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Drøvtyggere kan nyttiggjøre planter som vokser på arealer der det ellers ikke er mulig å produsere mat. Kjøtt og melk kan så brukes til mat. Samtidig fører fordøyelsen til utslipp av metan og dermed til global oppvarming. Livsløpsanalyse kan bidra å beregne hvor stor utslipp er og hva som kan være strategier for å redusere ustlipp.

Til dokument


The durability against decay organisms is an essential material property for wood in outdoor use. A jack of all trades method for above-ground wood durability testing has been sought for decades, but until now no method has found its way into European standardization. The method of choice shall be applicable for untreated and treated wood—ideally also for wood composites. It shall further be reproducible, objective, fast, easy, and inexpensive. Finally, it shall provide high predictive power. This study was aimed at a review of results and practical experience with the Bundle test method which could serve as a standard procedure for above-ground field tests of wood-based materials. The method allows for water-trapping, creates a moderate moisture-induced decay risk typical for UC 3 situations, and was found applicable for a wide range of wood materials. The method allows for rapid infestation and failure of non-durable reference species within five years in Central Europe. Based on results from Bundle tests with different modifications and performed at different locations, a guideline has been developed. The method is recommended as a suitable tool for determining the durability of various wood-based materials including modified and preservative-treated wood and can provide data for durability classification.