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Ved foten av Norges nest høyeste fjell, Glittertind, rager et grønt og frodig tre i det ellers så kortvokste landskapet, 1404 meter over havet. Fint tenker kanskje noen. Et farevarsel, mener forsker Anders Bryn ved Naturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo (UiO). Tendensen er at Norge blir grønnere og at det gror igjen. Det går fort. Det ser vi på bildene fra 50 år siden. Det tar ikke lang tid, forteller Oskar Puschmann, seniorrådgiver ved Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO).



For prosjektet "Bærekraftig storfeproduksjon basert på grovfôr", er det i denne rapporten gjeve omtale av utmarksbeitekvalitet og ymse tilhøve kring utmarksbeitebruk for 16 beiteområde for kjøttfe. Buskapane er spreidt frå Sirdal i Vest-Agder til Salangen i Troms, og representerer ein del av det store mangfaldet av naturtypar som møter utmarksbeitande storfe her i landet.


The Norwegian area frame survey of land cover and outfield land resources (AR18X18), completed in 2014, provided unbiased statistics of land cover in Norway. The article reports the new statistics, discusses implications of the data set, and provides potential value in terms of research, management, and monitoring. A gridded sampling design for 1081 primary statistical units of 0.9 km2 at 18 km intervals was implemented in the survey. The plots were mapped in situ, aided by aerial photos, and all areas were coded following a vegetation type system. The results provide new insights into the cover and distribution of vegetation and land cover types. The statistic for mire and wetlands, which previously covered 5.8%, has since been corrected to 8.9%. The survey results can be used for environmental and agricultural management, and the data can be stratified for regional analyses. The survey data can also serve as training data for remote sensing and distribution modelling. Finally, the survey data can be used to calibrate vegetation perturbations in climate change research that focuses on atmospheric–vegetation feedback. The survey documented novel land cover statistics and revealed that the national cover of wetlands had previously been underestimated.