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Fleire og fleire, både offentlege etatar og private hageeigarar, ønsker no å bytte ut kortklipt plen med artsrike blomsterenger. Nokon grunngjev dette med at blomstereng er mindre arbeidskrevjande enn plen fordi den skal slåast berre ein gong i sesongen. Andre vil legge forholda til rette for pollinerande insekt. Uansett motiv vil ei blomstereng vere eit nyttig bidrag for å auke mangfaldet av insekt og planteartar. Pollinerande insekt er avhengige av eit stort mangfald av blomsterartar for å sikre seg mat (nektar og pollen) gjennom heile sesongen. På den andre sida er humler og andre villbier, sommarfuglar, biller og blomsterfluger nødvendige for at blomstrande planter skal kunne formeira seg.

Til dokument


-Valg av engtype, antall slåtter per år og antall engår før fornying har mer å si for de totale fôrkostnadene enn valg av høsteutstyr og rundballepresseutstyr. -Fortørking for å øke tørrstoffinnholdet i graset før pressing har sterk effekt på kostnadene ved at det reduserer arbeidsbehov og traktorbruk. - Kostnadsreduksjon ved å kutte ut ensileringsmiddel er større enn gevinsten med sparte kraftfôrkostnader når slikt middel brukes. -Leie og leiekjøring av kombipresse gir høyere kostnader enn eie, men gir langt færre arbeidstimer. Fordelene med leie av kombipresse vil øke med høyere timepris på arbeidskrafta. -Husdyrgjødselhandtering har betydning for økonomien. Når det ligger til rette for det, er slangespredning billigst og med lavt arbeidsforbruk. Det kan være gunstig økonomisk å vurdere sameie av slangesprederutstyr og/eller vogner med nedlegger eller stripespreder som kan brukes med større «tidsvindu» -Kjøreavstand betyr mye både for dyrkings- og høstekostnadene. Kjøreavstand bestemmer hvilke husdyrgjødsellinjer som er kostnadsmessige optimal, og den positive effekten av fortørking på kostnad øker med kjøreavstanden


Farms in Central Norway, feeding more forage and pasture to their dairy cows, achieved lower milk yield per cow but higher profitability than farms feeding more concentrate feeds, mainly because of more governmental subsidies per kg milk and meat produced. Also, our analysis does not support the general assumption that higher concentrate feeding and milk production lowers global warming potential and energy needed per kg of milk and meat produced compared with more extensive systems


The aim of this work was to calculate farm specific LCAs for milk-production on 200 dairy farms in Central Norway, where 185 farmed conventional and 15 according to organic standards. We assume that there are variations in environmental emission drivers between farms and therefore also variation in indicators. We think that information can be utilized to find management improvements on individual farms. Farm specific data on inputs and production for the calendar years 2014 to 2016 were used. The LCAs were calculated for purchased products and on farm-emissions, including atmospheric deposition, biological nitrogen fixation, use of fertilizer and manure. The enteric methane emission from digestion was calculated for different animal groups. The functional unit was one kg energy- corrected milk (ECM) delivered at farm-gate. For the 200 dairy farms there were huge variations of farm characteristics, environmental per- formance and economic outcome. On average, the organic farms produced milk with a lower carbon footprint (1.2 kg CO2 eq./kg ECM) than the conventional ones (1.4 kg CO2 eq./kg ECM). The organic farms had also a lower energy intensity (3.1 MJ/kg ECM) and nitrogen intensity (5.0 kg N/kg N) than their conventional colleagues (4.1 MJ/kg ECM and 6.9 kg N/kg N respectively). The contribution margin was better on the organic farms with 6.6 NOK/kg ECM compared to the conventional with 5.9 NOK/kg ECM. The average levels of the environmental indicators were comparable but slightly higher than findings in other international studies. The current study proved that the FARMnor model allows to calculate LCAs for large number of individual farms. The results show that the environmental performance and economic outcome vary between farms. We recommend that farm specific LCA-results are used to unveil what needs to be changed for improving a farm’s environmental performance.


The aim of this work was to calculate farm specific LCAs for milk-production on 200 dairy farms in Central Norway, where 185 farmed conventional and 15 according to organic standards. We assume that there are variations in environmental emission drivers between farms and therefore also variation in indicators. We think that information can be utilized to find management improvements on individual farms. Farm specific data on inputs and production for the calendar years 2014 to 2016 were used. The LCAs were calculated for purchased products and on farm-emissions, including atmospheric deposition, biological nitrogen fixation, use of fertilizer and manure. The enteric methane emission from digestion was calculated for different animal groups. The functional unit was one kg energy- corrected milk (ECM) delivered at farm-gate. For the 200 dairy farms there were huge variations of farm characteristics, environmental per- formance and economic outcome. On average, the organic farms produced milk with a lower carbon footprint (1.2 kg CO2 eq./kg ECM) than the conventional ones (1.4 kg CO2 eq./kg ECM). The organic farms had also a lower energy intensity (3.1 MJ/kg ECM) and nitrogen intensity (5.0 kg N/kg N) than their conventional colleagues (4.1 MJ/kg ECM and 6.9 kg N/kg N respectively). The contribution margin was better on the organic farms with 6.6 NOK/kg ECM compared to the conventional with 5.9 NOK/kg ECM. The average levels of the environmental indicators were comparable but slightly higher than findings in other international studies. The current study proved that the FARMnor model allows to calculate LCAs for large number of individual farms. The results show that the environmental performance and economic outcome vary between farms. We recommend that farm specific LCA-results are used to unveil what needs to be changed for improving a farm’s environmental performance.