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Potato contributes highly to the global food security. It is predicted that the production of this crop will be negatively affected by future climatic changes. Application of hydroponics for table potato production can mitigate crop loss in highly vulnerable regions. A preliminary small-scale case-study was performed to test theoretical perspectives of hydroponic production of table potatoes in wood fiber by comparing different fiber types and fertigation strategies. Potatoes were also grown in the field to obtain a reference control. Hydroponic production of potato in a stand-alone wood fiber resulted in ca. 200% higher yield, when compared to standard soil cultivation. However, the quality of the tubers was slightly reduced (lower dry matter content). Productivity of table potatoes was affected by the growing medium and fertigation strategy. Production of potatoes in wood fiber is possible and, in the future, might complement the conventional production systems, or even become an important alternative in locations where in-field cultivation is not possible. Nevertheless, the effect of wood fiber properties and the applied fertigation strategy on yield potential and tuber quality should be further studied. Optimization of these factors will be a topic of a following full-scale research.


This study investigated the potential of in-season airborne hyperspectral imaging for the calibration of robust forage yield and quality estimation models. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a hyperspectral imager were used to capture canopy reflections of a grass-legume mixture in the range of 450 nm to 800 nm. Measurements were performed over two years at two locations in Southeast and Central Norway. All images were subject to radiometric and geometric corrections before being processed to ortho-images, carrying canopy reflectance information. The data (n = 707) was split in two, using half the data for model calibration and the remaining half for validation. Several powered partial least squares regression (PPLSR) models were fitted to the reflectance data to estimate fresh (FM) and dry matter (DM) yields, as well as crude protein (CP), dry matter digestibility (DMD), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), and indigestible neutral detergent fibre (iNDF) content. Prediction performance of these models was compared with the prediction performance of simple linear regression (SLR) models, which were based on selected vegetation indices and plant height. The highest prediction accuracies for general models, based on the pooled data, were achieved by means of PPLSR, with relative root-mean-square errors of validation of 14.2% (2550 kg FM ha−1), 15.2% (555 kg DM ha−1), 11.7% (1.32 g CP 100 g−1 DM), 2.4% (1.71 g DMD 100 g−1 DM), 4.8% (2.72 g NDF 100 g−1 DM), and 12.8% (1.32 g iNDF 100 g−1 DM) for the prediction of FM, DM, CP, DMD, NDF, and iNDF content, respectively. None of the tested SLR models achieved acceptable prediction accuracies.


Horticultural production systems are under pressure to find environmentally friendly growing media. Peat is currently the most popular substrate for fresh potted herbs production; however, this raw material is not sustainable due to the large amount of greenhouse gases released during its harvesting. Therefore, the goal of the study was to test the performance of various commercial wood fiber products and compare them with peat and coir in an ebb-and-flow production system with basil (Ocimum basilicum L. 'Marian'). Basil plants were grown in three different pot sizes (6, 9 and 12 cm in diameter) and under various fertigation regimes (EC 1, 2 and 3). Height and biomass of the plants were recorded when the best performing plants reached the commercial stage. The tallest plants and greatest biomass were produced in peat and coir, however, the results confirm that wood fiber can be a promising substrate alternative. Further research is needed to study, among others topics, how to modify some properties of wood fibers to fulfil their potential as a replacement for non-sustainable growing media in production of herbs in pots.

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Studies of whole-plant responses of tomato to light environments are limited and cannot be extrapolated from observations of seedlings or short-term crops in growth chambers. Effects of artificial light sources like high pressure sodium (HPS) and light emitting diodes (LED) are mainly studied as supplement to sunlight in greenhouses. Since natural sunlight is almost neglectable in Norway during wintertime, we could study effects of different types of artificial light on crop growth and production in tomato. The goal of this experiment was to quantify the effects of artificial HPS top-light, installed at the top of the canopy, and LED inter-light, installed between plant rows, on fresh and dry matter production and fruit quality of greenhouse tomatoes under controlled and documented conditions. Our aim was to optimize yield under different light conditions, while avoiding an unfavourable source-sink balance. Tomato plants were grown under HPS top light with an installed capacity of 161, 242 and 272 W m−2 combined with LED inter-light with an installed capacity of 0, 60 or 120 W m−2. We used stem diameter as a trait to regulate air temperature in different light treatments in order to retain plant vigour. Results show that both HPS top light and LED inter-light increased tomato yield. However, the positive effect of supplemental LED inter-light decreased at higher amounts of HPS top light. Under the conditions in this experiment, with neglectable incoming solar radiation, an installed amount of 242 Watt m-2 HPS top light and a daily light integral (DLI) of 30 mol m-2 day-1 resulted in best light use efficiency (in gram fresh tomato per mol). Addition of LED inter-light to HPS top light reduced light use efficiency. Results show that winter production using artificial light in Norway is more energy efficient compared to production under sunlight in southern countries. Results can be used for modelling purposes.


