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The most common and harmful disease affecting the grass on golf courses in the Nordic countries is microdochium patch. The early diagnosis of the Microdochium nivale can help prevent the spread of infection through targeted treatment. The aim of the work was to develop an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test system for Microdochium fungi detection. We have prepared specific rabbit affinity antibodies against Microdochium genus by antigen adsorption and exhaustion on wide range of fungal species. These specific antibodies were used to construct sandwich ELISA showing genus specificity and capable to detect the antigen on early stage of infection on different grass substrates. In field study, the ELISA has shown good correlation to microbiological diagnostics and was able to detect the latent infection in the absence of visual signs. We suggest that Microdochium ELISA can be used for regular testing of grass specimens for prediction and early diagnosis of latent infection. Further studies are required to determine the antigen level, which indicates the degree of infection at which steps to prevent the disease need to be applied.


European fruit research institute network (EUFRIN) has started coordinated apple rootstock trials across the Europe in 2017. Until now, nineteen research institutions from 14 countries established 6 apple rootstock trials where 33 apple rootstocks of different vigour are in tests. Introduction of new apple orchard designs, multileader canopies usually require more vigorous rootstocks. Investigations of semi-dwarfing apple rootstocks ‘PFR1’ and ‘PFR3’ (New Zealand), ‘G.935’ and ‘G.202’ (US), ‘EM_01’ (UK) and ‘G.11’ as control were performed with apple ‘Galaval’ in Spain, France, and Lithuania during 2017-2023. On the average of five trial sites, the most vigorous trees were on ‘EM_01’, ‘PFR1’ and ‘PFR3’, exceeding vigour of trees on ‘G.11’ by 61 – 84%. Apple trees on rootstocks ‘PFR1’, ‘PFR3’ and ‘G.935’ produced higher cumulative yields, ‘G.202’ similar and ‘EM_01’ significantly lower yield comparing with ‘G.11’. Fertility index of ‘G.935’ equalled fertility of dwarfing ‘G.11’. Fertility index of ‘PFR3’ was similar to ‘G.202’, and the lowest was recorded for ‘EM_01’. Average fruit size did not depend on rootstocks. Rootstock – site interaction was not significant for tree vigour, fruit size, however significant interactions were recorded for cumulative yield and fertility index.


European fruit research institute network (EUFRIN) has started coordinated apple and pear rootstock trials across the Europe in 2017. First pear rootstock trial was established in 2019 where quince rootstocks from NIAB (UK) breeding program ‘QR196-9’ and ‘QR530-11’ were compared with rootstocks ‘Adams’ and ‘Sydo’. Investigations were conducted with pear cultivar ‘Conference’ in Spain, Romania, Poland and Norway during 2019-2023. In all sites the most vigorous pear trees grew on ‘QR196-9’ rootstock. On the average of four trial sites, the weakest growth was recorded on ‘QR530-11’, except the Spanish site. Pear trees on rootstock ‘Adams’ produced the highest cumulative yields. Cumulative yields on other rootstocks were significantly lower by 16-23% without significant differences between them. However, site geographical position, climate and soil properties had a significant effect on rootstock performance. Similar to trees on ‘Adams’ high pear yield in Spain was harvested from trees on ‘QR196-9’; on ‘QR530-11’ rootstock in Poland, but ‘Sydo’ and ‘QR530-11’ rootstocks gave the highest yield in Romania. On the average of all sites, the least cumulative fertility index was recorded on ‘QR196-9’. Significant rootstock site interactions were revealed: rootstock ‘Adams’ had the highest cumulative fertility index in Spain and Norway, while rootstock ‘QR530-11’ in Poland and Romania.