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The energy in agricultural systems is two-fold: transformation and utilization. The assessment and proper use of energy in agricultural systems is important to achieve economic benefits and overall sustainability. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the energy balance of crop and livestock production, net energy ratio (NER), and water use efficiency (WUE) of crops of a selected farm in Sri Lanka using the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. In order to assess the diversification, 18 crops and 5 livestock types were used. The data were obtained from farm records, personal contacts, and previously published literature. Accordingly, the energy balance in crop production and livestock production was −316.87 GJ ha−1 Year−1 and 758.73 GJ Year−1, respectively. The energy related WUE of crop production was 31.35 MJ m−3. The total energy balance of the farm was 736.2 GJ Year−1. The results show a negative energy balance in crop production indicating an efficient production system, while a comparatively higher energy loss was shown from the livestock sector. The procedure followed in this study can be used to assess the energy balance of diversified agricultural systems, which is important for agricultural sustainability. This can be further developed to assess the carbon footprint in agricultural systems.

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In Scandinavia, the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi overwinter as eggs on the bird cherry tree Prunus padus. Branches of P. padus were collected at the late February / early March from 17 locations in Norway over a three-year period. We found 3599 overwintering aphid eggs, 59.5% of which were dead. Further, a total of 879 overwintering fungus-killed cadavers were observed. These cadavers were found close to bud axils, where overwintering eggs were also usually attached. Cadavers were infected with either Zoophthora cf. aphidis or Entomophthora planchoniana. All the fungal-killed cadavers were filled with overwintering structures of Z. cf. aphidis (as resting spores) or E. planchoniana (as modified hyphal bodies). We found a significant negative correlation between eggs and cadavers per branch. However, both numbers of eggs and cadavers varied greatly between years and among tree locations. This is the first report of E. planchoniana overwintering in R. padi cadavers as modified hyphal bodies. We discuss whether P. padus may act as an inoculum reservoir for fungi infecting aphids in cereals in spring.