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I 1998 startet vi 3Q-programmet (Tilstandsovervåkning og resultatkontroll i jordbrukets kulturlandskap) ved Skog og landskap. Hovedmålet med programmet er å etablere et godt faktagrunnlag for å kunne vurdere om vedtatte miljømål er oppnådd og å gi beslutningsgrunnlag for justering av mål, virkemidler og tiltak. 3Q-programmet fokuserer på indikatorer som sier noe om arealtilstand, biologisk mangfold, kulturminner og kulturmiljøer. Blant indikatorene for biologisk mangfold er overvåkning av fugl. Overvåkingen av fugler skal resultere i data for hvordan de ulike fugleartenes bestandsstørrelse og utbredelse i jordbrukslandskapet endrer seg over tid og knytte dette til arealbruk og arealendringer.

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Karplanter er den viktigste organismegruppen for flesteparten av de landlevende dyregruppene – også for oss mennesker. 3Q-programmet til Norsk institutt for skog og landskap overvåker utbredelsen til karplanter i jordbrukslandskapet i forhold til arealbruk.


Dammer og bekker er viktige småbiotoper i jordbrukets kulturlandskap. Ofte er det knyttet et spesielt dyre- og planteliv til disse landskapselementene. På grunn av intensivering av jordbruket ble mange av bekkene og dammene fylt igjen, og dyre- og plantearter mistet etter hvert leveområdene sine. Dette har medført at mye av det særegne dyre- og plantelivet har gått tilbake.


Mange av fugleartene som finnes i jordbrukets kulturlandskap sliter i Europa, men også i Norge. I Norge er det 3Q-prosjektet til Norsk institutt for skog og landskap som gjennomfører overvåkning av fugler i jordbrukslandskapet – i tett samarbeid med Norsk Ornitologisk Forening.

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Jordbrukslandskapet huser mange fuglearter og de er en viktig del av opplevelsen av et landskap. Men fuglene er også gode indikatorer på om vi driver et bærekraftig landbruk. 3Q-programmet til Norsk institutt for skog og landskap overvåker utbredelsen og antallet av fugler i jordbrukslandskapet.


Farmland biodiversity is an important component of Europe’s biodiversity. More than half the continent is occupied by agricultural lands. They host specific habitats and species, which – in addition to the conservation values they provide – perform vital ecological functions. Indicators are needed to enable the monitoring of biodiversity at the farm level for the purpose of assessing the impacts of farming practices and of agricultural policies. Our research aims at identifying farmland biodiversity indicators which are scientifically sound, operational and relevant for stakeholders. We screened the literature for farmland biodiversity indicators and, in an iterative process with stakeholders, we identified 28 candidate indicators for genetic, species and habitat diversity. Those selected biodiversity indicators, as well as 14 management parameters that are known to relate to biodiversity, were assessed in 12 case study regions across Europe. Each case study region represents a typical production system (i.e. specialist field crops, horticulture and permanent crops; specialist grazing with cattle and other livestock types; mixed crop and livestock farming). In each region, 8 – 20 farms were randomly selected, mostly within the two groups of organic and non-organic farms, to obtain a gradient of farming intensity. Indicators were measured applying standardized sampling procedures and farm interviews. Sampling effort was recorded in order to assess the cost of indicator measurement. For each case study region, biodiversity indicators are presently being evaluated in conjunction with management indicators. Surrogate indicators will be proposed when possible and indicators will be prioritized taking into account their validity, practicality, cost and priority for stakeholders. Based on preliminary results, the presentation will focus on the relation between direct (species and habitat diversity) indicators and indirect (farm management) parameters. Part of this research was funded by the EU FP7 contract KBBE-2B-227161. For more information consult www.biobio-indicator.org


Farmland biodiversity is an important component of Europe’s biodiversity. More than half the continent is occupied by agricultural lands. They host specific habitats and species, which - in addition to their conservation values they provide - perform vital ecological functions. Indicators are needed to enable the monitoring of biodiversity at the farm level for the purpose of assessing the impacts of farming practices and of agricultural policies. Our research aims at identifying farmland biodiversity indicators which are scientifically sound, operational and relevant for stakeholders. We screened the literature for farmland biodiversity indicators and, in an iterative process with stakeholders, we identified 28 candidate indicators for genetic, species and habitat diversity. Those selected biodiversity indicators, as well as 14 management indicators that are known to relate to biodiversity, were assessed in 12 case study regions across Europe. Each case study region represents a typical production system (i.e. specialist field crops, horticulture and permanent crops; specialist grazing with cattle and other livestock types; mixed crop and livestock farming). In each region, 8-20 farms were randomly selected, mostly within the two groups of organic and non-organic farms, to obtain a gradient of farming intensity. Indicators were measured applying standardized sampling procedures and farm interviews. Sampling effort was recorded in order to assess the cost of indicator measurement. For each case study region, biodiversity indicators are presently being evaluated in conjunction with management indicators. Surrogate indicators will be proposed when possible and indicators will be prioritized taking into account their validity, practicality, cost and priority for stakeholders. Based on preliminary results, the presentation will focus on the specific challenges of farm level monitoring, addressing issues of sampling design within the farms and up-scaling from plot to farm to region. Part of this research was funded by the EU FP7 contract KBBE-2B-227161. For more information consult www.biobio-indicator.org