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In this study, the microbiomes linked with the operational parameters in seven mesophilic full-scale AD plants mainly treating food waste (four plants) and sewage sludge (three plants) were analyzed. The results obtained indicated lower diversity and evenness of the microbial population in sludge digestion (SD) plants compared to food digestion (FD) plants. Candidatus Accumulibacter dominated (up to 42.1%) in SD plants due to microbial immigration from fed secondary sludge (up to 89%). Its potential activity in SD plants was correlated to H2 production, which was related to the dominance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens (Methanococcus). In FD plants, a balance between the hydrogenotrophic and methylotrophic pathways was found, while Flavobacterium and Levilinea played an important role during acidogenesis. Levilinea also expressed sensitivity to ammonia in FD plants. The substantial differences in hydraulic retention time (HRT), organic loading rate (OLR), and total ammonium nitrogen (TAN) among the studied FD plants did not influence the archaeal methane production pathway. In addition, the bacterial genera responsible for acetate production through syntrophy and homoacetogenesis (Smithella, Treponema) were present in all the plants studied.

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This study attempted to enhance sulfidogenic activity via sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) enrichment and minimize organic carbon loss by methanogen inhibition in the sulfidogenic stage of a two-stage anaerobic digestion system (TSADS). To enrich SRB in the sulfidogenic stage, batch tests were performed with various granular sludge pretreatments. Starvation was the most effective pretreatment, increasing SO42− removal and minimizing chemical oxygen demand (COD) loss by inhibiting methanogen activity. Microbial community analysis showed that Desulfovibrio, Desulfotomaculum, and Syntrophobacter were the dominant SRB in the sulfidogenic stage (5.0%, 3.1%, and 2.4%, respectively). This enabled SO42− reduction (86%) and volatile fatty acid production (55% of fed COD) at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 h. Conversely, biogas with a reduced H2S content (110 ppmv) was produced in the methanogenic stage (HRT = 6 h). A granular sludge comparison revealed differences in their ecology, structure, and extracellular polymeric substance characteristics. Economic feasibility analysis demonstrated that TSADS can lead to a cost reduction of $80–90/1,000 m3 CH4 compared to single-stage anaerobic digestion.

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En genetisk undersøkelse av svanemuslingen i Transjøen har avdekket tre unike genvarianter/haplotyper for Norge på cytochrome oxidase I genet som er en del av det mitokondrielle DNAet. En av disse variantene danner en egen gren i det evolusjonære treet ut fra den mest vanlige varianten i Europa. Det kan indikere at populasjonen i Norge har unike egenskaper som bør undersøkes videre.


Denne rapporten gir resultater fra første år i prosjektet ‘ROBO-GOLF: Bedre gresskvalitet, redusert gjødselkostnad og mindre bruk av fossil energi ved bruk av robotklipper på fairway og semi-rough’ I arbeidspakke (WP) 1 ble forsøk med sammenlikning av robotklipper og manuell klipper (sylinder-klipper på fairway, 15 mm klippehøyde; rotorklipper på semi-rough, 35 mm klippehøyde) til ulike grasarter anlagt på NIBIO Landvik i 2020. Foreløpige resultater fra perioden 11.august - 30.oktober 2020 (etter at grasdekket var etablert) viste bedre helhetsinntrykk med robotklipping enn med manuell klipping på fairway, spesielt i engkvein (Agrostis capillaris) som ble mindre angrepet av mikrodochiumflekk. På semi-rough var derimot skuddtettheten mindre og bladbredden større, og engrapp (Poa pratensis) ble mer invadert av tunrapp og mer angrepet av rust ved robotklipping enn ved manuell klipping.