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In winter 2000-2001, there was a serious outbreak of Gremmeniella abietina Morelet in southeastern Norway. During the outbreak, we noted that injured Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) developed secondary buds in response to the fungus attack, and we decided to study the relationship between injury, appearance of secondary buds and recovery of the trees thereafter. For this purpose, 143 trees from 10 to 50 years of age were chosen and grouped into crown density classes. Injury was assessed in detail, and buds were counted before bud burst in the spring of 2002. In addition, a subset of 15 trees was followed through the summer of 2002 to assess recovery. All injured trees developed secondary buds, with a clear overweight of dormant winter buds in proportion to interfoliar buds. Healthy control trees did not develop secondary buds at all. The secondary buds appeared predominantly on the injured parts of the tree; interfoliar buds in particular developed just beneath the damaged tissue. Most of the secondary buds died during the winter of 2001-2002, mainly because the fungus continued to spread after the first outbreak. Many of the remaining buds developed shoots with abnormal growth during the summer. Secondary buds may help trees to recover from Gremmeniella attacks, but this strategy may fail when the fungus continues to grow and injure the newly formed buds and shoots.


In Norway, Nordmann (Abies nordmanniana) and subalpine fir (A. lasiocarpa) are the dominant Christmas tree species and Noble fir (A. procera) the dominant species for bough production. In the spring of 2005 a survey was undertaken to determine the presence of fungi on seeds of these three plant species. Twelve seed samples were tested; five from Nordmann fir, four from subalpine fir and three from Noble fir. The test included seeds produced in Austria (Nordmann fir), Canada (subalpine fir), Georgia (Nordmann fir), Norway (Noble and subalpine fir) and Russia (Nordmann fir). The testing was done in a certified seed laboratory in Norway. One hundred seeds per sample were pre-treated in 1 % NaOCl and plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA), and 100 seeds per sample were pre-treated in H2O2 and plated on water agar (WA). The PDA Petri dishes were incubated for 5 to 7 days at 20 + 2 ºC and the WA Petri dishes for 15 to 19 days at 15 + 2 ºC, both under alternating 12 h NUV-light and 12 h darkness. To date not all of the fungi have been identified, but fungi from several genera have been found: Alternaria, Anthostomella, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Botrytis, Caloscypha, Cephalosporium, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Dictyopolyschema, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillium, Phoma, Rhizopus, Trichoderma, and Trichothecium. Caloscypha was only found on one subalpine fir seedlot from Canada and Anthostomella on one subalpine fir seed from Norway. All the other fungi were more commonly found in all the samples. Fusarium species are well known to cause damping off in nurseries, but are not reported to cause problems in production fields. Species of Alternaria, Phoma, Botrytis and Trichothecium can damage seedlings. Anthostomella conorum is reported on cone scales of pine (Pinus spp.), but is not described as pathogenic. Aureobasidium is described as a saprophytic or weakly parasitic cosmopolitan fungal genus. Aureobasidium sp. is commonly found in Norway on buds of subalpine fir which fail to open in spring, and it will therefore be included in a pathogenicity test.


Since the formation of the International Herbage Seed Group (IHSG, formerly IHSPRG) in 1978, International Herbage Seed Conferences have been organized, mostly at four year intervals. The Sixth Conference was held at Gjennestad Horticultural College in Vestfold, Norway, from 18 to 20 June 2007. As for other IHSG activities, the objective of the conference was ‘to encourage cooperation and communication between workers actively engaged in herbage seed production research’. About 80 delegates from 20 countries attended the conference. Four invited and almost sixty voluntary papers were presented, either orally or as posters. The topics were split into the following sessions: 1. Opening session with overview over herbage seed production and seed trade, world wide. 2. Herbage seed for the future: Biodiversity, GMOs and the role of seed yield capacity in herbage breeding programs. 3. Seed production of tropical species and species for stressful environments. 4. Physiological restraints to seed set and seed filling. 5. Establishing the potential for high and pure seed yields. 6. Fertility, plant growth regulators, and plant protection. 7. Statistical methods, seed harvest, and post-harvest issues.


