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Kva hadde vel julaan vore utan eit grønt, glitrande juletre? Men det er ikkje ei sjølvfølgje at julegran kan hoggast alle stadar i Noreg. Grana er nemleg eit utsett treslag som er i ein stadig kamp mot insekt og sopp for å overleve. Heldigvis har grana nokre overraskande knep i bakhand som sender fiendane på dør, fortel seniorforskar og granekspert Paal Krokene frå Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO).


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of conventional versus organic common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production on natural occurrence of Beauveria spp. as entophytes in bean plant tissue, from soil and as infections in stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), an important pest of bean in Cuba. Twenty-four organic and conventionally managed bean fields were sampled from September 2014 to April 2015 and Beauveria spp. were isolated and DNA extracted. PCR amplification of the intergenic Bloc region was performed for the identification of Beauveria species. Eighty-seven isolates were obtained from the soil samples by using the Galleria mellonella baiting technique. Further, 45 isolates were obtained from endophytic tissues of bean plant parts and 18 isolates were acquired from stink bugs. Only Beauveria bassiana was identified by DNA sequencing in this material. B. bassiana was more prevalent in soil, plant and stink bugs sampled from organic fields (41% soil, 22% plant, 9% bugs) compared to conventional fields (17% soil, 8% plant, 2% bugs). All plant parts were colonized by B. bassiana, but a significantly higher occurrence of this fungus was found in roots (9%) compared to stems (6%), leaves (4%) and pods (2%) in organic fields. In conventional fields there was a significantly higher occurrence of B. bassiana acquired from root (4%) and stem (3%) compared to leaves (1%) and pods (1%). Mating type PCR assays revealed that each of the isolates carried single mating types, with frequencies of 146/150 (MAT1) and 4/150 (MAT2), indicating limited potential for recombination. Our findings show that B. bassiana occur naturally as endophytes in bean fields in Cuba and contribute to a better ecological understanding of B. bassiana in agriculture.