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Shelemia Nyamuryekung'eSammendrag
On the Ground: -Precision livestock management through sensor technology using the Internet of Things offers enhanced surveillance and monitoring of the ranching operations. -At the ranch scale, the integration of sensor technology, including on-animal sensors, environmental monitoring equipment, and remote sensing can shift livestock operations from a solely reactive, traditional, knowledge-based approach toward a proactive, data-driven, decision-making process. -Leveraging data from sensors at the ranch scale can address logistical challenges and create efficiency in decision-making processes concerning resource management.
Kari-Anne Kallerud Lyng Hanne Møller Klaus Mittenzwei Ivar Pettersen Jakob Vesterlund Olsen Hanne Fjerdingby OlsenSammendrag
The food system significantly impacts the environment and society. This study examined a shift from a continuation of the current trend (policy as usual scenario) towards a biomass value hierarchy scenario, which focused on optimizing land and biomass use and rethinking the role of livestock production. The biomass value hierarchy was based on circular economy principles, the waste hierarchy, and national self-sufficiency, which eliminated feed import and redistributed protein sources in the diet. A Multi-Criteria Decisions Analysis (MCDA) framework was used to assess the two scenarios across four sustainability dimensions: environmental, social, economic and policy. Environmental and social impacts were analysed using life cycle assessment methodology, while economic and policy implications were explored using partial equilibrium modelling, with the Norwegian food system as a case study. The results for the environmental dimension indicated that, compared to the policy as usual scenario, the biomass value hierarchy reduced environmental impacts by 8% to 18% across the indicators, including climate change, acidification, particulate matter, terrestrial eutrophication and occupation of arable land. Social impacts also improved in categories with the highest social risks, such as equal opportunities for workers, health and safety for farmers, cultural heritage, food security, fair competition, and promoting social responsibility. Contrarily, indicators within the economic dimension revealed reduced profitability, and results within the policy dimension showed a considerable increase in required subsidies, border measures and governmental restrictions on consumption. The study findings indicate that an environmentally and socially sustainable food system is feasible but requires significant political and economic support. Additionally, the study highlights the value of using MCDA when combining different research methods in cross-disciplinary assessments. These results underscore the need for a societal debate on acceptable levels of political intervention and the role of consumers and taxpayers in shaping the future food system.
On European golf courses, small lightweight robotic mowers have recently been introduced for fairway and rough mowing. In this study, turfgrass quality and the coverage of broadleaf weeds in three cool-season grasses were compared in response to robotic and traditional fairway mowing. Experiments with pure swards of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.), colonial bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris L.), and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) were carried out at NIBIO Landvik, Norway, to evaluate differences between lightweight robotic mowing and reel mowing. In a mixture of the three species turfgrass quality and the coverage of broadleaf weeds were compared in response to robotic and reel mowing at yearly fertilizer levels from 0 to 120 kg N ha−1. The results showed that both robotic and reel mowing were found to provide high turfgrass quality, while lower coverage of broadleaf weeds (predominantly white clover [Trifolium repens L.]) was found with robotic mowing independent of grass species. In the mixed stand, higher turfgrass quality was found with robotic mowing regardless of N rate, but N rates above 60 kg ha−1 year−1 were necessary to keep the coverage of white clover in fall on an acceptable low level. Our results suggest that robotic mowing can decrease the spread of white clover at a fairway mowing height of 15 mm, but more research is needed to clarify at which mowing heights, mowing frequencies, and fertilizer levels we can get the best competitiveness against broadleaf weeds on fairways with robotic mowing.
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Roger Holten Randi Bolli Kathinka Lang Ivo Havranek Dominika Krzeminska Mona Pauer Attila NemesSammendrag
For å få mer kunnskap om overflateavrenning av plantevernmidler under norske forhold, dvs. i hellende terreng med jordsmonn med god makroporestruktur, har vi i årene 2020-2022 simulert overflateavrenning av vann og plantevernmidler inn i vegetasjonssoner. Relativt store mengder vann ble tilsatt i overkant av vegetasjonssoner med godt etablert grasdekke og det ble antatt at dette ville gi en del overflateavrenning. I forsøkene ble det vist at det aller meste av vannet som rant inn i vegetasjonssonene raskt infiltrerte nedover i jorda og fulgte makroporer og drensrør ut av jordprofilene. I forsøkene i 2021 ble 41% av alt tilsatt vann samlet opp og analysert for plantevernmiddelkonsentrasjoner kort tid etter start av forsøket, men lite/ingenting av dette kom fra overflateavrenning (0.01 %). Det ble funnet plantevernmidler og bromid i alle prøvene og selv på 80 cm dyp ble det etter kort tid funnet konsentrasjoner av plantevernmidler som var nær 100 % av den tilsatte konsentrasjonen. I 2022 flyttet man lokalitet og gjennomførte forsøk uten å grave like mye rundt rutene med vegetasjonssonene. Vann med plantevernmidler ble også tilsatt i dette forsøket. Dette året fikk man betydelig mer overflateavrenning fra vegetasjonssonene, med konsentrasjoner opp mot 100 % av tilsatte konsentrasjoner for MCPA, som er vannløselig, og noe lavere for benzovindiflupyr som bindes sterkere til partikler. Dette året fikk man ikke samlet opp like mye av utlekkingen og totalt samlet man bare opp 23 % av det tilsatte vannet, hvorav overflateavrenning utgjorde 63 %. Forsøkene har gitt ny kunnskap om vannets og plantevernmidlers transport gjennom NIBIO RAPPORT 10 (64) 3 vegetasjonssoner med veletablert grasdekke og makroporestruktur, både via overflaten, makroporer, tettere jordsjikt og drensrør. Disse resultatene sammen med andre studier viser viktigheten av å ta hensyn til lokale forhold ved etablering av vegetasjonssoner da man ser at under spesifikke forhold så har kanskje ikke vegetasjonssonene den tiltenkte effekten ift. å redusere avrenningen av plantevernmidler. Rapporten kommenterer flere av anbefalingene i Mattilsynets veileder om vegeterte buffersoner i lys av disse resultatene.
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Recurrent climate-driven disturbances impact on the health of European forests that reacted with increased tree dieback and mortality over the course of the last four decades. There is therefore large interest in predicting and understanding the fate and survival of forests under climate change. Forest conditions are monitored within the pan-European ICP Forests programme (UN-ECE International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests) since the 1980s, with tree crown defoliation being the most widely used parameter. Defoliation is not a cause-specific indicator of tree health and vitality, and there is a need to connect defoliation levels with the physiological functioning of trees. The physiological responses connected to tree crown defoliation are species-specific and concern, among others, water relations, photosynthesis and carbon metabolism, growth, and mineral nutrients of leaves. The indicators to measure physiological variables in forest monitoring programs must be easy to apply in the field with current state-of-the-art technologies, be replicable, inexpensive, time efficient and regulated by ad hoc protocols. The ultimate purpose is to provide data to feed process-based models to predict mortality and threats in forests due to climate change. This study reviews the problems and perspectives connected to the realization of a systematic assessment of physiological variables and proposes a set of indicators suitable for future application in forest monitoring programs.