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Ensiling is a common mode of preservation of animal feed. In this process, the feed undergoes lactic acid fermentation in an anaerobic environment, which decreases pH and inhibits degradation of the feed and its nutritive value. Common silos include top loaded tower silos, side loaded bunker silos (also called horizontal silos), underground pit and trench silos, and bales and tubes wrapped in plastic film. Previous studies have revealed that the type of silo often have an impact on silage properties and feed value, but these effects can vary between silage materials. Silage density is another key factor for silage nutritive value and losses. Generally, high density results in smaller losses than low density, both in bunker silos and bales, but the density effect can also be influenced by properties of the ensiled material. The objectives of this literature review were to identify factors and conditions that can modify the effect of i) silage density, and ii) silo type on dry matter losses, leaching of nutrients, fermentation characteristics, silage feed value and mycotoxins contamination. A systematic literature search was carried out in in the Web of Science core collection platform of databases. Most studies showed positive correlations between silage density, and fermentation and feed value, and negative correlations with DM losses. The majority of these studies were conducted at laboratory scale and there was also a great variation in the magnitude of these effects. Further investigations at farm scale may provide more information about the consistency of these effects across experimental scales. The silo type comparisons indicate that silage bales, bags and tubes can be favourable for silage quality and dry matter preservation compared to bunker silos, but information on silo type effects on important crops such as maize is missing.


Rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over viktige faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.


Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.

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Ochnaflavone is a naturally occurring biflavonoid mainly isolated from Ochna integerrima, manifests health benefits encompassing antidiabetic, anticancer, anti-cardiovascular, and anti-inflammatory activities. However, most bioactivity research has focused on in vitro experiments, rather than in vivo disease models, toxicological assessments, and human clinical trials. Moreover, a comprehensive review of the pharmacological aspects of ochnaflavone is conspicuously lacking. Thus, this review provides a concise and comprehensive summary of existing knowledge on the chemical structure, plant origin, physical properties, biotransformations, and multifaceted biological activities of ochnaflavone along with an in-depth exploration of the complex molecular mechanisms behind these activities, including signaling pathways and gene expression regulation, with the aim of promoting future theoretical needs for ochnaflavone in clinical trials and providing comprehensive insights into the research and application of this valuable natural compound.