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Some general ideas for classifying phenomena connected to weather and climate are presented, and a few well known systems for classification of meteorological phenomena are then shortly discussed, like the classification system of clouds constructed by Luke Howard in the beginning of the 19th century and the much later system connected to synoptic charts and synoptic meteorology etc.. The classification system of climate, developed by Wladimir Köppen is shortly discussed. Then the definition of `meteorological element" and `climatic element" according to the `International Meteorological Vocabulary" of WMO are presented and discussed, and the concepts of `parameter" and `parameterisation" are presented and defined somewhat broader than according to the `International Meteorological Vocabulary". The CREX (Character form for the Representation and EXchange of data) and BUFR (Binary Universal Form for Representation of meteorological data) as well as the GRIB (`GRIdded Binary" systems for exchange of data are presented. The message according to this discussion is that the meta data part of the BUFR and CREX-systems ( despite the great flexibility and scope of these systems) ought to be considered revised according to some of the principles of this discussion on classification of phenomena, and the parameterisation of the phenomena. It is important to make clear and communicated to the public what is the additional gain of using satellite data, and to what measure ground based station network may be replaced. Especially one ought to tell the public that all remote sensing equipment ought to be calibrated continuously by reference to a station network. Also the very important work on `homogenisation" of long data series of meteorological data is connected to the observing systems. In studies on global change and climate change it is important to be able to refer to long homogenous series of meteorological data. The conclusion is very short: When looking at the systems for classification, documentation and exchanging meteorological data, what could be considered is making some sort of parallel work of extending the biological and agro meteorological models to use the BUFR and GRIB-protocols, but at the same time take a look at the metadata systems of GRIB and BUFR first to see if the classification systems may be constructed in a more logical way using methods from object oriented analysis of the modern IT-world?


Noen ideer for klassifisering av meteorologiske og klimatiske fenomener blir diskutert. En eksplisitt fortolkning av vitenskaplig metode settes opp og et dokumentasjonssystem for meteorologiske parametere settes opp i samsvar med dette. Systemene BUFR og GRIP for utveksling av meteorologiske data diskuteres. Det knappe budskap er:"En revisjon av meta data delen av disse systemer burde vurderes.

Til dokument


Strandengområdene på Rinnleiret er av internasjonal til nasjonal verdi i forhold til botaniske og ornitologiske kvaliteter. Deler av Rinnleiret ble endelig fredet som naturreservat i 1995 og verneområdet har store kulturlandskapsverdier. Naturreservatet har også status som Ramsar-område. De siste tiårene har det imidlertid skjedd store forandringer på Rinnleiret på grunn av gjengroing, noe som både skyldes naturlig landheving, forsvarets tidligere aktiviteter og opphør i beitebruken. Gråorskogen, kreklingheiene og tindvedkrattene er i dag i raskt frammarsj, samtidig som de karakteristiske salt- og fuktengene går tilbake. Antall fuglearter og hekkende par er også merkbart redusert de senere årene. I dette prosjektet ble det utarbeidet nytt vegetasjonskart og artslister over karplanter og fugler for hele Rinnleiret. En skjøtselsplan er utarbeidet for naturreservatet og der gis konkrete anbefalninger om restaurerings- og skjøtselstiltak som skal ivareta verneverdiene.


Two hand-held spectro-radiometers were used to measure canopy reflectance from winter wheat and spring barley in two ongoing fertilizer experiments. Relations between measurements made in June and plant N content (June), above-ground biomass (June), yields and grain protein content (at harvest in August) were studied. For winter wheat, regression models predicted up to 55, 89, 88 and 28% of the variations in N-content, biomass, yields and protein content, respectively. For spring barley the corresponding predictions were 87, 96, 87 and 22%.


Apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is a promising indicator for important soil physical and chemical properties. In this paper the method of measuring ECa to characterize within-field variability was tested on a clay soil in S Norway. A field survey was conducted with the Geonics EM38 on a 15 ha field, and 223 soil samples were taken. Most of the measured variables of the topsoil, except P-AL, total N and organic C, were significantly (p£0.05) correlated with ECa. Topsoil Mg-AL alone accounted for 75% of the variation in ECa. Subsoil pH and clay, silt and coarse sand contents were correlated with ECa. The clay content at both depths accounted for 63% of the variation in ECa. After grouping the data on the basis of measured ECa into classes with intervals of 2 mS/m, there were significant differences in soil properties (combinations of clay content, Mg-AL and K-HNO3) between 7 out of 9 classes.


Potassium (K) release from sources that are not initially exchangeable is attributed to depletion of interlayer K of micas and clay minerals or weathering of feldspars. The aim of the present study was to estimate the K release from interlayer K. Soil samples from 17 field experiments in ley on a range of mineral soils in Norway were used in the study. The change in K fixation capacity was used as an estimate of depletion of interlayer K. It was assumed that the increase in K fixation capacity during three years of cropping was equivalent to the amount of K depleted from the interlayer positions. Mean K fixation increased in the majority of the soils during three years of grass cropping both with and without K application. The increase in K fixation indicated that without K application the K uptake from interlayer K amounted to 43, 28 and 26% of the K yield for clay soils, high K sandy soils and low K sandy soils, respectively. Including K uptake from exchangeable K in the topsoil and from subsoil, the explained K uptake amounted to 79, 69 and 81% for the three groups of soil, respectively. Simple linear regression analyses showed that the change in K fixation during three years of grass cropping was best explained by the percentage of clay in the soil.