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Strawberry Fragariax ananassa (cv. Korona) was inoculated with Botrytis cinerea by dipping berries in a conidial suspension. The colonization of the pathogen was monitored with real-time PCR, ELISA and ergosterol assays, the first showing the highest sensitivity. The expression of pathogen -tubulin and six polygalacturonases (Bcpg1-6) and three host defense genes (polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (FaPGIP) and two class II chitinases) were monitored with real-time RT-PCR. The maximum transcript levels of the host defense genes occurred at 16 hours post inoculation (hpi), at the presumed initial penetration stage.The unique transcript profile of Bcpg2 over the 96-hour-long incubation time and its high transcript levels relative to those of the other Bcpgs at 8 to 24 hpi suggest that the gene has a specific role in the penetration stage.Bcpg1 was constitutively expressed at a relatively high level in actively growing mycelia throughout the experimental period. Comparison of the transcript profiles indicated that Bcpg1 and Bcpg3-6 were co-ordinately regulated.


Tidligere norske forsøk har vist at frøplanter av engsvingel og rødsvingel trenger opp til 16 uker ved låg temperatur / kort daglengde for å blomstre og produsere frø.  Målet med dette forsøket var å undersøke om dette ekstreme induksjonkravet også gjelder for modne (eldre) planter av de to artene. Sommeren 2002 ble det produsert frø av to foredlingspopulasjoner av hver art i isolajonsbur på Planteforsk Landvik. Hver populasjon bestod av ti genotyper. Etter kryssing ble foreldreplantene avpussa og oppbevart under ikke-induktive forhold.  Fra februar 2003 tok vi med tre ukers mellomrom klonplanter av disse morplantene, og disse klonplantene ble indusert ved 6 C/ 10 h i 6, 9 eller 12 uker (engsvingel) eller 7, 10 eller 13 uker (rødsvingel).  Samtidig ble planter av de samme populasjonene alt opp fra frøet som var høsta i 2002. Variansanalyser viste inge sampill mellom plantetype og primærinduksjonskrav i engsvingel. I middel for plantetyper økte andelen skytende planter fra 26% og antall frøstengler per plante fra 1,0 ved  seks ukers primærindusjon til henholdsvis 94% og 5,3 frøstengler pr plante ved tolv ukers primærinduksjon. I rødsvingel økte andelen skytende planter fra 25% etter sju ukers induksjon til 67% etter 13 ukers induksjon, mens gjennomsnittlig antall frøstengler pr plante var fem ganger større hos klonplanter enn hos frøplanter.  Det konkluderes (1) at primærinduksjonskrevet for blomstring er mer ekstremt i rødsvingel enn i engsvingel, og (2) at en ungdomsfase i klassisk forstand eksisterer i rødsvingel, men ikke i engsvingel.


Spring barley was grown for four years (2001-2004) in field trials consisting of 20 replicate blocks at two sites on morainic soil in central SE Norway. Five N level treatments were used within each block: 0, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1. Regression analyses showed that a selection of soil properties could explain 55-96% of the spatial yield variation and 18-91% of the variation in yield response to N. A variable-rate strategy, accounting for variation between both years and replicate blocks (VRs+t), was compared with a strategy, which accounted for variation between years, and a uniform strategy, which did not account for any variation. The VRs+t strategy had the highest potential yield, apparent fertilizer recovery and net revenue (yield value minus N cost). Using the VRs+t strategy, even at sub-optimal N rates, would increase the profit of barley cropping as long as the increase in net revenue was at least 24 and 42% of the estimated potentials, respectively.

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The Norwegian agri-food sector is under transformation, and as part of this the contractual relations between the various parts of the sector are rapidly changing. The purpose of this paper is to answer two questions: • How can these changes be explained? • What changes can be expected in the future? The analysis is based on insight from new institutional economics. The starting point is that the relations between agents depend on institutions and governance structure. Changes in one or both will influence the contractual relations. The paper focuses on relations between primary producers and first hand buyers of agricultural products. However, since changes at this part of the value chain is influenced by what happens down-stream, we take developments in down-stream parts of the chains into account as far as we find it relevant. […]

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The phosphorus (P) Index, a risk assessment tool, is a simple approach used to rank the potential for P loss from agricultural fields. The P Index identifies areas where sources of P coincide with high risk of P transfer. Factors included in the P Index, developed for Pennsylvania, USA were justified in relation to Norwegian conditions and relevant changes were made. Phosphorus application rate was modified by crop P removal. Additional factors for: 1) P release by freezing of plant residues, 2) flooding frequency, 3) risk of leaching, and 4) annual precipitation were included. Management practices in the Index were adjusted to reflect the effect of time and method of P application on P loss, as well as erosion control measures relevant to agricultural management in Norway rather than Pennsylvania. Testing of the suggested P Index showed that it ranks the potential for P loss from several agricultural catchments in the south-eastern part of Norway relatively well (R2 /0.79). Continuous development of the Index to include new knowledge about processes for P loss as well as regional differences is of great importance for future use of the P Index.


Impact assessment for a proposed LNG plant has been carried out for three potential locations in northwest Russia. The impact from the plant is small, and the critical loads for terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems will not be exceeded at any of the 3 locations.