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Seven species of fungivorous thrips, Acanthothrips nodicornis, Bolothrips dentipes, Cryptothrips nigripes, Hoplandrothrips bidens, Phlaeothrips annulipes, Phlaeothrips coriaceus and Xylaplothrips fuliginosus were collected from dead branches of birch. Despite previously being regarded as rare, P. annulipes was abundant in large numbers, but only the first year after the branches had died. Accordingly, P. annulipes perform only one generation on one branch, and have to move to another recently died branch to perform the next.


Beskrivelse av sandfilteranlegg for rensing av avløpsvann fra spredt bebyggelse. Beskrivelse avdokumentasjonskrav og dimensjonering, utforming av anlegg og forventet renseevne, samt beskrivelse av krav til drift og vedlikehold.


Forest health monitoring may be done with remote sensing. Satellite based SAR is one promising technology as it works day and night and with cloud cover, and because it is sensitive to 3D properties. We here apply an interferometry based XDEM approach, where we assumed that an increasing defoliation would cause an increasing X band penetration downwards into the canopy layer, and that the penetration depth is a function of the amount of leaf area index (LAI) penetrated. We had at hand data for a 4 km2 forest area, having an SRTM X and C band SAR data set from 2000; a discrete-return laser scanning data set from 2003; and ground based measurements of some hundred trees and a forest stand map from 2003. We initially adjusted the XDEM and CDEM using elevation data from some agricultural fields nearby the forest using an official, Norwegian DTM data base having a 25mx25m spatial resolution. All further analyses were carried out on a 10mx10m grid. With the laser data we obtained a DTM and a canopy surface model (CSM), where the latter was set to the 75 percentile of the DZ data in each grid cell. The X band penetrated about six m downwards into the canopy layer, which means that for all grid cells having a forest canopy lower than six m, the XDEM was around zero. With an increasing DSM from six m upwards, the DSM could be approximated by the linear function DSM = 6 + 0.91*XDEM, having a RMSE of 4.0 m. The laser data provided the possibility to estimate LAI in every grid cell and at any height in that cell. For every grid cell, an LAI value was estimated for the forest canopy being above the XDEM height, using the method of Solberg et al (2006), where LAI = C * ln(N/Nb), where LAI is effective LAI above a given height; C is a constant calibrated from ground based measurements with the value 2.0, N is the total number of laser pulses; and Nb is the number of laser pulses below the given height. The median LAIaboveX value was 1.42, and 25-75 percentile values being 0.86-2.15. Also, in order to have a more homogeneous data set we redid the analyses using only spruce dominated stands, and excluding all grid cells at stand borders. The latter was set as grid cells that had neighbour grid cells in a neighbour stand. This had however, only a minor influence on the results.


Flis gjør det mulig å ta i bruk alternative driftsmåter i saueholdet


  Bioforsk Økologisk småskriftet "Sauehold" omhandler ulike sider ved sauehold som er spesielt for økologisk drift. Utfordringene for økologisk sauehold er i stor grad knyttet til dyrking av grovfôr og bygningskrav. I tillegg er det satt fokus på riktig fôring, sykdomsforebygging og parasitthåndtering. 


Om antipredatoratferd hos ulike saueraser. Leserinnlegg etter fjernsynsreportasje i Schrödingers katt.


Seaweeds are considered as important ecological actors in many aspects. Therefore, developing the research around seaweeds to use and expand this natural resource is crucial. The highly developed wild coastline of Norway is a natural laboratory for such studies, but also a logical choice for developing new industries. Using special environments, like the Barents Sea and its related potential sources of conflicts, as pilot case studies, may lead to new tools versus human pollution.


Seaweeds are considered as important ecological actors in many aspects. Therefore, developing the research around seaweeds to use and expand this natural resource is crucial. The highly developed wild coastline of Norway is a natural laboratory for such studies, but also a logical choice for developing new industries. Using special environments, like the Barents Sea and its related potential sources of conflicts, as pilot case studies, may lead to new tools versus human pollution.