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Rapporten er den fjerde i rekken med opplysninger om eiendommer over 1000 dekar uten tilknytning til Landbruksregisteret. Rundt 96 prosent av arealet i undersøkelsen er utmark i form av uproduktiv skog, myr, åpen fastmark, vann og snø/is. Denne rapporten gjør rede for eieropplysninger i Matrikkelen for disse eiendommer. Rapporten viser at det er store mangler som kan utgjøre vesentlige hindre for næringsutvikling og forvaltning av utmarksressursene.


Dette er den fjerde rapporten i rekken med opplysninger om eiendomsteiger over 1000 dekar uten tilknytning til Landbruksregisteret. Her gjør vi rede for registrerte kulturminner på eiendomsteigene i utvalget og viser at mange av kulturminnene forekommer på eiendomsteiger uten opplysninger om hjemmelshaver og eiendomsgrenser. Dette utgjør et vesentlig hinder for vern av kulturminnene, samt forvaltning og utvikling av eiendomsteigene i tiden fremover.


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This paper reports soil development over time in different climates, on time-scales ranging from a few thousand to several hundred thousand years. Changes in soil properties over time, underlying soil-forming processes and their rates are presented. The paper is based on six soil chronosequences, i.e. sequences of soils of different age that are supposed to have developed under the similar conditions with regard to climate, vegetation and other living organisms, relief and parent material. The six soil chronosequences are from humid-temperate, Mediterranean and semi-arid climates. They are compared with regard to soil thickness increase, changes in soil pH, formation of pedogenic iron oxides (expressed as Fed/Fet ratios), clay formation, dust influx (both reflected in clay/silt ratios), and silicate weathering and leaching of base cations (expressed as (Ca+Mg+K+Na)/Al molar ratios) over time. This comparison reveals that the increase of solum thickness with time can be best described by logarithmic equations in all three types of climates. Fed/Fet ratios (proportion of pedogenic iron Fed compared to total iron Fet) reflects the transformation of iron in primary minerals into pedogenic iron. This ratio usually increases with time, except for regions, where the influx of dust (having low Fed/Fet ratios) prevails over the process of pedogenic iron oxide formation, which is the case in the Patagonian chronosequences. Dust influx has also a substantial influence on the time courses of clay/silt ratios and on element indices of silicate weathering. Using the example of a 730 ka soil chronosequence from southern Italy, the fact that soils of long chronosequences inevitably experienced major environmental changes is demonstrated, and, consequentially a modified definition of requirements for soil chronosequences is suggested. Moreover, pedogenic thresholds, feedback systems and progressive versus regressive processes identified in the soil chronosequences are discussed.


Norsk institutt for skog og landskap har utført jordsmonnkartlegging i Ørland kommune. Denne rapporten gir en kortfattet beskrivelse av jorda i kommunen.


Annual precipitation and temperature are expected to increase in Norway. To ensure sustainable food production, agricultural production has to be adapted to the changing natural conditions. Knowledge about areas is a prerequisite in this context. High quality maps will be useful tools for this purpose. Soil survey has been conducted on almost 5 000 km2 of the agricultural area in Norway. The survey shows that more than half of the mapped area needs artificial drainage. Increased pre- cipitation will increase the need for removal of excess water, but this will vary among regions and soils. Increased temperature will allow plants restricted to the best climate to be grown over a great- er range in Norway. A longer growing season will increase the agricultural potential of arable and cultivable land presently under less favorable climate conditions.

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Norsk institutt for skog og landskap har utført jordsmonnkartlegging i Klepp kommune. Denne rapporten gir en kortfattet beskrivelse av jorda i kommunen.

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Norsk institutt for skog og landskap har utført jordsmonnkartlegging i Sola kommune. Denne rapporten gir en kortfattet beskrivelse av jorda i kommunen.