The application of insecticides and / or chemical growth regulators for the control of arthropod-induced silvertops (whitetops) and / or lodging in seed crops of common bent (syn. browntop, US: colonial bentgrass, Agrostis capillaris L. syn. A.tenuis Sibth.) `Leikvin" was investigated in twelve on-farm trials laid out according to five different experimental plans in SE Norway from 1993 through 1997. Seed yields on plots sprayed with insecticides were significantly higher than on unsprayed control plots in three out of nine trials, however, these seed yield increases were poorly correlated with silvertop frequencies which varied from 1 to 60% on untreated plots. Differences between various insecticides (two pyretroids and one organophosphorous compound) and single versus split applications were mostly not significant. While seed yields on plots sprayed with ethephone ("Cerone", 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1) were not significantly different from those on unsprayed control plots, chlormequat chloride ("CCC 750", 1.0 or 2.0 kg a.i. ha-1 plus surfactant) minimised lodging and increased seed yield by 21% on average for five trials. When chlormequat chloride and the pyretroid alphacypermethrin were combined in a tank mixture including surfactant at Z 31-32, the effects of the two products were mostly additive. Based on these results, the application of the growth regulator chlormequat chloride (1.0 kg a.i. ha-1) is now recommended in Norwegian seed production of common bent. Although the effects of insecticides were often not significant, seed growers are further advised to add an insecticide (e.g. alphacypermethrin, 150 g a.i. ha-1) to the growth regulator as a precaution against silvertops, which otherwise seem to strike quite randomly in seed production of common bent.


Tiller demography and contribution to seed yield were studied in first year seed crops of smooth bromegrass (SB, Bromus inermis ‘Lofar’) and meadow fescue (MF, Festuca pratensis ‘Salten’) planted on different dates and with increasing plant densities (A: 15 Jun. / 11 plants m-2, B: 15 or 30 July / 44 plants m-2, C: 15 August or 10 September /178 plants m-2) in field trials at Landvik, SE Norway. While the total tiller population in most crops increased until seed harvest, it decreased during panicle elongation in crops of SB and MF that had reached 2000 and 3500 tillers m-2 in early spring, respectively. Except for the fact that many of the primary tillers of SB died after producing barren stems, tillers formed in August and September had the greatest chance of becoming reproductive and produced the heaviest inflorescences in both species. Most tillers produced in winter or early spring either remained vegetative or died, but spring-emerging tillers contributed up to 30% of the total seed yield in early-established, low-density crops of MF. It is concluded that spring-emerged tillers contribute more to seed yield in MF than in SB and more in seed crops established early at low plant density than in crops established late at higher density.


Tiller demography and contribution to seed yield were studied in first year seed crops of smooth bromegrass (SB, Bromus inermis `Løfar") and meadow fescue (MF, Festuca pratensis `Salten") planted on different dates and with increasing plant densities (A: 15 Jun. / 11 plants m-2, B: 15 or 30 July / 44 plants m-2, C: 15 August or 10 September /178 plants m-2) in field trials at Landvik, SE Norway. While the total tiller population in most crops increased until seed harvest, it decreased during panicle elongation in crops of SB and MF that had reached 2000 and 3500 tillers m-2 in early spring, respectively. Except for the fact that many of the primary tillers of SB died after producing barren stems, tillers formed in August and September had the greatest chance of becoming reproductive and produced the heaviest inflorescences in both species. Most tillers produced in winter or early spring either remained vegetative or died, but spring-emerging tillers contributed up to 30% of the total seed yield in early-established, low-density crops of MF. It is concluded that spring-emerged tillers contribute more to seed yield in MF than in SB and more in seed crops established early at low plant density than in crops established late at higher density.


For å maksimere kornets innhold av selen (Se) så bør Se gjødsling som selenat skje ved stengelstrekking, delt nitrogen (N) gjødsling vil øke kornets Se innhold sett i forhold til å gi alt Se ved såing, og plantens tilgjengelighet av sulfat bør være lavt for å øke remobiliseringen av Se fra vegetativt plantemateriale til hvetekorn.


Det er eit stort forbetringspotensial i norsk plommeproduksjon og omsetning dersom ein kan hausta og marknadsføra meir einsarta plommeparti. Dette krev at dyrkarane har ei felles forståing av rett haustetid, og at ein med maskinell sortering kan sikra einsarta parti av plommer med klårt definerte kvalitetseigenskapar.