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Urban farming is about food production, either in the urban areas or made by the urban citizens in or near urban areas. However, purposes and effects include so much more than only products. The social and environmental effects are many and of great importance to the future urban citizens, as well as for the development of our future sustainable cities and new urban food systems. This guide intends to give input to how urban farming in Norway can be implemented in simple ways. Although in many Norwegian cities this is already realized beyond the scope of this guide, hopefully the guide can give useful input and inspiration to the many municipalities that still are in the start-up in this area. The guide gives the most important topics that need to be addressed before urban farming can be realized in the municipalities. Municipalities need to find areas that can be used, for allotment gardening or for planting the food plants that can be freely harvested by citizens. The allotment growers need a minimum of infrastructure and guidelines on what and how to grow the plants, so that the quality of the edible products and the environment are well taken care for. And interested citizens need permission to use the suitable area for their activities. With good planning and management, urban farming can give a long range of ecosystem services to the citizen, society, and the urban nature.


The Climate Laboratory in Tromsø offers excellent facilities for controlled growth experiments. In an attempt to provide for future needs to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of plant growth and plant traits at the laboratory scale, UiT and NIBIO have jointly implemented state-of-the-art monitoring and imaging systems as part of the strategic project ABSORB (https://site.uit.no/absorb/). Here, we present a 3D multi- and 2D hyper-spectral imaging platform, augmented with thermal analysis capabilities, tailored for plant phenotyping in both research and teaching contexts. The 3D imaging component of the PlantEye F600 laser scanner provides effortless and accurate non-invasive assessments of plant architecture and growth dynamics. Three complementary 2D hyperspectral cameras deliver more detailed spectral information across a 400-1700 nm range of wavelengths, supporting in-depth analysis of biochemical composition and stress responses at the macro- and micro-scales. We showcase the platform's versatility through two compelling experiments investigating drought-stress and light-inhibition, respectively. In the drought-stress experiment, we observed plant responses to water scarcity, tracking physiological changes and morphological adaptations with our integrated imaging system. In the light-inhibition experiment, we further explored the impact of light intensity on plant growth and development. We envision collaborative efforts to address the current challenges in plant biology, agriculture, and environmental science.