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Mange ugress produserer naturlig giftstoffer (plantetoksiner) som beskyttelse mot skadegjørere som insekter og planteetere. Dersom disse følger med under innhøstingen av matplantene, kan det føre til at helseskadelige plantetoksiner havner i maten vår. Tropane alkaloider finnes i store mengder i ugressfrø fra planter i piggepleslekten. Avlinger kan bli forurenset med disse frøene ved innhøsting, og tropane alkaloider kan derfor være et problem i korn- og frøbasert mat. Pyrrolizidine alkaloider (PA) finnes ofte i ugress i tropiske og sub-tropiske strøk, og te fra slike områder kan potensielt inneholde PA. Honning kan også inneholde PA dersom biene samler nektar fra PA-produserende planter. For å få en indikasjon på nivå av tropane alkaloider og PA i mat, har Mattilsynet tatt prøver av aktuelle matvarer solgt på det norske markedet i 2018. Prøvene er analysert av Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO). Det tropane alkaloidet atropin ble funnet i 4 av 14 prøver av kornbasert barnemat, mens et annet, skopolamin, ble påvist i to av prøvene. I likhet med i 2017, ble de høyeste funnene gjort i skumpinner, hvor en av prøvene var over grenseverdien på 1 µg/kg. PA ble funnet i 8 av 10 prøver av te; de høyeste nivåene ble målt i grønn te. PA’ene jacobine og jacobineNOX ble målt i svært høye nivåer i en av prøvene. I honning ble det funnet PA i 9 av 15 prøver, og kun i lave nivåer.


In the family Orchidaceae, many species have highly specialised floral structures and floral fragrances resulting from interactions with specific pollinators. Olfactory cues are important for the moths to locate orchids at a distance, whereas visual cues are important at a closer range. In this study, we combined a portable air entrainment kit with an automated video monitoring system for collecting volatiles and observing behaviour directly around-the-clock (24 h) in the natural habitat of our target plant–arthropod system, the orchid Platanthera chlorantha and the hawkmoth Sphinx pinastri. We found that P. chlorantha was visited almost exclusively by S. pinastri. All the visits occurred after sunset, principally between sunset and midnight. Soon after midnight, visits dropped to levels recorded at sunset, then declined further towards sunrise. The period with most visits matched the peak production of the terpenoids (Z)-β-ocimene and (E)-β-ocimene. In contrast, linalool, (E)-cinnamyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate emission continued to increase beyond the period of peak visits up to sunrise. Methyl benzoate emissions declined throughout the night from a sunset peak. As temporal emission of the two volatile ocimenes from P. chlorantha flowers matches S. pinastri foraging visits to the flowers, we propose that they play a vital role in assisting hawkmoths locate their hosts. This is the first study to show correspondence in the timing of specific scent emissions in orchids and moth activity on the scale of hours.

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Preferential flow may become significant in partially frozen soils because infiltration can occur through large, initially air-filled pores surrounded by a soil matrix with limited infiltration capacity. The objectives of this study were to develop and evaluate a dual-permeability approach for simulating water flow and heat transport in macroporous soils undergoing freezing and thawing. This was achieved by introducing physically based equations for soil freezing and thawing into the dual-permeability model MACRO. Richards’ equation and the heat flow equation were loosely coupled using the generalized Clapeyron equation for the soil micropore domain. Freezing and thawing of macropore water is governed by a first-order equation for energy transfer between the micropore and macropore domains. We assumed that macropore water was unaffected by capillary forces, so that water in macropores freezes at 0°C. The performance of the model was evaluated for four test cases: (i) redistribution of water in the micropore domain during freezing, (ii) a comparison between the first-order energy transfer approach and the heat conduction equation, (iii) infiltration and water flow in frozen soil with an initially air-filled macropore domain, and (iv) thawing from the soil surface during constant-rate rainfall. Results show that the model behaves in accordance with the current understanding of water flow and heat transport in frozen macroporous soil. To improve modeling of water and heat flow in frozen soils, attention should now be focused on providing experimental data suitable for evaluating models that account for macropore flow.