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Serratia marcescens is one of the most effective bacteria for degradation of chitin, a 1,4-"-linked polymer of N-acetyl-"-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc). Chitinolysis by S. marcescens involves at least four enzymes and a chitin-binding protein. Studies of the enzymology and the structures of the enzymes provide insight in how a natural set of chitinolytic enzymes may be built up. S. marcescens chitinases may find applications as biocontrol agents against fungi and insects.


Log sorting according to dimension and quality is the first important step during conversion from sawlog to sawn timber. Crooked logs should be rejected or sawn to reduced yield. The 3D scanner furnish detailed information about the log geometry.Based on cylindrical co-ordinates four new parameters describing the centroid were evaluated: Maximum Radial Deviation (MRD), Standard deviation of the Sweep Angle (SSA), Distance from Log End to MRD (DLE), and Residual between the Radial deviation and a skew sinusoidal Model (RRM). 56 unbarked spruce logs were sampled, representing six different crook types denoted I, J, C, V, Z and S according to their curvature.Algorithms were established by means of logistic regression models to distinguish between several crook classes. It was concluded that the 3D scanner can be programmed to effectively perform automatic crook detection and classification.


Direct and indirect effects of increased CO2 level on the mountain birch ecosystem are reviewed and evaluated, and supplemented with some case studies on mountain birch (Betula pubescens) based on field experiments at different altitudes and greenhouse experiments at elevated CO2 and winter temperature level. These studies have shown that large differences exist in responses on climate change between mountain birch populations, and that these differences may be related to the climate at their habitat.


Field dissipation of isoproturon in a silty clay loam showed that this herbicides did not leach much below 20 cm  i.e. a rapid dissipation in this layer preventedany long-term transport to deeper layers. A degradation product monodesmethyl-isoproturon seemed to be mord readily transported below the plough layer, but only at aminor concentrations.


Isoproturon is fairly soluble in water and is concidered a risk compound for leaching to surface and ground water. Transformation rates of isoproturon in a silty clay loam from Norway has been studied in the laboratory aswell as in the field.


Delt gjødsling gir redusert legde, og i en god del tilfeller økt avling sammenlignet med vårgjødsling. Avlingsutslaget ser ut til å være sterkt koblet med legdenivået i åkeren og tidspunkt for delgjødsling. Delt gjødsling gir høyere proteininnhold i kornet enn vårgjødsling med sammenlignbar nitrogenmengde og bedre utnyttelse av nitrogenet.