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European Reference Soils(EUROSOILS), har blitt sertifisert for sorpsjonskoeffisienter for atrazin, 2,4-D og lindan(Certification of the European Reference Soil Set (IRMM- 443"EUROSOILS)"Part I.Adsorption coefficients for atrazine, 2,4-D and lindane. Sci Total Environ, in press).Sertifiseringen av disse parametrene ble komplementert med sertifisering sertifisering av pH-målinger i jordsuspensjon såvel som totalt nitrogen, organisk karbon og total innhold av karbon.


EU-kommisjonen ahr karakterisert og sertifisert et sett med 6 europeiske jordtyper (The EUROSOILS) angitt som IRMM-443. Etter en periode med validering og utprøving med preliminære jordprøver, ble det vedtatt å lage en ny samling med sertifisert referanse materiale. Del en av dette dokumentet beskriver sertifiseringen av sorsjonskoeffisientene for atrazin, 2,4-D og lindan i disse jordtypene. Sorpsjonskoeffisientene ble bestemt i henhold til OECD-Test Guideline 106.


The three organic cropping systems Landvik (in Grimstad), Voll (at Ås) and Kvithamar (in Stjørdal) were established in 1993 on previously conventionally farmed soils of marine origin. The six-year crop rotation at Landvik was designed for an organic stockless farm producing cash crops. These crops were fertilized with composted organic household waste from the nearby community (maximum 100 kg N ha-1) and composted waste from the system itself. The rotation at Voll was designed for an arable farm withbeef production from suckling cows (0.9 animal units ha-1), and the rotation at Kvithamar was designed for a dairy cattle farm (1.0 animal unit ha-1). During the first six years of organic farming, the soil reserves of K were slightly depleted. The nutrient balance was –250 kg K ha-1 at Voll and –420 kg K ha-1 at Landvik, and the content of easily soluble K in the plough layer decreased at these sites. At Kvithamar, however, where the K balance for six years was –380 kg ha-1, no changes in soil content of K were recorded. For P, the six-year balance was positive at Landvik, where altogether 120 kg P ha-1 was supplied from composted household waste. The P balance was negative (-40 kg ha-1) at Voll and Kvithamar, and at Voll the content of easily soluble P in the plough layer was lower in 1999 than in 1993. In the study period, the yields were variable both within and between the systems. We have not identified any trends or variations in yields that might have been directly caused by changesin soil nutrient status or other soil quality components. At Voll and Kvithamar, however, the number of earthworm and the soil macroporosity increased from 1993 to 1999, with a concurrent slight increase in the yields of leys (Voll) and grain crops and swedes (Kvithamar). In the system at Landvik the yields of potatos and carrots were higher the first two than the last four years. At this site the soil structure was good, and the porosity and earthworm activity high, during the whole study period.


At present there are nearly 20 000 milk producers in Norway, and approximately 10 per cent of them are members of the Norwegian Dairy Financial Recording (NDFR). The NDFR is an important basis for production and financial advice given by the dairies. There is a great interest among milk producers and advisors in comparing results from different farms to find out why some are doing well and some are doing not so well, and to learn from those doing well. Gross margin (GM) per litre of milk produced is the traditional indicator for efficiency. This data, as other data on milk production, indicate that there is a wide variation in gross margin per litre of milk between farms with seemingly similar conditions for producing milk. This is interpreted as a potential for improving the efficiency of many producers. However, for many reasons gross margin per litre of milk is not an ideal indicator. A new version of the NDFR contains more information, for instance information on fixed costs of roughages produced on the farm. It is hoped that the new version of the NDFR makes it a better tool for improving the profitability of milk production. In an ongoing project we try to use the NDFR to analyse who are doing well and why. We use a combination of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and statistical analysis. For each farm we produce an efficiency index, and then we apply statistical methods to find factors that can explain the index. So far we have only very preliminary results. Management factors are important, but the NDFR data-base have very little information on management factors. It is planned to collect such data for a sample of farmers and include that in the study at a later stage.


Leaves of winter wheat were measured with a Hydro N-Tester (HNT), a portable chlorophyll meter, to obtain a relative estimate of leaf chlorophyll content, which gives an indication of plant N-status. The aim was to find if there were differences in HNT values between winter wheat cultivars investigated, and to assess whether these values could be used for prediction of grain protein content (GPC).


Granrust angrip nye, mjuke nåler. Ved sterke angrep kan heile årsskota verta gule. Denne rustsoppen kan vera problematisk i juletrefelt. Angrepa aukar som regel til høgare over havet og lenger nord ein kjem.