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Docks (especially Rumex obtusifolius and R. longifolius in northern Europe) are important perennial weeds of grassland throughout Europe. In this paper we compare and contrast problems of dock infestation in the UK, Norway and Switzerland, the management techniques currently used, and research into dock control. In the UK, research into farmer"s perceptions of dock problems and control indicates that whilst docks can be a problem, farmers usually target docks in parts of the farm system where they are vulnerable and it is practical and cheap to do so. It is clear that a range of approaches will work best over a period of time. Docks are generally managed through the whole rotation by preventing them from seeding and reducing the vigor of or killing the tap root. In grasslands, a competitive grass sward is sown, a silage rather than hay cut taken, poaching is avoided and docks are usually cut or grazed (e.g. with sheep). Manual removal at targeted stages of rotation is also a proven method, but labour intensive. Topping specific patches with mowers or strimmers is a common mechanical method. Research into Rumex biocontrol has concentrated on the use of the chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa viridula and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis. Neither will control docks on their own although the combined agents can produce an additive effect. Several farmers have expressed an interest in using G. viridula, and some have reared the beetle or translocated it. In combination with quick reseeding with Lolium perenne, the beetle can give effective control of young R. obtusifolius seedlings. In Norway, docks are a challenge in all grassland cropping systems and are perceived as a true bottleneck in the development of grassland-based organic production. R. longifolius is more common than R. crispus and R. obtusifolius in Norway, and has been little studied. With the exception of herbicide testing there has been little recent research on docks in Norway, but in one study the biology and ecology of all three species was compared, showing differences in root biomass production and development during stem elongation as well as basic information about root ecology and regeneration. In a recently initiated project, important factors that influence the severity of dock infestation, studies on the weak points in dock growth, and evaluation of biological control of docks and a synthesis of various measures to control these weeds were included. The return on the project has been stressed in terms of increased organic production of meat and dairy products in Norway. In Switzerland, organic farming has increased rapidly and this increase is projected to continue. Two recent surveys amongst farmers have identified R. obtusifolius as the most important obstacle to conversion to organic grassland management. Other docks are also considered problematic, such as R. alpinus on disturbed mountain pastures. R. obtusifolius infestations can reduce the feed value of the sward by up to 30%. Numerous physical control methods have been tested but none of them proved to be economically or ecologically feasible. Figures recorded on an experimental farm suggest that an extra 48 hr labour ha-1 is needed to control R. obtusifolius. The amount of time Swiss farmers are prepared to put into management is often very high, some farmers devoting 1000 man-hours yr-1 to dock control alone. However, this level of management is not feasible for all farms; any reduction in the effort necessary to control docks would be an important advance. Biological control is a logical tool here to integrate into a holistic organic management strategy for docks. In conclusion, no completely satisfactory strategy to control docks especially in organic farming systems exists to date. The most promising approach appears to be a combination of different management methods including biological control.


We describe the decision support system RuttOpt, which is developed for scheduling logging trucks in the Swedish forest industry. The system is made up of a number of modules. One module is the Swedish road database NVDB which consists of detailed information of all the roads in Sweden. This also includes a tool to compute distances between locations. A second module is an optimization routine that finds a schedule i.e. set of routes for all trucks. This is based on a two phase algorithm where Linear Programming and a standard tabu search method are used. A third module is a database, storing all relevant information. At the heart of the system is a user interface where information and results can be viewed on maps, Gantt schedules and result reports. We also describe the characteristics of the general routing problem in forestry together with a focus on the planning process and systems in use in the Swedish situation. The system RuttOpt has been used in a number of case studies and we describe four of these. The case studies have been made in both forest companies and hauling companies. The cases range from ten to 110 trucks and with a planning horizon ranging from between one and five days. The results show that the system can be used to solve large case studies and that the potential savings are in the range 5-30%.


Kvitkløver egnar seg godt i slåtteng også under norske tilhøve. Avlingsnivået var på høgde med raudkløvereng. Samla over to forsøksår gav kvitkløvergrassurfôr eit høgare dagleg opptak av tørrstoff og råprotein enn raudkløvergrassufôr, men effekten av kløverart på dei fleste produksjonsparametrane var liten. Raudkløvergrassurfôr gav mjølk med gunstigare feittsyresamansetjing og mjølk med mye høgare innhald av isoflavon ("kløverplanteøstrogen"), uansett kraftfôrnivå, enn kvitkløvergrassurfôr. Særleg var innhaldet av equol høgt. Av planteøstrogena, er det equol ein trur verkar preventivt t.d. mot bryst- og prostatakreft.

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NILF legger med dette notatet fram sin første noe bredere analyse av driftsøkonomien i samdriftene i norsk melkeproduksjon. I notatet presenterer vi resultater fra en undersøkelse av samdrifter i 2005. Vi ser både på hvordan samdriftene er organisert og motivasjonen for melkeprodusentene til å gå inn i samdrift. Hovedvekten er likevel lagt på å presentere informasjon om innsats og utbytte i samdriftene. Spørsmålet er hvor godt resultat samdriftene oppnår sammenlignet med andre melkebruk. Samdrift i melkeproduksjon er definert som samarbeid om felles melkeproduksjon på helårsbasis. Før oppstart må det søkes om godkjenning hos Statens landbruksforvaltning som har ansvaret for kvoteordningen for melk. Det er tidligere gjort lite for å få oversikt over de økonomiske forhold på samdriftsbruk. Det som er gjort, er i hovedsak spørreundersøkelser hos samdriftsdeltakere hvor det ble spurt om forhold knytte til samdrift og melkeproduksjon, men hvor den økonomiske situasjonen ikke ble berørt. I den grad økonomien er belyst, er dette oftest basert på kalkyler.


Artikkelen viser resultater fra veksthusforsøk med ulike typer flytende gjødsel til simulerte krypkveingreener med USGA-profil. Det ble gjennomført to forsøk, ett i inngroingsfasen og ett med vedlikeholdsgjødsling av etablert green.  Total nitrogentilførsel var den samme uavhengig av gjdseltype. Det nye flytende gjødselproduktet "Sea Power", basert på lakseprotein,  viste lovende resultater, spesielt til green i inngroingsfasen, men må kombineres med annen gjødselkilde, for eksempel Superba" Gul, for å kompensere for et relativt høyt innhold av natrium og for å gi nok kalium og mikronæringsstoffer. Av de flytende gjødselproduktene som ble sammenlikna til etablert green, gav Plant Marvel best helhetsinntrykk og størst tilvekst. Innslaget av mose i "greenene" var mindre etter gjødsling med Arena® Crystal eller Plant Marvel enn ved gjødsling med Bio Golf eller Sea Power. CalciNit" + Superba" Gul og Flex" kom i en mellomstilling.