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Marta Vergarechea Clara Antón Fernández Jane Uhd Jepsen Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad Rasmus AstrupSammendrag
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Andrea Seldeslachts Marius Filomeno Maurstad Jan Philip Øyen Eivind Andreas Baste Undheim Steve Peigneur Jan TytgatSammendrag
Lepidopterism, a skin inflammation condition caused by direct or airborne exposure to irritating hairs (setae) from processionary caterpillars, is becoming a significant public health concern. Recent outbreaks of the oak processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoea processionea) have caused noteworthy health and economic consequences, with a rising frequency expected in the future, exacerbated by global warming promoting the survival of the caterpillar. Current medical treatments focus on symptom relief due to the lack of an effective therapy. While the source is known, understanding the precise causes of symptoms remain incomplete understood. In this study, we employed an advanced method to extract venom from the setae and identify the venom components through high-quality de novo transcriptomics, venom proteomics, and bioinformatic analysis. A total of 171 venom components were identified, including allergens, odorant binding proteins, small peptides, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, and chitin biosynthesis products, potentially responsible for inflammatory and allergic reactions. This work presents the first comprehensive proteotranscriptomic database of T. processionea, contributing to understanding the complexity of lepidopterism. Furthermore, these findings hold promise for advancing therapeutic approaches to mitigate the global health impact of T. processionea and related caterpillars.
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Mohammad Tirgariseraji A. Pouyan Nejadhashemi Yaghoob Jafari Tomas Persson Mahmood Sabouhi Sabouni Alisher Mirzabaev Alireza Nikouei Naser Shahnoushi FroshaniSammendrag
The nitrogen regulatory policy (NRP) solution is introduced as a mitigation measure against environmental nitrogen losses and keeps food production in the Safe Operating Space of the Nitrogen Planetary Boundary. Meanwhile, scientific research shows that steps taken to reduce environmental harm can increase the unpredictability of calorie production from crops. This study sought to investigate the impact of NRP solutions on the level of risk of accessibility to calorie sources from domestic production, the variations in calorie sources by livestock and non-livestock diet components, and the responses of different dietary preferences, namely, poor, medium, and rich livestock protein diets, against NRP solutions in the Zayandeh-Rud River basin, Iran. We developed the aggregate household food security index (AHFSI) and combined it with outputs of crop simulation model to examine how changes in dietary energy supplies under three NRP scenarios—low, moderate, and high nitrogen fertilizer application—affect the stability of three regional dietary preferences. The comparison of NRP scenarios movements realized that increases (or decreases) in nitrogen fertilizer rates contradicted the stability in AHFSI. Additionally, a one-unit change in the average calories from non-livestock sources, such as wheat and potatoes, results in greater fluctuations in the standard deviations of produced calories compared to changes in meat and dairy production. We proposed that in order to prevent adverse effects of NRP solutions on food security, mitigation strategies addressing the NRP solution should be structured based on (i) regional heterogeneities, (ii) type of crops, that is, food and feed crops, (iii) the range of nitrogen rates movement; (iv) and the socioeconomic background related to dietary preferences or economic deciles of food expenditure.
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Extended Multiplicative Signal Correction (EMSC) is a multivariate linear modelling technique for multi-channel measurements that can identify and correct for different types of systematic variation patterns, known or unknown. It is typically used for pre-processing to separate light absorbance spectra, obtained by diffuse reflectance of intact samples, into three main sources of variation: additive variations due to chemical composition (≈Beer's law), mixed multiplicative and additive variations due to physical light scattering (≈Lambert's law) and more or less random measurement noise. The present work evaluates the use of EMSC to pre-process near infrared spectra obtained by hyperspectral imaging of Scots pine sapwood, inoculated with two different basidiomycete fungi and at various degradation stages. The spectral changes due to fungal decay and resulting mass loss are assessed by interpretation of the EMSC parameters and the partial least squares regression (PLSR) results. Including a cellulose (analyte) or bound water (interferent) spectral profile in the EMSC pre-processing model generally improves the predictive performance of the PLS modelling, but it can also make it worse. The inclusion of the additional polynomial baselines does not necessarily lead to a better separation of the physical and chemical effects present in the spectra. The estimated EMSC parameters provide insight into the differences in decay mechanisms. A detailed analysis of the EMSC results highlights advantages and disadvantages of using a complex pre-processing model.
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Nina SvartedalSammendrag
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Nina SvartedalSammendrag
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