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The No-till system and organic fertilization combined can be a potential strategy to avoid nutrient leaching, as the soil structure plays a crucial role in retaining them. In this study, we evaluated the influence of different rates of a bio-fertilizer made of industrial organic waste (IOW) from a poultry slaughterhouse on the percolation and stocks of nitrate in disturbed and undisturbed soil samples collected from a subtropical no-till field in southern Brazil. In an incubation experiment, we performed a percolation experiment using lysimeters and simulated rainfall for 180 days and evaluated the remaining soil nitrate stock after the incubation period. We set up a completely randomized experiment with three replicates using four IOW rates (equivalent to 0, 2, 4, and 8 Mg ha−1) and two sample types: disturbed and undisturbed soils. Using the bio-fertilizer increased nitrate mineralization from 0.77 to 1.55 kg ha−1 day−1. Overall, the IOW application increased the amount of percolated nitrate, significantly influenced by the simulated rainfall (p < 0.01). The amount of water flushed through the lysimeters was significantly higher for the disturbed soils (p < 0.05, LSD test), suggesting that the loosened structure promoted a higher water flux. No differences were observed between undisturbed and disturbed samples for nitrate percolation, implying that the amount of nitrate in the liquid soil phase may be a more critical factor in determining nitrate leaching than the water flux. The disturbed samples presented significantly higher nitrate percolation with increasing IOW rates, regardless of precipitation. Stocks in the 0–5 cm depth were 6.6 kg ha−1 higher for undisturbed samples (p < 0.05, LSD test). This result suggests preserving the soil structure can significantly increase the nitrate stocks upon IOW application.
Biomethanation represents a promising approach for biomethane production, with biofilm-based processes like trickle bed reactors (TBRs) being among the most efficient solutions. However, maintaining stable performance can be challenging, and both pure and mixed culture approaches have been applied to address this. In this study, inocula enriched with hydrogenotrophic methanogens were introduced to to TBRs as bioaugmentation strategy to assess their impacts on the process performance and microbial community dynamics. Metagenomic analysis revealed a metagenome-assembled genome belonging to the hydrogenotrophic genus Methanobacterium, which became dominant during enrichment and successfully colonized the TBR biofilm after bioaugmentation. The TBRs achieved a biogas production with > 96 % methane. The bioaugmented reactor consumed additional H2. This may be due to microbial species utilizing CO2 and H2 via various CO2 reduction pathways. Overall, implementing bioaugmentation in TBRs showed potential for establishing targeted species, although challenges remain in managing H2 consumption and optimizing microbial interactions.
Valentina Sierra-Jimenez Jonathan P. Mathews Pilsun Yoo Alice Budai Farid Chejne Anthony Dufour Manuel Garcia-PerezSammendrag
A well-defined methodology for constructing appropriate atomistic representations of biochar will aid in visualizing the structural features and elucidating biochar behavior with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Such knowledge will facilitate engineering biochars tailored to specific applications. To achieve this goal, we adapted modeling strategies applied in coal science by employing multi-cross-polarization 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, ultimate analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to identify functional groups. Helium density, surface area, and porosity were used to assess structural features. Biochar's aromatic cluster size distribution was proposed based on data from the benzene polycarboxylic acid method. The computational framework reduces bias by incorporating chemical information derived from density functional theory, reactive MD simulations, and advanced characterization data. The construction approach was successfully applied to cellulose biochars produced at four temperatures, obtaining independent representations with a relative error on the atomic contents of <10 % for oxygen and nitrogen and <5 % for carbon and hydrogen. The atomistic representations were validated using X-ray diffraction, electron spin resonance data, and laser desorption/ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry. The code will assist others in overcoming structural creation barriers and enable the utilization of the generated structures for further simulations.
Vibeke Lind Özge Sizmaz Ahu Demirtas Mert Sudagidan Simon Weldon Alice Budai Adam O'Toole Dejan Dragan Miladinovic Grete H. M. JørgensenSammendrag
Biochar, which is the product of biomass pyrolysis, has been suggested as a feed supplement to improve performance in livestock systems and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of the current study was to investigate in vitro and in vivo potential of biochar to favourably modify rumen fermentation (e.g., an increase in total Short Chained Fatty Acid (SCFA) concentration and a change in SCFA profile), reduce methane emission and increase sheep growth performance. Four concentrates were produced with biochar inclusion of 0, 10, 23 and 46 g/kg DM. The experimental diets for the in vitro experiments consisted of straw and concentrate in a 60:40 ratio and included measurements of total gas and methane (CH4) production, pH, ammonia nitrogen, SCFA, and microbial assays (total bacteria and methanogenic archaea). Two in vivo experiments were performed where the animals received ad libitum forage with 0.4 kg concentrate daily. Experiment 1 investigated the daily DM intake of sheep while experiment 2 investigated daily growth rate and CH4 emission of lambs. The inclusion of biochar had no impact on in vitro total gas production (ml/200 mg DM substrate) (P = 0.81) and CH4 production (ml/200 mg DM substrate) (P = 0.93). In vitro total SCFA concentration increased (P < 0.05) while acetate to propionate ratio (A:P) tended to decrease (P = 0.05) with both doses of biochar. Total bacteria decreased with the highest biochar inclusion in vitro (P < 0.05). Sheep’s DM intake (kg/d) increased when low and medium levels but not when a higher level of biochar was added to the diet (P < 0.001). The inclusion of biochar did not significantly impact the lamb’s daily growth rate (g/d) (P = 0.61) or enteric CH4 emissions (g/kg DM) (P = 0.43). We conclude that biochar supplementation had no favourable impacts on in vitro and in vivo CH4 production or on lamb’s growth rate. Further research with well-characterised biochar is needed to gain a better understanding of the potential of biochar as a feed additive for ruminant livestock.
Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Biochar is a recalcitrant carbon-rich solid produced by pyrolysis of organic residues, and its application to soil is considered a promising approach to mitigate climate change, as biochar resists decomposition to readily contributes to soil carbon (C) sequestration. The IPCC provides a basis for future national-scale accounting of the changes in soil C stocks following biochar application to cropland soils. The IPCC Tier 1 approach for biochar is based on fixed emission factors to estimate biochar C sequestration. In contrast, the Tier 2 approach allows countries to use local emission factors and climate data to calculate the contribution of biochar to soil C sequestration. Accurate accounting of biochar C sequestration is essential for ensuring the credibility of C offsetting projects, as well as providing incentives for implementing biochar in C credit schemes, calling for comparative analyses of the different biochar Tier approaches. Here we retrieved biochar samples from local producers and measured their H/Corg to estimate the persistence of biochar in Norwegian croplands post application. Various feedstocks were considered, including forest residues, woody wastes, manure, sludge, and straw. For all biochar samples, the 100-year stable C fraction was calculated at ≥ 0.945, thus exceeding the default Tier 1 value (0.8). Biochar sourced from woody- and forestry residues had a Corg content above the default Tier 1 value (0.77). Based on this and data about national feedstock supplies, we compared the theoretical potential of biochar soil C sequestration to mitigate climate change in Norway, using the IPCC Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches. Biochar C sequestration in soil was calculated at 0.79 Tg CO2-eq yr−1 and 0.92 to 0.96 Tg CO2-eq yr−1, respectively for the Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches, thus, underlining that the choice of IPCC Tier approach can have a large impact on the estimated mitigation potential of biochar.
Simon Weldon Eva Farkas Alice Budai Adam O’Toole Thiago Inagaki Christophe Moni Nicholas Clarke Jihong Liu ClarkeSammendrag
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