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Climate change-induced snow thaw and subsequent accumulation of ice on the ground is a potential, major threat to snow-dominated ecosystems. While impacts of ground-ice on arctic wildlife are well explored, the impacts on tundra vegetation is far from understood. We therefore tested the vulnerability of two high-arctic plants, the prostrate shrub Salix polaris and the graminoid Luzula confusa, to ice encasement for 60 days under full environmental control. Both species were tolerant, showing only minor negative responses to the treatment. Subsequent exposure to simulated late spring frost increased the amount of damaged tissue, particularly in S. polaris, compared to the pre-frost situation. Wilting shoot tips of S. polaris increased nearly tenfold, while the proportion of wilted leaves of L. confusa increased by 15%. During recovery, damaged plants of S. polaris responded by extensive compensatory growth of new leaves that were much smaller than leaves of non-damaged shoots. The results suggest that S. polaris and L. confusa are rather tolerant to arctic winter-spring climate change, and this may be part of the reason for their wide distribution range and abundance in the Arctic.


The aim of the research project is to gain new knowledge about local production of protein feed for monogastric animals in organic farming, deriving from forage legumes. New knowledge will contribute to strengthen the agricultural sector in Europe as a whole, by improved utilisation of biological resources and competency on local food systems.

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Beta-keratin in poultry feathers is a structural protein that is resistant to degradation due to disulfide and hydrogen bonds. Feather meal can be a valuable feed compound if the digestibility can be increased. The objective of the present study was to analyze the effects of chemical, enzymatic, and pressure-thermic treatments for chicken feathers on solubility, in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD), and amino acid composition of solubilized and residual fractions. Two experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, models for solubility and IVPD were developed including the above factors applying a central composite face-centered design. Addition of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3), and autoclaving time affected solubility and IVPD of the feather hydrolysates, but not addition of keratinolytic enzyme. In experiment 2, 7 combinations of the hydrolysis factors NaOH, Na2SO3, and autoclaving time with a predicted IVPD of 900 g/kg of DM, calculated for the sum of solubilized and residual feather fractions, were included to measure effects on IVPD and amino acid composition in each fraction. The IVPD values were higher for solubilized than residual fractions when treated with NaOH and autoclaving, but no differences were found when treated with Na2SO3 and autoclaving. Losses of cystine were substantial for all treatments, but lower for Na2SO3 than for NaOH. Furthermore, use of lower Na2SO3 concentration and longer autoclaving time reduced losses of cystine. Compared with NaOH treatments, Na2SO3 gave lower losses of threonine, arginine, serine, and tyrosine. With reference to the ideal protein profile for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), the treatments with 60 or 90 min autoclaving and 0.36 or 0.21% Na2SO3 had the highest chemical scores. The scores were generally higher for amino acids in residual than solubilized fractions, but with 90 min autoclaving and 0.21% Na2SO3 differences were small. In conclusion, hydrolysis of chicken feathers with low concentrations of Na2SO3 combined with autoclaving results in feather meal with high nutritional value for Atlantic salmon; separation of solubilized and residual fractions is not necessary.

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Utrangerte verpehøner utnyttes i dag i liten grad til mat eller fôr. Størsteparten av denne ressursen, som kunne vært en råvare for framstilling av ingredienser til fôr, blir destruert. Denne rapporten gjennomgår gjeldende fôrlovverk og kommende lover med relevans for denne råvaren. Animalske biprodukter som ikke er beregnet til humant konsum er delt inn i 3 riskokategorier der kategori 1 er materiale med høyest risko for dyre- og folkehelse. I Norge er det ingen anlegg som mottar kategori 2 materiale, noe som medfører at høner kun er aktuelle til fôrproduksjon dersom de faller innenfor kategori 3 (godkjent til mat). Den uløselige restfraksjonen etter hydrolyse av hele høner godkjent til mat er aktuelt som fôr til enamaga dyr, kjøttspisende kjæledyr, pelsdyr og fisk. Analyser av in vitro fordøyelighet med pepsin har vist at syrebehandling ga den beste fordøyeligheten. Aminosyresammensetningen i hydrolysesedimenter viste seg å være godt egnet til kattefôr. Ved bruk som fôr til svin eller laks er det behov for å supplementere med metionin+cystin. Enzymatisk hydrolyse med kommersielle enzymer er en metode som gir sedimenter med god fôrverdi i tillegg til at oljefraksjonen og lettløselige hydrolysater er høyverdige produkter til matindustrien.