En prosjektgruppe med deltagelse fra Gartnerhallen, Graminor, Njøs Frukt- og Bærsenter, NLR, NIBIO, Gartnerforbundet, Norges Bondelag og Norsk Bonde- og Småbrukarlag har utredet behovet for, organiseringen av, og innholdet i et nasjonalt system for sortsprøving i frukt og bær. Prosjektgruppen foreslår at alle sorter i frukt og bær som skal dyrkes profesjonelt i Norge skal prøves for dyrking under norske dyrkingsforhold, gjennom et kvalitetssikret nasjonalt system for sortsprøving. Det skal også vurderes om prøvingen bør inneholde en form for sertifisering, f.eks. ved at sortsprøvingssystemet sertifiserer og at sorter som har gjennomgått prøvingen får en slags godkjenning. Både norske og utenlandske sortseiere, eller representanter for utenlandske sortseiere, skal ha mulighet for å få testet sorter i systemet, og det forutsettes at alle dyrkere har tilgang til informasjon om sorter som er testet ut.

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Greenhouses are complex systems whose size, shape, construction material, and equipment for climate control, lighting and heating can vary largely. The greenhouse design can, together with the outdoor weather conditions, have a large impact on the economic performance and the environmental consequences of the production. The aim of this study was to identify a greenhouse design out of several feasible designs that generated the highest net financial return (NFR) and lowest energy use for seasonal tomato production across Norway. A model-based greenhouse design method, which includes a module for greenhouse indoor climate, a crop growth module for yield prediction, and an economic module, was applied to predict the NFR and energy use. Observed indoor climate and tomato yield were predicted using the climate and growth modules in a commercial greenhouse in southwestern Norway (SW) with rail and grow heating pipes, glass cover, energy screens, and CO2-enrichment. Subsequently, the NFR and fossil fuel use of five combinations of these elements relevant to Norwegian conditions were determined for four locations: Kise in eastern Norway (E), Mære in midwestern Norway (MW), Orre in southwestern Norway (SW) and Tromsø in northern Norway (N). Across designs and locations, the highest NFR was 47.6 NOK m−2 for the greenhouse design with a night energy screen. The greenhouse design with day and night energy screens, fogging and mechanical cooling and heating having the lowest fossil energy used per m2 in all locations had an NFR of −94.8 NOK m−2. The model can be adapted for different climatic conditions using a variation in the design elements. The study is useful at the practical and policy level since it combines the economic module with the environmental impact to measure CO2 emissions.


Semi-naturlig eng er en truet naturtype i Norge og er i sterk tilbakegang. ASO (arealrepresentativ overvåking av semi-naturlig eng) metoden er utviklet for å kunne gi arealrepresentative tall for denne tilbakegangen og for tilstanden og status til de gjenværende arealene med semi-naturlig eng i Norge samt levere indikatordata til fagsystem for økologisk tilstand. Hovedmålsettingen med dette prosjektet var å gjennomføre det første året med full-skala overvåking av semi-naturlig eng og å gi anbefalinger for videreføring av ASO. I 2021 ble ASO gjennomført for førte gang med overvåking i full skala. 18 overvåkingsområder fordelt over hele Norge ble undersøkt. ASO metoden består av en kombinasjon av flybildetolking, feltarbeid og kvalitetssikring i etterkant av feltarbeidet. Data ble registrert og levert i Survey 123 app, NiN app, Arter app og som excel-dokument. Feltinstruks gjeldende for 2021 ble benyttet. Det ble totalt registrert 147 semi-naturlige enger med et samlet areal på 1420 daa. Av de underordnede typene av semi-naturlig eng ble naturbeitemark registrert oftest, etterfulgt av slåttemark og hagemark. Omtrent halvparten av engene var intakte mens andre halvdelen var ikke intakte og i en form for gjengroing eller brakklegging. De fleste engene hadde en moderat eller lav lokalitetskvalitet. Det ble registrert totalt 499 karplanter og det var stor variasjon i antall arter mellom engene. Av disse artene ble 26 ansett som problemarter i enga. Semi-naturlig eng i ASO overlapper med svært mange ulike arealressurstyper (AR5). En kan dermed ikke utelukke områder med bestemte arealtyper fra å inngå i ASO....


Utarbeidelse av skjøtselsplanen for Lånan i Vegaøyan verdensarvområde er en revisjon av skjøtselsplan for Lånan fra 2010 og er utført på oppdrag fra Statsforvalteren i Nordland, Klima og Miljøavdeling. Skjøtselsplanen gir faglig funderte anbefalinger for restaurering og skjøtsel av den utvalgte naturtypen slåttemark og er i samsvar med handlingsplanen for slåttemark. I denne skjøtselsplanen er det fokusert på tre naturtypelokaliteter: Buøya, øst for Heimlandet, Vesterøya og Haugsøya, samt Heimlandet. Skjøtselstiltak og restaureringstiltak må ta hensyn til hekkende ærfugl noe som har blitt belyst i denne revisjonen av skjøtselsplan for Lånan.