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På oppdrag fra Bane NOR har NIBIO overvåket vannkvalitet i resipienter som kan motta avrenning fra anleggsarbeider i forbindelse med utbygging av Follobanen. NIBIO har driftet opptil 10 målestasjoner utstyrt med multiparametersensorer for automatisk overvåking av vannkvalitet. I tillegg har det blitt tatt ut vannprøver ved opptil 15 stasjoner og utført biologiske undersøkelser ved opptil syv stasjoner. Overvåkingen har pågått i vannforekomster nedstrøms riggområdet på Åsland og i Alna i Oslo, i bekker sør for stasjonsområdet på Ski, langs anleggsområdet mellom Ski og Langhus, samt ved Sagdalsbekken i Langhus. Årsrapporten omfatter alle resultater samlet inn på disse stasjonene i 2023 og har blitt sammenlignet med tidligere resultater.

Til dokument


Nord-Noreg har dei største utmarksbeiteressursane i landet både i kvalitet og mengde. Men bruken av ressursen er liten og har ei negativ utvikling. Dette går fram av ein rapport frå NIBIO som for første gong gjev ei samla oversikt over utmarksbeite for husdyr i heile landet og for kvart fylke.


Fairly little is known about the river-stationary fish stocks within the Mauken-Blåtind shooting and practice fields area. The military have used the area since the mid-50s. The study shows that the in-digenous trout population in Mårelva is in a very poor ecological condition. A compilation of reports from previous years conducted in the anadromous part of the same river shows that seatrout and salmon stocks also are in very poor ecological condition. This has persisted since the 70s. The reason is not known. During fieldwork fine particulate matter that probably came from road dust and runoff from roads was observed in the river sediments. Roads can act as transport routes for surface water and erosion to waterbodies. A 51 km road network is within Mårelva catchment area, in comparison to a 10 km long river. Bjelma has its catchment area at Camp Akkasæter where a new camp area is being constructed. After a sediment pond was destroyed during a spring flood in 2023, Bjelma seems to have received a large load of sedimented particles. Here, however, benthic animals are in good eco-logical condition. Skarelva is a tributary watercourse to Mårelva in where the watercourse is charac-terized by large rocks and wire currents and migration barriers. No fish were found here which seems natural to this watercourse. Here, benthic fauna is in a good ecological condition, as are the water chemical support parameters. At the anadromous part of Mårelva, the density of salmonids was in good ecological condition in a small area. Previous extensive research shows the salmonids is in a very poor ecological condition. The spring samples of benthic fauna were in a good ecological condition, but the autumn samples were in a moderate ecological condition.