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Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM) har vurdert en søknad om godkjenning av den genmodifiserte maisen MON 95275. Maisen er søkt godkjent til import, videreforedling og til bruk som mat og fôr i EU-området. I et løpende oppdrag fra Mattilsynet og Miljødirektoratet, vurderer VKM om genmodifiserte organismer og prosessert mat og fôr fra disse kan utgjøre en risiko for helse og miljø. EUs forordning 1829/2003/EF (Forordningen) omfatter både genmodifiserte organismer (levende), som faller inn under den norske genteknologiloven, og genmodifisert, prosessert mat og fôr (dødt materiale avledet fra GMO) som faller inn under den norske matloven. Forordningen er i dag ikke en del av EØS-avtalen eller norsk rett. Norge vurderer søknadene som en forberedelse til at forordningen eventuelt implementeres. VKM vurderer søknader både i den vitenskapelige høringsperioden, som den europeiske myndighet for næringsmiddeltrygghet (EFSA) gjennomfører, og i perioden fra EFSA har offentliggjort en risikovurdering og til EUs medlemsland stemmer for eller imot godkjenning av den genmodifiserte organismen i kommisjonen. VKMs oppdraget er delt inn i tre trinn. (lenke oppdragsbrev) Mais MON 95275 MON 95275 er en genmodifisert mais utviklet ved transformasjon av planteceller ved hjelp av Agrobacterium tumefaciens. MON 95275 uttrykker transgenene mpp75Aa1.1 og vpb4Da2, som henholdsvis koder for proteinene Mpp75Aa1.1 (Cry) og Vpb4Da2 (Vip), og et dobbelt-trådet RNA transkript DvSnf7. Transgenene gjør MON 95275 resistent mot enkelte planteskadegjørere i insektordenen Coleoptera (biller). Den vitenskapelige dokumentasjonen i søknaden for mais MON 95275 er dekkende for risikovurdering, og i samsvar med EFSAs retningslinjer for risikovurdering av genmodifiserte planter til bruk i mat eller fôr. De genetiske endringene i mais MON 95275 tilsier ingen økt helse- eller miljørisiko i Norge sammenlignet med EU-land. EFSAs risikovurdering er dermed tilstrekkelig også for norske forhold. Ettersom det ikke har blitt identifisert særnorske forhold vedrørende mais MON 95275, har VKMs GMO panel ikke utført en fullstendig risikovurdering. Om oppdraget: I trinn 1 skal VKM, i forbindelse med EFSAs vitenskapelige høring av GMO-søknader, vurdere helse- og miljørisiko ved den genmodifiserte organismen og dens avledete produkter. VKM skal gjennomgå den vitenskapelige dokumentasjonen som søker har sendt inn og evt. gi innspill til EFSA. VKM skal også vurdere: i) om det er særnorske forhold som vil kunne gi andre risikoer i Norge enn de som er omtalt i søknaden, ii) om norsk kosthold kan gi en økt helserisiko for befolkningen i Norge ved en eventuell godkjenning, sammenliknet med befolkningen i resten av Europa, og iii) risiko knyttet til sameksistens med konvensjonell og/eller økologisk produksjon for genmodifiserte planter som søkes godkjent for dyrking. Aktuelle virkemidler for å sikre sameksistens skal også vurderes. I trinn 2 skal VKM vurdere om innspill fra Norge er tilfredsstillende besvart av EFSA. I tillegg skal VKM vurdere om noen av EFSAs kommentarer til andre lands innspill gir grunnlag for videre oppfølging. Dersom EFSAs svar til norske innspill ikke er tilfredsstillende, eller andre lands innspill gir grunnlag for videre oppfølging, skal VKM i trinn 3 utføre en risikovurdering av de aktuelle forholdene, inkludert eventuelle særnorske forhold.

