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Nina SvartedalSammendrag
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Ken Olaf StoraunetSammendrag
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Ken Olaf StoraunetSammendrag
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Carl-Fredrik Johannesson Klaus Steenberg Larsen Hanna Marika Silvennoinen Holger Lange Jenni NordénSammendrag
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Mekjell Meland Oddmund Frøynes Milica Fotirić Akšić Naris Pojskić Belma Kalamujić Stroil Merima Miralem Almira Konjić Fuad GasiSammendrag
In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the conservation process of Norwegian plum germplasm, as well as to enhance the possibility of its utilization, a central plum heritage cultivar collection was established in 2020. In this study, 40 plum accessions maintained at the Ullensvang plum heritage cultivar collection were genetically characterized using a set of nine microsatellite markers recently approved by the ECPGR Prunus working group. The obtained molecular data were used to investigate the genetic identity, diversity, and structure among the analyzed accessions. No redundancies were detected among the plum accessions, which is in stark contrast to the previous molecular study on plum samples collected through an on-farm inventory of Southern Norway. Furthermore, the obtained data indicate that the Ullensvang collection contains a significant genetic diversity of Norwegian plum germplasm, previously held in decentralized sites. With that in mind, this collection can certainly be considered for the role of the National Clonal Plum Germplasm Repository. The nine microsatellite markers, recommended by ECPGR, revealed a genetic structure not entirely tied to previously proposed pomological groups, possibly indicating a history of hybridization among members of the various groups.
Erwinia amylovora, the causative agent of fire blight of pome fruits and other rosaceous plants belongs to the group of regulated quarantine pests. The aim of this work was to characterize the populations of E. amylovora in Norway and their geographical distribution. A total of 238 E. amylovora isolates recovered from symptomatic host plants in Norway between 1986 and 2004 were genotyped by means of a short sequence repeat (SSR) marker (ATTACAGA) on plasmid pEa29. The SSR region was amplified and amplicon size determined using fluorescent labelling and rapid, automated capillary gel electrophoresis. All isolates contained the pEa29 plasmid harbouring the investigated marker. In total, ten genotypes were identified, of which two were detected only once. The number of repeats varied from 3 to 13, with 43% of the isolates containing five repeats. Of 17 isolates collected between 1986 and 1991, all but one contained five repeats, whereas more variation was observed in isolates from the period 2000 to 2004. Most of the isolates (80%) originated from Cotoneaster bullatus, hence no relationship between genotype of the isolate and host species that it was isolated from could be detected. This historic data suggests multiple introductions of E. amylovora to Norway.
Liv Hatleli Gilpin Dag Røen Marian Schubert Jahn Davik Kimmo Rumpunen Kristina Alme Gardli Stein Harald Hjeltnes Muath K AlsheikhSammendrag
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