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Knowledge about the spatial variation of boreal forest soil carbon (C) stocks is limited, but crucial for establishing management practices that prevent losses of soil C. Here, we quantified the surface soil C stocks across small spatial scales, and aim to contribute to an improved understanding of the drivers involved in boreal forest soil C accumulation. Our study is based on C analyses of 192 soil cores, positioned and recorded systematically within a forest area of 11 ha. The study area is a south-central Norwegian boreal forest landscape, where the fire history for the past 650 years has been reconstructed. Soil C stocks ranged from 1.3 to 96.7 kg m−2 and were related to fire frequency, ecosystem productivity, vegetation attributes, and hydro-topography. Soil C stocks increased with soil nitrogen concentration, soil water content, Sphagnum- and litter-dominated forest floor vegetation, and proportion of silt in the mineral soil, and decreased with fire frequency in site 1, feathermoss- and lichen-dominated forest floor vegetation and increasing slope. Our results emphasize that boreal forest surface soil C stocks are highly variable in size across fine spatial scales, shaped by an interplay between historical forest fires, ecosystem productivity, forest floor vegetation, and hydro-topography.

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The preservation of the functionality of forest soil is a key aspect in planning mechanized harvesting operations. Therefore, knowledge and information about stand and soil characteristics are vital to the planning process. In this respect, depth-to-water (DTW) maps were reviewed with regard to their potential use as a prediction tool for wheel ruts. To test the applicability of open source DTW maps for prediction of rutting, the ground surface conditions of 20 clear-cut sites were recorded post harvesting, using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In total, 80 km of machine tracks were categorized by the severity of occurring rut-formations to investigate whether: i) operators intuitively avoid areas with low DTW values, ii) a correlation exists between decreasing DTW values and increasing rut severity, and iii) DTW maps can serve as reliable decision-making tool in minimizing the environmental effects of big machinery deployment. While the machine operators did not have access to these predictions (DTW maps) during the operations, there was no visual evidence that driving through these areas was actively avoided, resulting in a higher density of severe rutting within areas with DTW values <1 m. A logistic regression analysis confirmed that the probability of severe rutting rapidly increases with decreasing DTW values. However, significant differences between sites exist which might be attributed to a series of other factors such as soil type, weather conditions, number of passes and load capacity. Monitoring these factors is hence highly recommended in any further follow-up studies on soil trafficability.


SiTree is a flexible, cross-platform, open-source framework for individual-tree simulators intended to facilitate accurate and flexible analyses of forest growth and yield, or more generally forest dynamics simulations. SiTree provides generic functionality to build customized individual-tree simulators using additional user-written code. In the forestry literature there are a wide variety of individual models that describe the different parts of forest growth and dynamics and new models are continuously developed and published. The aim of SiTree is to provide a broad community of R-users within forestry with an easily adaptable individual-tree simulator framework and an easily accessible tool for testing and combining new and existing models describing parts of forest growth dynamics.


Vi gir i den første delen av denne rapporten en oversikt over dagens skogressurser i Norge og den historiske utviklingen tilbake til 1990. Oversiktene er basert på data fra Landsskogtakseringens permanente prøveflater. Vi presenterer arealfordeling av bonitet og skogtyper i ulike hogstklasser, skogvolum og tilvekst, aldersutviklingen i skog, historisk avvirkning, samt omfang av sluttavvirkning i yngre skog de senere årene, her definert som skog som er yngre enn nedre aldersgrense for hogstklasse 5. Vi dokumenterer også hvor stor andel av skogressursene som står på arealer der det etter sertifiseringsordninger og skoglovgivningen må tas særskilte hensyn ved hogst. I tillegg har vi analysert omfanget av hogst i yngre skog, og som her er definert som avvirkning i skog som er yngre enn nedre aldersgrense for hogstklasse 5. I andre halvdel av rapporten presenterer vi 14 forskjellige prognoser for balansekvantum, med ulike forutsetninger med hensyn til økonomisk drivverdig areal (basert på driftskostnad), skogkulturinnsats, nedre alder ved sluttavvirkning, og for alternative scenarier for prioritering av arealer ved økning av vern av skog. Varierende skogkulturinnsats hadde relativt liten effekt på balansekvantum, men større effekt på tilvekst og volumutvikling samt sammensetningen av framtidig hogstkvantum og skogvolum per treslagsgruppe (gran, furu, lauvtrær). Varierende forutsetninger om nedre aldersgrense for sluttavvirkning hadde også effekt på utviklingen av ressursene og på balansekvantumet. Prognosene der inntil 25 prosent av hogstkvantumet fra sluttavvirkning kan hentes i hogstklasse 4 og resten i hogstklasse 5 gav et høyere balansekvantum enn i prognosene der sluttavvirkning tidligst kan gjennomføres når skogen når nedre aldersgrense for hogstklasse 5. Prognosene uten hogst i hogstklasse 4 gav imidlertid som resultat en større oppbygning av stående volum og tilvekst over tid....