil and industry organizations, and the public. This further requires clear and informative communication processes, and open and continuous dialogues between all actors. Cross-discipline dialogues between researchers should focus on scientific quality and harmonization, defining and accurately communi-cating the state of knowledge, and prioritization of topics that are critical for both research and policy, with the common goal to establish and update action plans for holistic benefit. In Norway, cross-sectoral collaboration has been fundamental in supporting the national strategy to address plastic pollution. Researchers, stakeholders and the environmental authorities have come together to exchange knowledge, identify knowledge gaps, and set targeted and feasible measures to tackle one of the most challenging aspects of plastic pollution: microplastic. In this article, we present a Norwegian perspective on the state of knowledge on microplastic research efforts. Norway’s involvement in international efforts to combat plastic pollution aims at serving as an example of how key actors can collaborate synergistically to share knowledge, address shortcomings, and outline ways forward to address environmental challenges.


Kartlegging av landbrukspåvirkning i Bærum viste at det i noen områder er høye verdier av næringsstoffer. Vannkvalitetsundersøkelser i 2019 viste at områdene rundt Dælivannet er utsatt for landbrukspåvirkning/-forurensning. NIBIO har vurdert forskjellige tiltak, og lokalisering av dem. Formålet med tiltakene er å forbedre vannkvaliteten. Basert på befaring 13.september 2021 er tiltakene fangdammer, kantsoner og jordbruksdrenering vurdert for området. Vi har vurdert to mulige lokaliseringer av fangdammer: en i Steinsbekken ved innløpet av Dælivannet og en lenger nedstrøms i Dælibekken. Fangdammer må utformes slik at jordvoller med overløp ikke er hindre for fisk som bruker bekkene til gyting. Det kan gis tilskudd for fangdam som er etablert på eller i tilknytning til jordbruksareal. Kantsoner i nedbørfeltet er etablert med minimal bredde. Det er mulig å øke renseeffektiviteten på avrenningen, ved å stimulere bredere kantsoner langs bekken. Det kan søkes om insentivmidler til dette. En del av oppdraget var også å vurdere dreneringsløsninger i den landbrukspåvirkede delen av Dælibekken nedbørfelt. Dette viste seg å ikke være nødvendig da det sommeren 2021 var gjennomført betydelige dreneringsaktiviteter i nedbørfeltet. Dreneringsaktivitetene til grunneier var ikke kjent da oppdraget ble avtalt.


I denne rapporten er det foretatt vurdering av jordkvalitet og muligheter for lønnsom jordbruksdrift på et areal avsatt til boligformål på Nordre Gjettum i Bærum. Arealet har vesentlig større jordvariasjon enn det som fremkommer i jordsmonnskart, og bare 38 % av arealet kan udiskutabelt sies å ha svært god jordkvalitet. Dersom arealet reguleres til boligformål, er det foreslått to kompenserende tiltak for reetablering av jordbruksareal. Det ene tiltaket vil ved jordflytting kunne gi om lag 6 dekar jordbruksareal med svært god jordkvalitet. Det andre arealet, som i dag er et plantefelt av gran inne i et landskapsvernområde, vil ved tilbakeføring til jordbruk gi 7150 m2 jordbruksareal. Det er omtrent i samme størrelsesorden som netto tap av jordbruksareal ved utbyggingen, som er beregnet til 7400 m3. Det tilrås at begge areal tas med i reguleringsplanen.


There is a need for mapping of forest areas with young stands under regeneration in Norway, as a basis for conducting tending, or precommercial thinning (PCT), whenever necessary. The main objective of this article is to show the potential of multitemporal Sentinel-1 (S-1) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) data for characterization and detection of forest stands under regeneration. We identify the most powerful radar and optical features for discrimination of forest stands under regeneration versus other forest stands. A number of optical and radar features derived from multitemporal S-1 and S-2 data were used for the class separability and cross-correlation analysis. The analysis was performed on forest resource maps consisting of the forest development classes and age in two study sites from south-eastern Norway. Important features were used to train the classical random forest (RF) classification algorithm. A comparative study of performance of the algorithm was used in three cases: I) using only S-1 features, II) using only S-2 optical bands, and III) using combination of S-1 and S-2 features. RF classification results pointed to increased class discrimination when using S-1 and S-2 data in relation to S-1 or S-2 data only. The study shows that forest stands under regeneration in the height interval for PCT can be detected with a detection rate of 91% and F-1 score of 73.2% in case III as most accurate, while tree density and broadleaf fraction could be estimated with coefficient of determination ( R2 ) of about 0.70 and 0.80, respectively.