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Sauen og kua raper metan, men har egenskaper som hjelper oss til å nå flere av FNs 17 bærekraftmål. Dyra omformer gras og krattskog til kjøtt, melk og ull og gjør at mat og tekstilfiber kan produseres lokalt over hele landet – også høyt til fjells og langt mot nord. Drøvtyggerne kjennetegnes ved at dyra spiser gras, produserer rødt kjøtt og raper klimagassen metan. Vi oppfordres til å begrense forbruket av rødt kjøtt ut fra miljøhensyn, og heller spise hvitt kjøtt fra dyr som ikke kan leve av gras og beitevekster. Utfordringen er imidlertid at dersom drøvtyggere som storfe og sau forsvinner, vil det få store konsekvenser for norsk matproduksjon og Norges bidrag til å nå FNs bærekraftmål.


Short-day (SD) treatment is used by forest nurseries to induce growth cessation in Picea abies seedlings. SD treatment may however increase the risk of reflushing in autumn and earlier bud break the following spring. When the start of the SD treatment is early in order to control seedling height, the duration of the SD treatment should be longer in order to prevent reflushing in autumn. However, due to the amount of manual work involved in the short-day treatment, increasing the number of days is undesirable from a practical point of view. Splitting the SD treatment could be a way to achieve both early height control and at the same time avoid autumn bud break with less workload. We tested how different starting dates and durations of SD treatment influenced on morphological and phenological traits. Regardless of timing and duration of the SD treatment, height growth was reduced compared to the untreated controls. Seedlings given split SD (7+7 days interrupted with two weeks in long days) had less height growth than all other treatments. Root collar diameter growth was significantly less in control seedlings than in seedlings exposed to early (7 or 14 days) or split (7+7 days) SD treatment. There were also differences in the frequency of reflushing and bud break timing among the SD treated seedlings, dependent on duration and starting date. If the SD treatment started early, a continuous 14-day SD treatment was not sufficient to avoid high frequencies of reflushing. However, by splitting the SD treatment into two periods of 7+7 days these negative effects were largely avoided, although spring bud break occurred earlier than in the controls.