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Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM) har vurdert en søknad om godkjenning av den genmodifiserte maisen DP910521. Maisen er søkt godkjent til import, videreforedling og til bruk som mat og fôr i EU-området. I et løpende oppdrag fra Mattilsynet og Miljødirektoratet, vurderer VKM om genmodifiserte organismer og prosessert mat og fôr fra disse kan utgjøre en risiko for helse og miljø. EUs forordning 1829/2003/EF (Forordningen) omfatter både genmodifiserte organismer (levende), som faller inn under den norske genteknologiloven, og genmodifisert, prosessert mat og fôr (dødt materiale avledet fra GMO) som faller inn under den norske matloven. Forordningen er i dag ikke en del av EØS-avtalen eller norsk rett. Norge vurderer søknadene som en forberedelse til at forordningen eventuelt implementeres. VKM vurderer søknader både i den vitenskapelige høringsperioden, som den europeiske myndighet for næringsmiddeltrygghet (EFSA) gjennomfører, og i perioden fra EFSA har offentliggjort en risikovurdering og til EUs medlemsland stemmer for eller imot godkjenning av den genmodifiserte organismen i kommisjonen. VKMs oppdraget er delt inn i tre trinn. (lenke oppdragsbrev) Mais DP910521 DP910521 er en genmodifisert mais utviklet ved stedsspesifikk integrering (SSI) av transgener i maisens genom/arvestoff. Mais DP910521 uttrykker transgenene cry1B.34, pat og pmi, som koder for henholdsvis proteinene Cry1B.34, phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) og phosphomannose isomerase (PMI). Cry1B.34 er et insekticid som gir resistens mot enkelte planteskadegjørere i insektordenen Lepidoptera (sommerfugler og møll), PAT er et enzym som gir økt toleranse for glufosinat-ammonium baserte ugressmidler, og PMI er et enzym benyttet som seleksjonsmarkør under utvikling av planten. Den vitenskapelige dokumentasjonen i søknaden for mais DP910521 er dekkende for risikovurdering, og i samsvar med EFSAs retningslinjer for risikovurdering av genmodifiserte planter til bruk i mat eller fôr. De genetiske endringene i mais DP910521 tilsier ingen økt helse- eller miljørisiko i Norge sammenlignet med EU-land. EFSAs risikovurdering er dermed tilstrekkelig også for norske forhold. Ettersom det ikke har blitt identifisert særnorske forhold vedrørende mais DP910521, har VKMs GMO panel ikke utført en fullstendig risikovurdering. Om oppdraget: I trinn 1 skal VKM, i forbindelse med EFSAs vitenskapelige høring av GMO-søknader, vurdere helse- og miljørisiko ved den genmodifiserte organismen og dens avledete produkter. VKM skal gjennomgå den vitenskapelige dokumentasjonen som søker har sendt inn og evt. gi innspill til EFSA. VKM skal også vurdere: i) om det er særnorske forhold som vil kunne gi andre risikoer i Norge enn de som er omtalt i søknaden, ii) om norsk kosthold kan gi en økt helserisiko for befolkningen i Norge ved en eventuell godkjenning, sammenliknet med befolkningen i resten av Europa, og iii) risiko knyttet til sameksistens med konvensjonell og/eller økologisk produksjon for genmodifiserte planter som søkes godkjent for dyrking. Aktuelle virkemidler for å sikre sameksistens skal også vurderes. I trinn 2 skal VKM vurdere om innspill fra Norge er tilfredsstillende besvart av EFSA. I tillegg skal VKM vurdere om noen av EFSAs kommentarer til andre lands innspill gir grunnlag for videre oppfølging. Dersom EFSAs svar til norske innspill ikke er tilfredsstillende, eller andre lands innspill gir grunnlag for videre oppfølging, skal VKM i trinn 3 utføre en risikovurdering av de aktuelle forholdene, inkludert eventuelle særnorske forhold.

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The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) has assessed an application for approval of the genetically modified maize MON 94804 for food and feed uses, import and processing in the EU. In accordance with an assignment specified by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) and the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA), VKM assesses whether genetically modified organisms (GMOs) intended for the European market can pose risks to human or animal health, or the environment in Norway. VKM assesses the scientific documentation regarding GMO applications seeking approval for use of GMOs as food and feed, processing, or cultivation. The EU Regulation 1829/2003/EC (Regulation) covers living GMOs that fall under the Norwegian Gene Technology Act, as well as processed food and feed from GMOs (dead material) that fall under the Norwegian Food Act. The regulation is currently not part of the EEA agreement or implemented in Norwegian law. Norway conducts its own assessments of GMO applications in preparation for the possible implementation of the Regulation. In accordance with the assignment by NFSA and NEA, VKM assesses GMO applications during scientific hearings initiated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), as well as after EFSA has published its own risk assessment of a GMO, up until EU member countries vote for or against approval in the EU Commission. The assignment is divided into three stages. (link) Maize MON 94804 MON 94804 is a genetically modified maize developed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation of maize cells. Maize MON 94804 expresses a micro-RNA (miRNA) transcript, that leads to reduced levels of the hormone gibberellin in the plant. Gibberellin is involved in, i.a., plant stem elongation. Thus, maize MON 94804 plants grow shorter than other maize. The scientific documentation provided in the application for maize MON 94804 is adequate for risk assessment, and in accordance with EFSA guidance on risk assessment of genetically modified plants for use in food or feed. The VKM GMO panel does not consider the introduced modifications in maize MON 94804 to imply potential specific health or environmental risks in Norway, compared to EU-countries. The EFSA scientific Opinion is adequate also for Norwegian conditions. Therefore, a full risk assessment of maize MON 94804 was not performed by the VKM GMO Panel.


