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Halvor TorgersenSammendrag
Excavator based harvesters for mechanisation in steep terrain, on tracks or wheels?
Carl Gunnar Fossdal Nina Elisabeth Nagy Praveen Sharma Anders LönneborgSammendrag
Here we describe the detection, developmental accumulation and cellular location of the putative plant defensin SPI1 (spruce pathogen induced 1), in the gymnosperm Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], using specific antibodies. Contrary to what has been found in angiosperms, it was not detected in the embryo or other parts of the seed, but accumulated during root development. The protein was detected by immunolocalization along the cell membrane of cells forming the root cortex. Furthermore, a significant accumulation of the SPI1 protein was detected in roots during the first day of infection with the fungal pathogen Heterobasidium annosum, but not in response to the pathogens Pythium dimorphum or Ceratocystis polonica
I 1999 og 2000 ble virkningen på forekomsten av Fusarium av soppmidler, vekstregulatorer og N-gjødsling undersøkt i fire feltforsøk. Det var ingen effekt av vekstregulatorer. I 2000 førte både økt N-gjødsling og soppsprøyting til en økning av forekomsten av Fusarium. En kombinasjon av to faktorene økte mengden av Fusarium utover det hver av behandlingene bidro med enkeltvis.
H. Green Nina Heiberg K. Lejbølle D.F. JensenSammendrag
The activity of Thricoderma harzianum in the spermosphere and rhizosphere of different plant species was studied by use of a GUS transformant strain (T3a). Germination of conidia and mycelial growth were not supported by excudates from healthy roots of various ages. Instead , growth and activity of T. harzianum depended on access to dead organic substrates. On the basis of our observations, we suggest that the biocontrol ability of T. harzianum involves competition with the pathogen for substrates including seed coat, and wounded or infected root tissue
jihong liu clarke Narve Brekkå Sonja KlemsdalSammendrag
Two chitininolytic enzyme encoding genes i.e. ech42 and nag1 from Trichoderma atrovirude (harzianum) strain P1 have been introduced into barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cv Golden Promise using the biolistic transformation method. The aleurone-specific promoter, Ltp2 from barley and CaMV 35S promoter with enhancer (2x35S) were used to control the expression of desired genes to obtain both tissue-specifical and constitutive expression. Four gene constructs, the ech42 and nag1 genes regulated by the two promoters Ltp2 and 2x35S, were constructed. For selection, plasmid pDM803 containing the bar gene was co-transformed with the gene-containing constructs. Both PCR and southern blot analyses were conducted to screen the regenerated plants. Four transgenic T0 lines were identified from the 11 experiments performed. Two of the 4 lines produced were Ltp2/ech 42/nosT transformants while the remaining 2 line were 2X35S/ech42/35ST and 2X35S/nag1/35ST transformants respectively. Relative transgene copy number was estimated using TaqMan quantitative real-time PCR assay. Study on the inheritance of the transgenes in T1 progeny revealed a Mendelian 3:1 segregation pattern in 2 of the 7 transgenic barley progenies indicating the transgene was integrated in one single locus and transmitted to T1 generation in the 2 transformants. Abnormal morphology was also observed among the transfoemants.
Tove M. ØstensvikSammendrag
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Tor MykingSammendrag
Det er ikke registrert sammendrag
Bruk av tildekking med næringsrikt planteavklipp og/eller planting i fresespor laget i en levende belgvekstbestand, er metoder som vurderes for å sikre næringstilgang og ugraskontroll ved økologisk grønnsakdyrking, særlig når tilgangen på husdyrgjødsel er liten. Metodene er utprøvd i 1998 i et forsøk med hodekål og rødbeter. Samplanting med rødkløver var mislykket , men tildekking med kløveravklipp ga et mer lovende resultat.
Bruk av tildekking med næringsrikt planteavklipp og/eller planting i fresespor laget i en levende belgvekstbestand, er metoder som vurderes for å sikre næringstilgang og ugraskontroll ved økologisk grønnsakdyrking, særlig når tilgangen på husdyrgjødsel er liten. Metodene er utprøvd i 1998 i et forsøk med hodekål og rødbeter. Samplanting med rødkløver var mislykket , men tildekking med kløveravklipp ga et mer lovende resultat. (engelsk sammendrag er vedlagt nedenfor dette skjemaet).
This manual contains description of field instrumemntation and the proceedures for field sampling of water and hadling of data at the Tie Shan Ping monitoring site in the ChongQing municipality of China