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Fungal decay considerably affects the macroscopic mechanical properties of wood as a result of modifications and degradations in its microscopic structure. While effects on mechanical properties related to the stem direction are fairly well understood, effects on radial and tangential directions (transverse properties) are less well investigated. In the present study, changes of longitudinal elastic moduli and stiffness data in all anatomical directions of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood which was degraded by Gloeophyllum trabeum (brown rot) and Trametes versicolor (white rot) for up to 28 weeks have been investigated. Transverse properties were found to be much more deteriorated than the longitudinal ones. This is because of the degradation of the polymer matrix between the cellulose microfibrils, which has a strong effect on transverse stiffness. Longitudinal stiffness, on the other hand, is mainly governed by cellulose microfibrils, which are more stable agains fungal decay. G. trabeum (more active in earlywood) strongly weakens radial stiffness, whereas T. versicolor (more active in latewood) strongly reduces tangential stiffness. The data in terms of radial and tangential stiffnesses, as well as the corresponding anisotropy ratios, seem to be suitable as durability indicators of wood and even allow conclusions to be made on the degradation mechanisms of fungi.


During the last decade wood modification has become a recognized method for delivery of enhanced timber. Hence, a range of studies have been performed to evaluate the decay resistance of modified wood. High resistance of modified wood against fungal decay is assumed to be due to changes in the wood properties rather than a toxic effect on fungal physiology. This is an advantage due to the concern from the European Union, national movements and society in general about the environmental impact of wood protection is increasing. In this paper we aimed to quantitatively summarise the performance of the different types of modified wood. However, this turned out only to be possible for acetylation. This was due to the format of the published data, variation in treatment processes and wood species used for the other treatments. For acetylated wood statistical analyses based on previously published data were performed to quantify what factors contribute most to the performance (calculated as test sample/control). The results showed that WPG can explain approximately 50 % of the performance, measured as test sample/control (T/C), for acetic anhydride treated wood. Other of the applied variables, like wood species or type of fungus can reduce the variance in T/C by additional 15 %. In addition, the paper highlight future research opportunities related to fungal deterioration of modified wood.


The material-inherent resistance of wood is one of the most important qualities influencing the durability of timber. Hence, it has also a major effect on the service life to be expected from a timber construction. In addition, design details and the respective climatic conditions determine durability and make it impossible to treat wood durability as an absolute value. Moreover, the reference magnitude varies between locations because of climatic differences. Durability classification is therefore based on comparing a certain performance indicator between the timber in question and a reference timber. Finally, the relative values (= resistance factors) are grouped and related to durability classes, which can refer to a high range of service lives for a certain location. The insufficient comparability of such durability records turned out to be a key problem for the service life prediction of timber structures, even when the climatic conditions are clearly defined. This study aimed therefore on an inventory of literature data, directly based on service life measures, not masked by a durability classification schedule. It focused on natural durability of timber tested in the field under above-ground conditions. In total 395 durability recordings from 31 different test sites worldwide and based on ten different test methods have been considered for the calculation of resistance factors: 190 for hardwoods and 205 for softwoods. Nevertheless, the considered datasets were heterogeneous in quality and quantity; the resulting resistance factors suffered from high variation. In many cases information was presented too condensed and incompletely, which is inescapable for instance in journal articles. To increase the amount of available, comparable, and directly service-life related data a reliable platform is needed. A proposal for a corresponding data base is provided in part 2 of this paper.


A proposal for a web-based platform for scientific exchange of test data in the field of wood durability and wood protection has been made. The overall aim of the durability data base is to improve the usability of existing test data and to create an added value for durability research and service life prediction. The database allows for test results from standardized and non-standardized laboratory and field tests. Natural durable timber, preservative and water-repellent treated timber, chemically and thermally modified timber as well as composites have been considered. Finally all types of decay organisms and other degrading agents are regarded.

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Various oils can be used to lower the equilibrium moisture content and increase the service life of Scots pine wood products. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of the lateral wood zone on the brown rot resistance of untreated and linseed oil-impregnated Scots pine wood in a laboratory test (EN 113). Significant differences were found in the mean mass losses of treated and untreated specimens taken from three lateral heartwood zones, but not between specimens taken from sapwood. The treatment had no significant effect on sapwood, although it seems to have some positive effect on the durability of heartwood, apparently due to interactive effects with the high extractives contents of heartwood.


