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As in many countries throughout Europe, there has been a polarisation within the agricultural landscape of Norway during the last decades. On the one hand there is an increasing trend of intensified use of favourable areas, while on the otherhand there is an increase in the amount of land abandonment of extensively managed or marginal areas (Fjellstad Dramstad 1999, Robinson Sutherland 2002, Haines-Younget al. 2003). Among the main impact factors for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes are increased amount of built-up areas, intensification of agriculture and land abandonment. But different land use practices has been shown to have differential effects on biodiversity (Haines-Young 2009). Finding the relationships between land use practices and effects on biodiversity are fundamental to understand the links between people and their environment and development of sustainable agriculture ....


The centennial volume of this journal provides a fitting time to stop and reflect. Do we know where we are heading? Are we progressing in the right direction? Having studied landscape change for some years, we have seen the tremendous power of engagement that can be found in landscapes. Landscape is a theme that most people easily relate to. At the same time, landscape research has provided many appropriate tools for documenting landscape change and the effects of change. Yet in spite of public engagement and scientific knowledge, we still find many examples of negative landscape developments. In this paper we reflect on the applications of landscape research and the issue of communicating scientific findings to policy, management, landowners and the general public. Do we need a greater focus on communication to achieve sustainable landscape development?


I denne rapporten ser vi på status og utvikling i jordbrukets kulturlandskap for de fem fylkene Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal, Sør-Trøndelag og Nord-Trøndelag. Innenfor dette geografiske området er det store ulikheter i de naturgitte forut-setningene for å drive jordbruk. I deler av Nord- og Sør Trøndelag er korndyrking en vanlig produksjonsform, samtidig som det også er gode forhold for grasproduksjon og husdyrhold. I disse to fylkene har det i senere tid også vært en betydelig nydyrking, særlig før år 2000, dvs. før 3Q over-våkningen startet. Kombinasjonen av større eiendommer og nydyrking gjør at Trønde-lagsfylkene stedvis har fra et middels til storskala jordbrukslandskap .....

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The Ritland structure is a newly discovered impact structure, which is located in southwestern Norway. The structure is the remnant of a simple crater 2.5 km in diameter and 350 m deep, which was excavated in Precambrian gneissic rocks. The crater was filled by sediments in Cambrian times and covered by thrust nappes of the Caledonian orogen in the Silurian–Devonian. Several succeeding events of uplift, erosion, and finally the Pleistocene glaciations, disclosed this well-preserved structure. The erosion has exposed brecciated rocks of the original crater floor overlain by a thin layer of melt-bearing rocks and postimpact crater-filling breccias, sandstones, and shales. Quartz grains with planar deformation features occur frequently within the melt-bearing unit, confirming the impact origin of the structure. The good exposures of infilling sediments have allowed a detailed reconstruction of the original crater morphology and its infilling history based on geological field mapping.

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On small dairy farms, high investment costs and lack of investment capital may delay the modernising of facilities. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of economics of scale in building costs of barns compared to other sources of variation in costs. The study includes 44 farms with a mean herd size of 49.5 ± 15.1 cows, built between year 1999 and 2006 and with a mean total area in the barns of 896 ± 454 m2. Building cost data were obtained from farmers and merged with construction, mechanisation and layout data from the same barns. Construction costs decreased up to approximately 1250 m2 while mechanisation costs and total building costs decreased up to approximately 1000 m2. A further increase in building area had only limited effect on the building costs per m2. Models including explanatory variables showed that milking and service area was significantly more expensive than other areas. AMS-barns were all together not significantly more expensive than other barns, since the increased mechanisation cost is offset by a lower requirement for milking area. Farmers remodelling their barns were able to realise a modernised building for a certain herd size for a lower cost compared to a completely new building. The use of their own effort varied considerably between projects. In many cases, farmers would be able to find alternative income sources with a higher hourly rate than the value of their own effort suggested by the model.