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This study documents volume increment and natural mortality in 1379 old boreal forests plots during four consecutive inventory cycles in the Norwegian national forest inventory. The stands age up to 100 years beyond recommended rotation length (close to economical optimal rotation length) and comprise a wide range of site productivity classes in both pine- and spruce-dominated forests. The annual gross volume increment was stable and nearly constant up to 50–100 years beyond economically optimal rotation length. In parallel, there was very low natural mortality (0.22–0.66% of standing volume) with minimal risk of stand collapse. Stands with satisfactory stocking had volume increment equal to or higher than the reference volume increment in managed stands harvested at recommended rotation length, while poorly stocked stands had inferior volume increment. From a climate change mitigation perspective, it seems to be a good strategy to extend the rotation length beyond what is currently recommended, provided that the stands have satisfactory stocking.

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Species turnover is ubiquitous. However, it remains unknown whether certain types of species are consistently gained or lost across different habitats. Here, we analysed the trajectories of 1827 plant species over time intervals of up to 78 years at 141 sites across mountain summits, forests, and lowland grasslands in Europe. We found, albeit with relatively small effect sizes, displacements of smaller- by larger-ranged species across habitats. Communities shifted in parallel towards more nutrient-demanding species, with species from nutrient-rich habitats having larger ranges. Because these species are typically strong competitors, declines of smaller-ranged species could reflect not only abiotic drivers of global change, but also biotic pressure from increased competition. The ubiquitous component of turnover based on species range size we found here may partially reconcile findings of no net loss in local diversity with global species loss, and link community-scale turnover to macroecological processes such as biotic homogenisation.


Foreliggende rapport oppsummerer forsøk med halsklaver på reinkalver i perioden fra kalvemerking til høstsamling i Doukta reinbeitedistrikt i 2020. Forsøkene gir lovende indikasjoner på at plastklaver rundt halsen på reinkalver har redusert tapet av kalv fra kalvemerking (juli) og fram til høst-/vintersamling. Mot slutten av forsøksperioden ble plastklavene (25 mm brede) delvis dekket av pels, det anbefales derfor å gjennomføre nye forsøk med bredere plastklaver (f.eks. 50 mm).