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Performance of the Quince rootstocks ‘Adams’, ‘C’ and ‘Eline®’, all grafted with pear cultivars ’Celina’, ‘Ingeborg’ and ‘Kristina’, were compared at the experimental farm of NIBIO Ullensvang, western Norway. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size and fruit quality were evaluated annually for the first seven years. No severe winter damage was observed during these years and none of the trees died. After seven years there were no significant differences in tree size in ‘Celina’ and ‘Ingeborg’ grafted on the different rootstocks, while trunk diameter increase of ‘Kristina’ was significantly larger on ‘Eline®’ than on ‘C’ and intermediate on ‘Adams’. Flower development and fruit set were not affected by rootstocks in any of the three scion cultivars. On average, mature fruit were picked during mid to end September and the trees began producing a small crop in the third season. No alternate bearing pattern was identified. For ‘Celina’ and ‘Kristina’ yield was similar for trees on all three rootstocks. Cumulative yields for the first five cropping years were 31.3 kg tree‑1 for ‘Celina’, 25.9 kg tree‑1 for ‘Kristina’ and 19.4 kg tree‑1 for ‘Ingeborg’. ‘Celina’ produced the highest total number of fruit when grafted on ‘Adams’ or ‘C’. Trees on ‘Eline®’ produced a significantly lower number of fruit in both ‘Celina’ and ‘Ingeborg’. On average for all cultivars, no significant effect of rootstock was observed on average fruit weight during these 5 production years. ‘Eline®’ on average yielded fruit of 165 g for all cultivars while for ‘Adams’ and ‘C’ it was 162 g. Soluble solids concentration was high (11.2% on average) but was not significantly affected by rootstocks. Fruit acidity was similar for all quince rootstocks (0.19-0.21%). The fruit development period between full bloom and harvest showed a clear inverse linear relationship with the average daily temperature. In conclusion, because the trees have not reached their full production none of these quince rootstocks can yet be recommended as the preferred rootstock for pear growing in a cool, mesic northern climate.


In total 14 cherry cultivars and advanced selections released by the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre (PARC-Summerland), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada were tested at NIBIO Ullensvang during 2010-2016. The scions were grafted on the dwarfing Gisela 5 rootstock and planted in high tunnels. Main phenological, vegetative growth and productivity characteristics and fruit quality parameters were evaluated and detailed information about the different cultivars and selections are presented. After comprehensive studies the cultivars ‘SPC 108’ and ‘Starblush’ are recommended for commercial fruit growing in Norway in addition to the main cultivar ‘Lapins’. ‘SPC 107’ is recommended for home gardens. The selection SPC 263 and ‘Sofia’ showed outstanding fruit quality parameters, but had low productivity due to stunted tree growth. Grafting on more vigorous rootstocks than Gisela 5 is recommended.


Hydroponic production of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) in protected cultivation systems using substrates (growing media) is gaining popularity worldwide. Therefore, it is necessary to develop more sustainable growing media alternatives. This study focused on growth performance of strawberry plants grown in wood fibre from Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), in comparison to two industry standards (peat and coco fibres). Plug (tray) plants of the June-bearing strawberry cultivar 'Malling Centenary' and bare root (WBH) plants of cultivar 'Sonata' were transplanted into three different growing media: peat (80%) and perlite (20%) mixture, coconut coir (100%) and Norway spruce wood fibre (100%). The plants received four fertigation strategies (various potassium and nitrogen concentrations) from flowering onwards. Throughout the production season ripe berries were harvested and frozen for later analyses of chemical composition. Plant architecture was also recorded after termination of the experiment. The results revealed that the most significant differences among the majority of the fruit and plant parameters were due to cultivar traits. Strawberries grown in wood fibre produced slightly smaller berries with elevated °Brix and dry matter compared to berries from plants grown in peat and coir. This was most likely caused by the common fertigation strategy applied to all substrates. Nevertheless, among the tested fertigation strategies, application of solutions with elevated potassium resulted in the highest sugar accumulation in berries grown in wood fibre substrate. In general, the experiment revealed relatively negligible differences between the growing media, and we therefore conclude that wood fibre from Norway spruce may be a viable alternative as a growing media in hydroponic strawberry production when the fertigation strategy is precisely adjusted.

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Integrated pest management (IPM) was introduced in the 1960s as a response to increasing pesticide use and has since evolved from being understood mainly as an economic issue to also including environmental and human health considerations. The EU has made IPM mandatory for all farmers through the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive (SUD). Using a mixed-methods approach, this paper examines how Norwegian cereal farmers have responded to this requirement. The qualitative results show that most farmers have an understanding of IPM that goes beyond economic considerations only. The quantitative results display that farmers’ intrinsic motivation for IPM changed after introduction of the SUD. There is increased emphasis on using methods other than spraying, producing grain without traces of pesticides, and preventing pesticide resistance. Farmers’ self-reported knowledge of IPM increased, and 41% of farmers stated that they use IPM to a greater extent than before the SUD was introduced. These results demonstrate that mandatory IPM requirements have been a successful strategy for increasing farmers use of IPM in Norway. Clearer IPM provisions and increased intrinsic motivation for IPM among farmers will, however, be important to reduce the risks from pesticides further.