The extractives responsible for the natural durability of western redcedar (WRC) are not well understood. Recent work by the Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology and the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute has evaluated the natural durability of Norwegian wood species and reference species, including Norwegian-grown WRC and North American-grown WRC, in a series of decay tests. The availability of retained samples from these tests presented an excellent opportunity to compare the extractives contents of North American and Norwegian grown-WRC, and to correlate field test decay data and extractives content. The North American-grown WRC contained much greater concentrations of extractives than the Norwegian-grown WRC evaluated in this test. However, despite these differences, performance in the EN 252 stake test in Sørkedalen was only marginally better for North American-grown WRC. Both sets of samples were comparatively low in an as yet uncharacterized compound previously associated with decay resistance. However, there were not enough data to thoroughly examine the correlations between extractives and durability data in this material.

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Fungal degradation alters the microstructure of wood and its physical and chemical properties are also changed. While these changes are well investigated as a function of mass loss, mass density loss and changes in equilibrium moisture content are not well elucidated. The physical and chemical alterations are crucial when linking microstructural characteristics with macroscopic mechanical properties. In the present article, a consistent set of physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics is presented, which were measured on the same sample before and after fungal degradation. In the first part of this two-part contribution, elucidating microstructure/stiffness-relationships of degraded wood, changes in physical and chemical data are presented, which were collected from specimens of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood degraded by Gloeophyllum trabeum (brown rot) and Trametes versicolor (white rot) for up to 28 weeks degradation time. A comparison of mass loss with corresponding mass density loss demonstrated that mass loss entails two effects: firstly, a decrease in sample size (more pronounced for G. trabeum), and secondly, a decrease of mass density within the sample (more pronounced for T. versicolor). These two concurrent effects are interrelated with sample size and shape. Hemicelluloses and cellulose are degraded by G. trabeum, while T. versicolor was additionally able to degrade lignin. In particular because of the breakdown of hemicelluloses and paracrystalline parts of cellulose, the equilibrium moisture content of degraded samples is lower than that in the initial state


For materialer som brukes i konstruksjoner er det viktig at de oppfyller sin funksjon gjennom levetiden til konstruksjonen. Dersom deler eller hele konstruksjonen må skiftes ut tidligere enn planlagt, bidrar dette til økte kostnader og større miljøbelastning. Levetiden til en trekonstruksjon påvirkes av en rekke faktorer, som i større eller mindre grad kan påvirkes.


Genomic sequencing gives us a tool to systematically and rapidly discover novel genes, how their products function in the cell, and explore their interactions. When the DNA sequences are known, primers can be designed to detect transcripts of genes with gene products related to basic cellular processes and hyphal growth. The characteristic gene products induced in different fungi by different wood protection systems during decay can be identified. This knowledge will give us a better understanding of the fungal degradation of wood and we can optimize wood protection systems. Hence, no single technique will give us the answer to all questions about the decay of wood we need to gather small pieces of the puzzle using different approaches. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of acetylation level on the growth of Postia placenta with regard to amount of total DNA and gene expression targeting six different genes. This paper presents preliminary results after 36 weeks of incubation. We found no mass loss in the acetylated samples treated to a high treatment level after 36 weeks of incubation in a modified monoculture soil-block test. The presence of P. placenta DNA and the absence of mass loss could indicate on an inability of the mycelia to establish a wood exploitation phase. The results also showed that P. placenta increased the expression of AlO (involved in production of H2O2), cytochrome P450 (related to breakdown of toxic compounds), and QRD (involved in generating biodegradative hydroxyl radicals via redox cycling) along the incubation time, growing on acetylated wood treated to a high treatment level.

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The paper focuses on the use of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) as a fast method for estimating the change of lignocellulosic materials during fungal degradation in laboratory trials. Traditionally, evaluations of durability tests are based on mass loss. However, to gain more knowledge of the reasons for differences in durability and strength between wooden materials, information on the chemical changes is needed. Pinus sylvestris sapwood was incubated with the brown rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum and the white rot fungus Trametes versicolor. The TGA approach used was found to be reproducible between laboratories. The TGA method did not prove useful for wood deteriorated by white rot, but the TGA showed to be a convenient tool for fast estimation of lignocellulosic components both in sound wood and wood decayed by brown rot.