The Norwegian Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) has performed a preliminary assessment of an application for authorization for the genetically modified maize event DP202216 in the EAA. The scope of the application includes all uses of maize DP202216 and sub-combinations independently of their origin equivalent to the uses of any other maize grain and forage. The assessment was performed in connection with EFSAs (European Food Safety Authorities) public hearing of application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159, on request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency. The assessment of maize DP202216 is based on information provided by the applicant in the application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159, and relevant peer-reviewed scientific literature. Maize DP202216 has the potential to enhanced grain yield, and provides tolerance to glufosinate-ammonium herbicides. Authorisation process for genetically modified organisms Through the EEA Agreement, the EU Directive 2001/18/EC on deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms is implemented in Norwegian law. Norway is therefore affiliated with the GMO authorisation process in the EU. In the EU, both GMOs and derived products are regulated by the Directive and Regulation 1829/2003/EC. The Regulation concerns genetically modified food and feed and is currently not a part of the EEA Agreement. In preparation for a legal implementation of the Regulation in Norwegian law, Norway follows the EU proceedings for GMO applications. When a company seeks approval of a genetically modified organism, the application is submitted to the national competent authority of an EU Member State, which forwards the application to EFSA. EFSA then submits the application for a public hearing across all EEA countries. VKM conducts its own review of the application and sends its comments to EFSA. EFSA then completes their scientific opinion based on information from the applicant, comments from EEA member countries and independent literature. The scientific opinion is then issued to the European Commission. VKM submitted their comments on application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159 to EFSA before the deadline January 3, 2020.

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The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) has assessed an application for approval of the genetically modified maize DP915635 for food and feed uses, import and processing in the EU. In accordance with an assignment specified by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) and the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA), VKM assesses whether genetically modified organisms (GMOs) intended for the European market can pose risks to human or animal health, or the environment in Norway. VKM assesses the scientific documentation regarding GMO applications seeking approval for use of GMOs as food and feed, processing, or cultivation. The EU Regulation 1829/2003/EC (Regulation) covers living GMOs that fall under the Norwegian Gene Technology Act, as well as processed food and feed from GMOs (dead material) that fall under the Norwegian Food Act. The regulation is currently not part of the EEA agreement or implemented in Norwegian law. Norway conducts its own assessments of GMO applications in preparation for the possible implementation of the Regulation. In accordance with the assignment by NFSA and NEA, VKM assesses GMO applications during scientific hearings initiated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), as well as after EFSA has published its own risk assessment of a GMO, up until EU member countries vote for or against approval in the EU Commission. The assignment is divided into three stages. (link) Maize DP915635 DP915635 is a genetically modified maize that expresses the insecticidal protein IPD079Ea for control of corn rootworm pests, the enzyme phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) for tolerance to glufosinate-ammonium herbicides, and the enzyme phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) that was used as a selectable marker during development. The scientific documentation provided in the application for DP915635 maize is adequate for risk assessment, and in accordance with EFSA guidance on risk assessment of genetically modified plants for use in food or feed. The VKM GMO panel does not consider the introduced modifications in DP915635 maize to imply potential specific health or environmental risks in Norway, compared to EU-countries. The EFSA scientific Opinion is adequate also for Norwegian conditions. Therefore, a full risk assessment of DP915635 maize was not performed by the VKM GMO Panel. About the assignment: In stage 1, VKM shall assess the health and environmental risks of the genetically modified organism and derived products in connection with the EFSA scientific hearing of GMO applications. VKM shall review the scientific documentation that the applicant has submitted and possibly provide comments to EFSA. VKM must also consider: i) whether there are specific Norwegian conditions that could give other risks in Norway than those mentioned in the application, ii) whether the Norwegian diet presents a different health risk for the Norwegian population should the GMO be approved, compared to the European population, and iii) risks associated with co-existence with conventional and/or ecologic production of plants for GMOs seeking approval for cultivation. Relevant measures to ensure co-existence must also be considered. In stage 2, VKM shall assess whether comments from Norway have been satisfactorily answered by EFSA. In addition, VKM shall assess whether comments from other countries imply need for further follow-up. If EFSAs response to Norwegian comments is not satisfactory, or comments by other countries imply the need for further follow-up, VKM shall in stage 3 perform a risk assessment of these conditions, including conditions specific to Norway.

