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The seed predator Argyresthia conjugella Zeller has rowan as its preferred host plant. In years of poor fruiting in rowan, it oviposits on apples. To improve the knowledge of this apple pest, rowanberries were collected from localities all over Norway from 1971 to 1985, and seed predators and their parasitoids were allowed to emerge for up to five years. Two species of seed predators, A. conjugella and Megastimus brevicaudis Ratzeburg, and seven species of parasitic Hymenoptera were common. The distribution of these species is shown on EIS (European Invertebrate Survey) maps of Norway. The biology of the parasitoids is summarized based on the published literature and their behavior during emergence. The tendency for delayed emergence, which is an indication of prolonged diapause, was more pronounced in M. brevicaudis than in A. conjugella, the former appearing in all five years. Five of the parasitoids also delayed their emergence, and three of them to a high degree, up to five years. Prolonged diapause must be taken into account in studies of rowanberry insect guilds.


Tomat er følsom for mange virus og viroider, men det har likevel ikke vært vanlig å finne virus og viroider i norske tomatveksthus de siste ti-årene. Det har nå dukket opp et nytt virus i tomat i Europa som vekker stor bekymring. Det er tomatbrunflekkvirus (tomato brown rugose fruit virus, ToBRFV). Mattilsynet gjennomførte derfor i 2021 og 2022 et kartleggingsprogram for ToBRFV i samarbeid med NIBIO. I 2021, ble det samlet inn 394 prøver (som representerte 3940 individuelle planter) fra i alt 17 gartnerier, hovedsakelig fra Rogaland. Det ble i 2022 samlet inn 150 prøver (som representerte 3000 individuelle planter) fra i alt 7 småplante tomatgartnerier. Det ble ikke påvist ToBRFV i noen av prøvene. Det ble imidlertid funnet ToBRFV i en prøve som ble sendt inn til Planteklinikken fra et mindre gartneri i Vestfold på forsommeren 2021.