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Plant selection for rain gardens along streets and roads in cold climates can be complicated, as the plants are subjected to combined stresses including periodic inundation, de-icing salts, road dust, splashes of water from the road, freezing and thawing of soil, and periods with ice cover during the winter. The purpose of this study was to identify species suited to grow in these conditions and determine their optimal placement within roadside rain gardens. Thirty-one herbaceous perennial species and cultivars were planted in real-scale rain gardens in a street in Drammen (Norway) with supplemental irrigation, and their progress was recorded during the following three growing seasons. The study highlights considerable differences between species’ adaptation to roadside rain gardens in cold climates, especially closest to the road. Some candidate species/cultivars had a high survival rate in all rain garden positions and were developed well. These were: Amsonia tabernaemontana, Baptisia australis, Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Overdam’, Hemerocallis ‘Camden Gold Dollar’, Hemerocallis ‘Sovereign’, Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, Hosta ‘Sum & Substance’, Iris pseudacorus and Liatris spicata ‘Floristan Weiss’. Other species/cultivars appeared to adapt only to certain parts of the rain garden or had medium tolerance. These were: Calamagrostis brachytricha, Carex muskingumensis, Eurybia × herveyi ‘Twilight’, Hakonechloa macra, Hosta ‘Francee’, Hosta ‘Striptease’, Liatris spicata ‘Alba’, Lythrum salicaria ‘Ziegeunerblut’, Molinia caerulea ‘Moorhexe’, Molinia caerulea ‘Overdam’, and Sesleria autumnalis. Species/cultivars that showed high mortality and poor development at all rain garden positions should be avoided in roadside cold climate rain gardens. These include Amsonia orientalis, Aster incisus ‘Madiva’, Astilbe chinensis var. tacquettii ‘Purpurlanze’, Chelone obliqua, Dryopteris filix-mas, Eurybia divaricata, Geranium ‘Rozanne’, Helenium ‘Pumilum Magnificum’, Luzula sylvatica, Polygonatum multiflorum and Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Apollo’. The study also found considerable differences between cultivars within the same species, especially for Hosta cvv. and Liatris spicata. Further investigations are needed to identify the cultivars with the best adaption to roadside rain gardens in cold climates.

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Roadsides, in particular those being species-rich and of conservation value, are considered to improve landscape permeability by providing corridors among habitat patches and by facilitating species' dispersal. However, little is known about the potential connectivity offered by such high-value roadsides. Using circuit theory, we modelled connectivity provided by high-value roadsides in landscapes with low or high permeability in south-central Sweden, with ‘permeability’ being measured by the area of semi-natural grasslands. We modelled structural connectivity and, for habitat generalists and specialists, potential functional connectivity focusing on butterflies. We further assessed in which landscapes grassland connectivity is best enhanced through measures for expanding the area of high-value roadsides. Structural connectivity provided by high-value roadsides resulted in similar patterns to those of a functional approach, in which we modelled habitat generalists. In landscapes with low permeability, all target species showed higher movements within compared to between grasslands using high-value roadsides. In landscapes with high permeability, grassland generalists and specialists showed the same patterns, whereas for habitat generalists, connectivity provided by high-value roadsides and grasslands was similar. Increasing the ratio of high-value roadsides can thus enhance structural and functional connectivity in landscapes with low permeability. In contrast, in landscapes with high permeability, roadsides only supported movement of specialised species. Continuous segments of high-value roadsides are most efficient to increase connectivity for specialists, whereas generalists can utilize also short segments of high-value roadsides acting as stepping-stones. Thus, land management should focus on the preservation and restoration of existing semi-natural grasslands. Management for enhancing grassland connectivity through high-value roadsides should aim at maintaining and creating high-value roadside vegetation, preferably in long continuous segments, especially in landscapes with low permeability.

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The replacement of native birch with Norway spruce has been initiated in Norway to increase long-term carbon storage in forests. However, there is limited knowledge on the impacts that aboveground changes will have on the belowground microbiota. We examined which effects a tree species shift from birch to spruce stands has on belowground microbial communities, soil fungal biomass and relationships with vegetation biomass and soil organic carbon (SOC). Replacement of birch with spruce negatively influenced soil bacterial and fungal richness and strongly altered microbial community composition in the forest floor layer, most strikingly for fungi. Tree species-mediated variation in soil properties was a major factor explaining variation in bacterial communities. For fungi, both soil chemistry and understorey vegetation were important community structuring factors, particularly for ectomycorrhizal fungi. The relative abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi and the ectomycorrhizal : saprotrophic fungal ratio were higher in spruce compared to birch stands, particularly in the deeper mineral soil layers, and vice versa for saprotrophs. The positive relationship between ergosterol (fungal biomass) and SOC stock in the forest floor layer suggests higher carbon sequestration potential in spruce forest soil, alternatively, that the larger carbon stock leads to an increase in soil fungal biomass.


I denne rapporten er det gjort rede for hvordan en kan etablere jordbruksareal ved Riisplass (Riis gård) ved mottak av jordsmasser fra utbyggingsprosjekter. Området som tiltaket er planlagt gjennomført på er historisk sett åpent område med beitemark rundt husmannsplasser. Etter at husdyrholdet er avviklet ved gården, har store deler av området blitt tilplantet av gran, som nå utgjør svært tette granbestand. Ved det planlagte tiltaket vil området igjen fremstå som et jordbrukslandskap der gamle eiketrær vil bli langt mer fremtredende i landskapet enn i dag. Metodikken for sjiktvis oppbygging av jordsmonn uten komprimering med tunge anleggsmaskiner forventes å gi produktivt fulldyrket jordbruksareal med god arrondering. Ut overdet planlagte tiltaket er det identifisert muligheter for naturrestaurering utenfor tiltaksområdet som gjenskaper biologisk mangfold i og rundt en dam, som nå er gjenfylt og tilplantet med gran.