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Toppdekket på Spillhaug avfallsdeponi kontrolleres årlig for mulig gassutslipp. Det ble under befaring i juni 2018 observert noen få synlige åpne sår i toppdekket uten vegetasjon etter at ekstra leir rike masser er lagt på i kantensonen. Kommunen er kontaktet og ROAF vil være behjelpelig med å få lagt på noe mer kompost på de flekkene. Det ble ikke påvist flere døde trær, sist påvist i 2017 er fjernet, men stamme og leire er fortsatt synlig og bør dekkes til. Gassmålingerer ble ikke foretatt i første omgang på grunn av hard tørr overflate grunnet den tørre sommeren. Rik gress- og blomsterrik vegetasjon er fortsatt etablert på deponioverflaten i både gammel og ny del. Det ble ikke observert buskvegetasjon på deponiet. Dersom slik vegetasjon likevel etablerer seg forventes det ikke at dette vil bli noe problem i forhold til gassutslipp. Så lenge trærne er i live tyder det på at gasskonsentrasjonen under er lav og buskene har oksygen til røttene sine. Etter andre befaring september 2018 ble det observert at kompost var lagt på i flere åpne soner. Det ble fortsatt observert åpne soner hvor gassmålinger ble utført. Ved to flukskammer ble det påvist lekkasjer av både CH4 og CO2. Ektra kompost ble spredt utover disse områdene for å dekke til og for å etablere metanoksiderende lag med ny vegetasjon på sikt. Det ble påvist flere sjeldne sommerfugler som fløy i den eldre delen med god gras- og blomstervegetasjon. Avsluttet deponi er tilholdsted og biotop for sjeldne sommerfugler som får færre og færre områder å leve på. Deponioverflaten slik den fremstår på Spillhag gir derfor et viktig bidrag i økt biologisk mangfold.

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The request from NFSA and NEA: Antimicrobial agents and microorganisms are introduced to sewage systems by different human activities, from private homes, institutions such as schools and hospitals, office buildings, industrial and commercial activities, i.e., from everywhere where people work and live. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) and Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA) asked the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø, VKM) for an extension of the 2009 VKM report “Risk assessment of contaminants in sewage sludge applied on Norwegian soils” regarding the impact of wastewater (WW)- and sewage sludge treatment methods used in Norway, on the fate and survival of antimicrobial resistant bacteria, fate of antimicrobial resistance genes, and main drivers for resistance (e.g. antibiotics, antifungal agents, heavy metals, disinfectants). The request addressed by VKM: VKM appointed a working group, consisting of three members of the Panel on Microbial Ecology, four external members and VKM staff to prepare a draft Opinion document. The Panel on Microbial Ecology has reviewed and revised the draft prepared by the working group and approved the Opinion document “Assessment of the impact of wastewater and sewage sludge treatment methods on antimicrobial resistance”. The antimicrobial resistance cycle: Exposure to antimicrobial agents is regarded as the most important driver for development and dissemination of AMR in microorganisms. Consequently, an important location for the development of AMR is the gut of humans or animals receiving antimicrobial drug therapy. As ARB, ARG, resistance genes and antimicrobial agents will end up in the WW system, this system could be regarded as a potential hot spot for interactions between different microorganisms, between different antimicrobial agents, and between microorganisms and antimicrobial agents. Hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are regarded as being an important source for antimicrobial drug residues released in WW. At the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), bacteria and genes end up either in the effluent wastewater fraction or in the sludge fraction. When ARB and ARG are distributed with the WW sludge, they may reach arable land when the sludge is used as soil improver and fertilising product, and thus be recycled into the food-production chain. When following the effluent WW fraction, ARB and ARB will be released into WW recipients, such as lakes, rivers or fjords, and may, from these environments, also be recycled into food production. In each step of these cycles, ARB and ARG will be introduced into new environmental compartments to which they must adapt, and to microbial communities with which they must compete for survival and growth. Depending on the bacterial species, these new environmental compartments will be more or less hostile, but they will also provide opportunities for microbial interactions, like dissemination of ARG due to horizontal gene transfer (HGT) within and between bacterial species. Findings: It is challenging to deliver a general assessment of the nature of as well as the probability for direct discharge of ARB and ARG into effluent WW and applied sludge. This is due to the combined complexity of resistance carriers, traits, various sources of variation, and the WW systems. Moreover, there is currently a lack of harmonized methods and protocols to compare studies from different systems. However, there are no strong indications that there is a significant enrichment of ARB in WWTP operated under European conditions, which, on a general level, also applies to the Norwegian situation. Although some studies indicate a slight increase in the fraction of ARB, the absolute reduction in bacterial load during WW treatment (WWT) is significant; removal of between 99 % to 99.9 % of faecal indicator bacteria is generally achieved by secondary .......


Jordas fosforinnhold har stor betydning for risikoen for fosfortap. Skal miljømålene i vannforskriften nås, bør jordas fosforinnhold reduseres der dette er unødvendig høyt. I dette faktaarket gis det informasjon om hvordan redusert fosforgjødsling kan bidra til redusert fosforavrenning.


Stadig flere bønder bytter ut tradisjonell landbruksplast med bionedbrytbar plastfilm som kan freses rett ned i jorda etter bruk. Nå er forskere i gang med å undersøke hvor nedbrytbar den faktisk er under norske forhold.


Phosphorus is an essential plant nutrient, but primary resources are limited and overfertilization may cause eutrophication of freshwater. Our objectives were to examine temperature effects on (a) optimal P rate for turfgrass establishment, and (b) increasing rates of foliar vs. granular P for early spring growth of established greens. Two trials, both on USGA root zones and replicated in April−May over 2 yr, were conducted in daylight phytotrons at 7, 12 and 17 °C. Experiment 1 compared 5 P rates from 0 to 0.48 g P m−2 wk−1 for creeping bentgrass establishment on a sand containing 13 mg P kg−1 (Mehlich‐3). Results showed no temperature effect on the optimal P rate. Bentgrass coverage and clipping yield increased up to 0.12 and 0.24 g P m−2 wk−1, corresponding to 6 and 12% of the N input, respectively. The concentration of P in clippings was higher at 7 than at 17 °C indicating that temperature was more limiting to shoot growth than to P uptake. A higher root/top ratio showed that plants invested more in roots under P deficiency. Experiment 2 was conducted using intact cores from a 4‐yr‐old creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) green with a Mehlich‐3 P level of 34 mg P kg−1. Results showed increased clipping yields up to 0.18 g P m−2 wk−1 and higher P uptake with granular than with foliar application, but there was no effect on turfgrass color and no interaction with temperature. Low temperatures did not justify higher P applications.