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The introduction of cover crops into monoculture systems to improve soil health has been widely adopted worldwide. However, little is known about the environmental risks and application prospects of different cover crops in spring maize (Zea mays L.) monocultures proposed in the North China Plain. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different winter cover crops on subsequent maize yield, soil fertility, and environmental risks of nitrogen (N) loss, and a questionnaire survey was conducted to examine factors influencing farmers' willingness to adopt cover crops in the North China Plain. Based on the same fertilization regime during the maize growing period, four winter cover crop treatments were set up, including bare fallow, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.), February orchid (Orychophragmus violaceus), and winter oilseed rape (Brassica campestris L.). The results indicated that winter cover crops significantly increased subsequent maize yield and soil organic carbon, total N, and microbial biomass carbon and N compared with the bare fallow treatment. The incorporation of cover crops led to a negligible increase in nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and had a very limited effect on ammonia (NH3) emissions. The incorporation of February orchid and winter oilseed rape decreased nitrate leaching compared with the hairy vetch treatment in the maize growing season. The N losses via N2O and NH3 emissions and N leaching accounted for 71%–84% of the N surplus. However, yield increase and environmental benefits were not the main positive factors for farmers to accept cover crops. Financial incentive was rated by 83.9% of farmers as an “extremely important” factor, followed by other costs, when considering winter cover cropping. These results indicate that the environmental benefits depend on the type of cover crop. Maintaining high levels of soil fertility and maize yield, providing sufficient subsidies, and encouraging large-area cultivation of cover crops are critical measures to promote winter cover cropping in the North China Plain.

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Through their ephemeral reproductive structures (fruiting bodies), ectomycorrhizal forest soil fungi provide a resource for a plethora of organisms. Thus, resolving what biotic and abiotic factors determine the occurrence and abundance of fruiting bodies is fundamental for understanding the dynamics of forest trophic networks. While the influence of abiotic factors such as moisture and temperature on fungal fruiting are relatively well established, little is known about how these processes interact with the evolutionary history of fungal species to determine when, where, and in which abundance fungal fruiting bodies will emerge. A specific knowledge gap relates to whether species' responses to their environment are phylogenetically structured. Here, we ask whether related fungal taxa respond similarly to climatic factors and forest habitat characteristics, and whether such correlated responses will affect the assembly of fungal fruiting communities. To resolve these questions, we fitted joint species distribution models combining data on the species composition and abundance of fungal fruiting bodies, environmental variation, and phylogenetic relationships among fungal taxa. Our results show that both site-level forest characteristics (dominant tree species and forest age) and climatic factors related to phenology (effective heat sum) greatly influence the occurrence and abundance of fruiting bodies. More importantly, while different fungal species responded unequally to their shared environment, there was a strong phylogenetic signal in their responses, so that related fungal species tended to fruit under similar environmental conditions. Thus, not only are fruiting bodies short-lived and patchily distributed, but the availability of similar resources will be further aggregated in time and space. These strong constraints on resource availability for fungus-associated taxa highlight the potential of fungus-based networks as a model system for studies on the ecology and evolution of resource–consumer relations in ephemeral systems of high spatiotemporal patchiness.

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An epigenetic memory of the temperature sum experienced during embryogenesis is part of the climatic adaptation strategy of the long-lived gymnosperm Norway spruce. This memory has a lasting effect on the timing of bud phenology and frost tolerance in the resulting epitype trees. The epigenetic memory is well characterized phenotypically and at the transcriptome level, but to what extent DNA methylation changes are involved have not previously been determined. To address this, we analyzed somatic epitype embryos of Norway spruce clones produced at contrasting epitype-inducing conditions (18 and 28°C). We screened for differential DNA methylation in 2744 genes related mainly to the epigenetic machinery, circadian clock, and phenology. Of these genes, 68% displayed differential DNA methylation patterns between contrasting epitype embryos in at least one methylation context (CpG, CHG, CHH). Several genes related to the epigenetic machinery (e.g., DNA methyltransferases, ARGONAUTE) and the control of bud phenology (FTL genes) were differentially methylated. This indicates that the epitype-inducing temperature conditions induce an epigenetic memory involving specific DNA methylation changes in Norway spruce.