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Aims Bacterial decays of onion bulbs have serious economic consequences for growers, but the aetiologies of these diseases are often unclear. We aimed to determine the role of Rahnella, which we commonly isolated from bulbs in the United States and Norway, in onion disease. Methods and Results Isolated bacteria were identified by sequencing of housekeeping genes and/or fatty acid methyl ester analysis. A subset of Rahnella spp. strains was also assessed by multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA); most onion strains belonged to two clades that appear closely related to R. aquatilis. All tested strains from both countries caused mild symptoms in onion bulbs but not leaves. Polymerase chain reaction primers were designed and tested against strains from known species of Rahnella. Amplicons were produced from strains of R. aquatilis, R. victoriana, R. variigena, R. inusitata and R. bruchi, and from one of the two strains of R. woolbedingensis. Conclusions Based on binational testing, strains of Rahnella are commonly associated with onions, and they are capable of causing mild symptoms in bulbs. Significance and Impact of the Study While Rahnella strains are commonly found within field‐grown onions and they are able to cause mild symptoms, the economic impact of Rahnella‐associated symptoms remains unclear.

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Several studies have looked at how individual environmental factors influence needle morphology in conifer trees, but interacting effects between drought and canopy position have received little attention. In this study, we characterized morphological responses to experimentally induced drought stress in sun exposed and shaded current-year Norway spruce needles. In the drought plot trees were suffering mild drought stress, with an average soil water potential at 50 cm depth of -0.4 MPa. In general, morphological needle traits had greater values in sun needles in the upper canopy than in shaded needles in the lower canopy. Needle morphology 15 months after the onset of drought was determined by canopy position, as only sun needle morphology was affected by drought. Thus, canopy position was a stronger morphogenic factor determining needle structure than was water availability. The largest influence of mild drought was observed for needle length, projected needle area and total needle area, which all were reduced by ~27% relative to control trees. Needle thickness and needle width showed contrasting sensitivity to drought, as drought only affected needle thickness (10% reduction). Needle dry mass, leaf mass per area and needle density were not affected 15 months after the onset of mild drought. Our results highlight the importance of considering canopy position as well as water availability when comparing needle structure or function between conifer species. More knowledge about how different canopy parts of Norway spruce adapt to drought is important to understand forest productivity under changing environmental conditions.

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Standardized tools are needed to identify and prioritize the most harmful non-native species (NNS). A plethora of assessment protocols have been developed to evaluate the current and potential impacts of non-native species, but consistency among them has received limited attention. To estimate the consistency across impact assessment protocols, 89 specialists in biological invasions used 11 protocols to screen 57 NNS (2614 assessments). We tested if the consistency in the impact scoring across assessors, quantified as the coefficient of variation (CV), was dependent on the characteristics of the protocol, the taxonomic group and the expertise of the assessor. Mean CV across assessors was 40%, with a maximum of 223%. CV was lower for protocols with a low number of score levels, which demanded high levels of expertise, and when the assessors had greater expertise on the assessed species. The similarity among protocols with respect to the final scores was higher when the protocols considered the same impact types. We conclude that all protocols led to considerable inconsistency among assessors. In order to improve consistency, we highlight the importance of selecting assessors with high expertise, providing clear guidelines and adequate training but also deriving final decisions collaboratively by consensus.


I 2018 vart totalt 130 prøvar av jord frå importerte grøntanleggsplanter analyserte for nematodar og Phytophthora spp. i OK-programmet «Nematoder og Phytophthora spp. i jord på importerte planter”. Prøvane vart tatt ut av inspektørar ved regionkontora til Mattilsyner. Større tre til utplanting hadde førsteprioritet. Her rapporterar vi Phytophthora-delen av OK-programmet. I 35 % av prøvane vart det totalt funne 14 Phytophthora-artar fordelt på fleire opphavsland; Polen, Tyskland, Nederland, Belgia, Italia og våre to naboland Sverige og Danmark. Ingen av Phytophthora-artane var karanteneorganismar, men fleire av dei gjer i dag skade i både grøntanlegg og norsk natur, til dømes Phytophthora cambivora og P. plurivora på bøk (Fagus sylvatica). Kartleggingsprogrammet skal fylgjast opp i 2019.


I 2011 vart symptom på angrep av Phytophthora på bøk (Fagus sylvatica) i bøkeskogen i Larvik oppdaga for fyrste gong. Skadegjeraren vart identifisert til Phytophthora cambivora. I tillegg vart det funne andre Phytophthora-artar i jord/vatn i og nær bøkeskogen. Dette førte til ei grundig kartlegging av situasjonen og Phytophthora vart tatt omsyn til i ein forvaltningsplan for bøkeskogen frå Fylkesmannen i Vestfold i 2013. I denne planen vart det stadfesta at Phytophthora-situasjonen skulle fylgjast opp med ny kartlegging om 5 år, noko som vart gjennomført i 2018 og presentert i denne rapporten. Vi fann fleire tre som hadde vorte sjuke sidan førre kartlegging, men utviklinga har ikkje gått så raskt som vi frykta. Også andre skadegjerarar det bør tast omsyn til ved skjøtsel av bøkeskogen vert omtala.