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The Norwegian Environment Agency has asked VKM to evaluate the risks to biodiversity associated with the import of two species of leeches to Norway, Hirudo medicinalis and H. verbana (so-called medicinal leeches). In addition, they ask that the project group suggest mitigating measures that could reduce any potential risks, should import of the two species be granted.

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The Norwegian Environment Agency has asked VKM to evaluate the risks to biodiversity associated with the import of two species of leeches to Norway, Hirudo medicinalis and H. verbana (so-called medicinal leeches). In addition, they ask that the project group suggest mitigating measures that could reduce any potential risks, should import of the two species be granted. Background Bloodsucking leeches have been employed by humans for millennia. The two species Hirudo medicinalis and H. verbana have dominated the trade in medicinal leeches in Europe. Overcollection combined with loss or degradation of freshwater habitats led to a precipitous decline in European populations by the 1800s and led to a corresponding increase in imports from Turkey, North Africa, Russia and the Middle East. By the turn of the 19th century, the demand for live leeches in Europe had tapered off as contemporary medicine developed, only to have a small resurgence over the last decades as live leeches became recognized as useful for a variety of medical and cosmetic procedures, and to be the source of bioactive molecules of interest to medical researchers. As traditional medicine in Asia also uses a variety of leech products, there is a robust global market for live leeches and leech derivatives that is being met mostly by leech aquaculture, where the live leech trade seems dominated by H. verbana. There is increasing interest in commercializing production and sale of three similar leech species, H. orientalis from Central Asia, H. sulukii from a small region in Turkey, and H. troctina from North Africa. Hirudo medicinalis has been used medicinally in Norway since at least the Middle Ages when they were used by barber-surgeons for bloodletting. Leeches have been dispensed by apothecaries up until the end of the 1950s. Phylogeographic studies have treated the species as native to southern Norway and the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre has numerous records of H. medicinalis, with recent records primarily from the eastern coast of southern Norway. The Norwegian Red List for Species categorizes H. medicinalis as being of Least Concern in Norway. Hirudo verbana naturally occurs in southern Europe and has not been observed in Scandinavia so far (see map in Figure 2). Methods for the risk assessment VKM established a small working group with expertise in invertebrates and risk assessment. Our group combed the scientific literature and relevant websites for information on the taxonomy, natural history, ecology, and medical uses of medicinal leeches broadly and H. medicinalis and H. verbana specifically. The project group contacted major leech providers in Europe and North America to learn more about leech production and sale. Using the EICAT (Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa) system developed by the IUCN, The project group identified those mechanisms (“hazards”) through which these two species could affect native biodiversity in Norway should imported specimens become established in Norwegian nature, and characterized the risk related to each of these hazards. The project group then conducted a semi-quantitative risk assessment for the species according to four categories: Low, Medium, Possibly high, and High risk. Hazards: how likely, how impactful, and overall risks In our report, VKM regard H. medicinalis as a native species, since it is so treated by Hirudo experts and is widespread in Norway. The project group regards H. verbana as non-native to Norway. The potential hazards from the EICAT system that could be associated with introducing one or both species include predation and parasitism, competition, disease transmission, and hybridization. ................................ .................................... Conclusions VKM concludes that the overall risk to biodiversity in Norway from importing live H. medicinalis and H. verbana is low.


Import of leeches for medical use and hobby keeping poses a low risk of negative effects on Norwegian biodiversity. This is the key message in a risk assessment of two species of blood-sucking leeches conducted by VKM for the Norwegian Environment Agency. Background The two species of leeches (Hirudo medicinalis and H. verbana) have in recent years become more commonly used in Western medicine for various procedures where maintaining good blood flow is important. Hirudo medicinalis is considered native to Norway and is found in scattered populations in southern Norway. There is uncertainty about the genetic impact on these populations if imported leeches were to be released into the wild. Hirudo verbana is not registered in Norway but may have been imported as H. medicinalis in the past. Both species are listed under Appendix I, List B of the Norwegian CITES regulations. Methods VKM reviewed scientific literature to uncover potential negative effects in light of the leeches’ ecology under Norwegian conditions. VKM also investigated how the trade in live leeches is conducted, where they originate from, and outlined possible risk-reducing measures. VKM assessed four factors of potential relevance for negative impacts on biodiversity and conducted risk assessments for each: Hybridisation or other negative genetic impacts on local populations Competition with other leech species Parasitism or predation on amphibian populations Transmission of diseases Additionally, VKM assessed the extent of such imports and the likelihood of imported leeches ending up in Norwegian nature. Results VKM concluded that it is moderately likely that H. medicinalis will genetically affect Norwegian populations, but this will have minimal negative effects. Hybridisation between H. verbana and H. medicinalis is considered unlikely and would have little effect if it occurs. ”The leeches already present in Norway mainly originate from leeches imported from Europe in the 1800s. The introduction of new genes from the same areas now will therefore have minimal impact. The risk is therefore low,” says Lawrence Kirkendall, the scientific leader of the work. For parasitism or predation, amphibians are the main species that could theoretically be negatively affected by the leeches. VKM concludes that such negative effects are very unlikely and would have little or minimal impact. This implies low risk. Regarding competition and disease transmission, VKM assesses that these factors have little or minimal effect on biodiversity and are very unlikely. "We assess that the effects on biodiversity in Norway, if imported leeches were to end up in an environment where they thrive, are very small. At the same time, it is very unlikely that leeches used for medical procedures will end up in nature. The overall assessment is therefore that both species are associated with low risk of negative impact on biodiversity," says Kirkendall. The risk assessment is approved by the VKM Panel for Biodiversity.

