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Reliable methods are required to predict changes in soil carbon stocks. Process-based models often require many parameters which are largely unconstrained by observations. This induces uncertainties which are best met by using repeated measurements from the same sites. Here, we compare two carbon models, Yasso07 and Romul, in their ability to reproduce a set of field observations in Norway. The models are different in the level of process representation, structure, initialization requirements and calibration- and parameterization strategy. Field sites represent contrasting tree species, mixture and soil types. The number of repetitions of C measurements varies from 2 to 6 over a period of up to 35 years, and for some of the sites, which are part of long-term monitoring programs, plenty of auxiliary information is available. These reduce the danger of overparametrization and provide a stringent testbed for the two models. Focus is on the model intercomparison, using identical site descriptions to the extent possible, but another important aspect is the upscaling of model results to the regional or national scale, utilizing the Norwegian forest inventory system. We suggest that a proper uncertainty assessment of soil C stocks and changes has to include at least two (and preferably more) parametrized models.


Usnea longissima Ach. is a circumboreal epiphytic lichen draping tree canopies in moist coastal and mountainous forests. It is extinct from many European and North-American localities, presumably due to industrial forestry and air pollution, but still has a stronghold in parts of Scandinavia and U.S. and Canadian Pacific Northwest. In 2005/06 we used a comparative and retrospective approach to evaluate how present and historic tree and stand characteristics influenced the occurrence and abundance of the lichen (Storaunet et al. 2008). In 2012, we re-inventoried ten Norway spruce forest stands with 401 U. longissima-bearing trees and recorded changes in the number of U. longissima thalli. Seven of the stands had been experimentally, selectively logged 5–8 years before, where the lichen-bearing trees had been marked in the field and were avoided during the logging operation. Total number of lichen-bearing trees decreased slightly (2.9%), whereas the number of thalli had increased with 34%. Number of thalli increased more where the forest was open (low basal area, m2ha-1) whether or not the low tree density was caused by the logging events. At high tree densities the change in number of thalli was negligible. We suggest that selective logging, securing lichen-bearing trees, may be a viable management option to keep tree density from becoming too dense, thereby enhancing growth and establishment of U. longissima.