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Aksfusariose er en kornsjukdom som kan angripe alle kornarter. Sjukdommen forårsakes av sopparter innen slekta Fusarium. Ulike Fusarium-arter kan produsere en rekke forskjellige ­mykotoksiner (soppgifter). Grenseverdier for innhold av enkelte mykotoksiner i korn og kornprodukter til mat og fôr er fastsatt av Mattilsynet (i henhold til EU’s regelverk). Denne dyrkningsveiledningen gir, på bakgrunn av dagens kunnskap, råd om hvordan en kan redusere risikoen for utvikling av mykotoksiner i korn

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Determining the impacts of invasive pathogens on tree mortality and growth is a difficult task, in particular in the case of species occurring naturally at low frequencies in mixed stands. In this study, we quantify such effects by comparing national forest inventory data collected before and after pathogen invasion. In Norway, Fraxinus excelsior is a minor species representing less than 1% of the trees in the forests and being attacked by the invasive pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus since 2006. By studying deviations between inventories, we estimated a 74% higher-than-expected average ash mortality and a 13% slower-than-expected growth of the surviving ash trees, indicating a lack of compensation by the remaining ash. We could confidently assign mortality and growth losses to ash dieback as no mortality or growth shifts were observed for co-occurring tree species in the same plots. The mortality comparisons also show regional patterns with higher mortality in areas with the longest disease history in Norway. Considering that ash is currently mostly growing in mixed forests and that no signs of compensation were observed by the surviving ash trees, a significant habitat loss and niche replacement could be anticipated in the mid-term.


I Bymiljøetatens planteskole i Oslo ble det i 2019 påvist fem Phytophthora-arter; P. cryptogea, P. gonapodyides, P. lacustris, P. rosaecearum and P. uniformis. På svartor (Alnus glutinosa) med typiske Phytophthora-symptomer (blødende sår ved basis) ble det påvist både P. lacustris og P. uniformis. Vi anbefaler omfattende omlegging av driften da det er stor fare for videre spredning av Phytophthora dersom planter fra denne planteskolen blir brukt i grøntanlegg.