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The Norwegian Environment Agency asked VKM to evaluate the risks to biodiversity associated with the importation of eight species of live crabs intended for human consumption. Background Invasive crab species represent a significant threat to biodiversity globally due to their omnivory, adaptability to diverse habitats, high reproductive output, and aggressive behaviour. The Norwegian Environment Agency has raised concerns about the potential ecological risks posed by the import of live crabs to Norway intended for human consumption. This report provides a risk assessment of eight species of crabs that could have negative effects on native biodiversity. The species include Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), Japanese mitten crab (E. japonica), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), Atlantic rock crab (Cancer irroratus), Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica), common moon crab (Matuta victor), African blue swimming crab (Portunus segnis), and Harris mud crab (Rhithropanopeus harrisii). Three of the assessed species were recently confiscated at Norway's border. This suggests a market demand that could increase the frequency of introductions to Norway. Methods VKM established a working group with expertise in invertebrates and risk assessment. The group searched scientific literature for information on the taxonomy, natural history, invasiveness, and ecology for each crab species. If scientific literature was lacking, supplemental google searches allowed for a broader understanding of species with limited research or on the use and transportation of live crabs as food. The assessment utilized the EICAT framework (Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa) to identify potential mechanisms by which each species could harm native biodiversity, should imported specimens become established in Norwegian nature. Key mechanisms include competition, predation, pathogen transmission, and hybridization. The relevant mechanisms were analysed for each species by rating the potential magnitude of impact on biodiversity from minimal to massive. The likelihood of each impact was assessed from very unlikely to very likely. A combination of magnitude of impact and likelihood resulted in final risk levels ranging from low and medium to possibly high and high. Confidence levels for each assessment were also categorized as low, medium, or high based on expert opinion. Results The potential hazards evaluated under the EICAT framework include competition, predation, and transmission of disease for all species, grazing for four species and structural impacts on the ecosystem for three species. The conditions required for crabs imported live for human consumption to reach a natural ecosystem in Norway include a commercial demand for crabs, survival during transport and handling, and the possibility of release or escape. If these conditions for reaching a natural ecosystem are met, the species must then be capable of establishment in the new ecosystem. There are several examples of species imported live for human consumption becoming established in the wild, most likely due to intentional release. The risk assessments indicate varied levels of risk across the five hazards. Competition from E. sinensis or E. japonica was assessed to pose a high risk, while competition from C. sapidus, C. irroratus, M. victor, P. segnis, or R. harrisii was assessed to pose a medium risk. Predation by E. sinensis or E. japonica was assessed to pose a high risk and predation from R. harrisii, C. sapidus, C. irroratus, M. victor, or P. segnis was assessed to pose a medium risk. Transmission of disease from either E. sinensis or E. japonica was assessed to pose a high risk, while there was a possibly high risk of disease transmission from C. irroratus. The diseases of highest concern include the crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) and gaffkaemia (Aerococcus viridans var. homari). Finally, there was a moderate risk of ......

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Climate change threatens the role of European forests as a long-term carbon sink. Assisted migration aims to increase the resilience of forest tree populations to climate change, using species-specific climatic limits and local adaptations through transferring seed provenances. We modelled assisted migration scenarios for seven main European tree species and analysed the effects of species and seed provenance selection, accounting for environmental and genetic variations, on the annual above-ground carbon sink of regrowing juvenile forests. To increase forest resilience, coniferous trees need to be replaced by deciduous species over large parts of their distribution. If local seed provenances are used, this would result in a decrease of the current carbon sink (40 TgC yr−1) by 34–41% by 2061–2080. However, if seed provenances adapted to future climates are used, current sinks could be maintained or even increased to 48–60 TgC yr−1.