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The diversity and abundance of pollinating insects is declining on a global scale and urgent action is needed. This is a brief film about the importance of pollinators, what is being done in Norway to counteract pollinator decline, and how you can help. Together, we can make a difference.

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CONTEXT For high latitude countries like Norway, one of the biggest challenges associated with greenhouse production is the limited availability of natural light and heat, particularly in winters. This can be addressed by changes in greenhouse design elements including energy saving equipment and supplemental lighting, which, however, also can have a huge impact on investments, economic performance, resources used and environmental consequences of the production. OBJECTIVE The study aimed at identifying a greenhouse design from a number of feasible designs that generated highest Net Financial Return (NFR) and lowest fossil fuel use for extended seasonal (20th January to 20th November) and year-round tomato production in Norway using different capacities of supplemental light sources as High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Light Emitting Diodes (LED), heating from fossil fuel and electricity sources and thermal screens by implementing a recently developed model for greenhouse climate, tomato growth and economic performance. METHODS The model was first validated against indoor climate and tomato yield data from two commercial greenhouses and then applied to predict the NFR and fossil fuel use for four locations: Kise in eastern Norway, Mære in mid Norway, Orre in southwestern Norway and Tromsø in northern Norway. The CO2 emissions for natural gas used for heating the greenhouse and electricity used for lighting were calculated per year, unit fruit yield and per unit of cultivated area. A local sensitivity analysis (LSA) and a global sensitivity analysis (GSA) were performed by simultaneously varying the energy and tomato prices. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Across designs and locations, the highest NFR for both production cycles was observed in Orre (116.9 NOK m−2 for extended season and 268.5 NOK m−2 for year-round production). Fossil fuel was reduced significantly when greenhouse design included a heat pump and when extended season production was replaced by a year-round production. SIGNIFICANCE The results show that the model is useful in designing greenhouses for improved economic performance and reduced CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use under different climate conditions in high latitude countries. The study aims at contributing to research on greenhouse vegetable production by studying the effects of various designs elements and artificial lighting and is useful for local tomato growers who either plan to build new greenhouses or adapt existing ones and in policy formulation regarding incentivizing certain greenhouse technologies with an environmental consideration or with a focus on increasing local tomato production.


Rapporten er en revisjon av skjøtselsplan for kystlyngheia i Austbømarka, og inneholder anbefalinger om restaurering og skjøtsel av kystlyngheiapartiene. Beskrivelsen baserer seg på kartlegging av naturtyper og vegetasjon knyttet til kystlyngheia. Austbømarka beites med en besetning av Vestlandsk fjordfe og en besetning av gammelnorsk sau (GNS). Beiteområdet er svært artsrikt, men det er utfordringer med mye veitistel og stedvis tett bjørkekratt. Beitetrykket er også fremdeles noe for høyt. Rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag fra Statsforvalteren i Nordland. Rapporten er delt inn i to hoveddeler. Første del gir en kort beskrivelse av kystlynghei. Andre del er rettet mot den som skal utføre skjøtsel og forvaltningen, og omhandler naturgrunnlaget og dagens drift i området, samt beskrivelsen av konkrete restaurerings- og skjøtselstiltak innenfor lokaliteten.


Utarbeidelse av skjøtselsplanen for Skotsvær og tilhørende øyer i Alstahaug kommune er utført på oppdrag fra Statsforvalteren i Nordland. Skjøtselsplanen baserer seg på feltbefaring og intervjuer med beitebruker og grunneier. Skotsvær og øyene rundt er hovedsakelig varierte kystlyngheilokaliteter. I tillegg ble det registrert en ny naturbeitemark og hagemark på Skotsvær. Etter en periode med reduksjon eller opphør i bruk har øyene grodd igjen noe, men med riktig skjøtsel har de stort potensiale for å øke i verdi. Øyene er svært varierte, med fattig lynghei til rike heier bl.a. med store mengder orkideer. Første del av planen gir en kort beskrivelse av kystlynghei. Andre del er rettet mot den som skal utføre skjøtsel og forvaltningen, og omhandler naturgrunnlaget og dagens drift i området, samt skjøtselstiltak innenfor lokaliteten.


Utarbeidelse av den reviderte skjøtselsplanen for Store Buøya i Alstahaug kommune er utført på oppdrag fra Statsforvalteren i Nordland, Miljøvernavdeling. Skjøtselsplanen baserer seg på feltbefaring og intervjuer med beitebrukere. Øya er kalkrik, noe som resulterer i en rik flora med flere rødlistearter og orkidéer. Tidligere restaureringstiltak og skjøtselen de siste årene har gitt gode resultater, og lokaliteten er nå en svært viktig kystlynghei i god stand. Første del av skjøtselsplanen gir en kort beskrivelse av kystlynghei. Andre del er rettet mot den som skal utføre skjøtsel og forvaltningen, og omhandler naturgrunnlaget og dagens drift i området, samt videre skjøtselstiltak innenfor lokaliteten for å opprettholde den gode tilstanden på kystlyngheia.

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The greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in the European Union (EU) are mainly caused by human activity from five sectors—power, industry, transport, buildings, and agriculture. To tackle all these challenges, the EU actions and policies have been encouraging initiatives focusing on a holistic approach but these initiatives are not enough coordinated and connected to reach the much needed impact. To strengthen the important role of regions in climate actions, and stimulate wide stakeholders’ engagement including citizens, a conceptual framework for enabling rapid and far-reaching climate actions through multi-sectoral regional adaptation pathways is hereby developed. The target audience for this framework is composed by regional policy makers, developers and fellow scientists. The scale of the framework emphasizes the regional function as an important meeting point and delivery arena for European and national climate strategies and objectives both at urban and rural level. The framework is based on transformative and no-regret measures, prioritizing the Key Community Systems (KCS) that most urgently need to be protected from climate impacts and risks.


Urban agriculture is increasingly recognized as an important sustainable pathway for climate change adaptation and mitigation, for building more resilient cities, and for citizens’ health. Urban agriculture systems appear in many forms – both commercial and non-commercial. The value of the services derived from urban agriculture, e.g., enhanced food security, air quality, water regulation, and high level of biodiversity, is often difficult to quantify to inform policymakers and the general public in their decision making. We perform a contingent valuation survey of four different types of urban agriculture Where the citizens of Oslo are asked about their attitudes and willingness to pay non-commercial (urban community gardens and urban gardens for work training, education and kindergartens) and for commercial (i.e. aquaponics and vertical production) forms of urban agriculture. Results show that the citizens of Oslo are willing to increase their tax payments to contribute to further development of urban farming in Oslo.