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Som del av arbeidet med å oppfylle vannforskriftens krav ble den økologiske tilstanden undersøkt i ti bekker og tjue innsjøer og tjern på Romeriksåsene i 2014 etter mange år med kalking. Ni bekker viste bedring basert på tettheten av ørret siden den forrige undersøkelsen ble utført i 1997–1999, og ti innsjøer viste bedring basert på bunndyr siden den forrige undersøkelsen i 1989. 18 innsjøer oppnådde miljømålet om «god» eller «svært god» økologisk tilstand. Men selv om tilstanden i bekkene var forbedret siden forrige undersøkelse, oppnådde de ikke miljømålet: Bare fire var i tilstandsklassen «god» eller bedre basert på ørret-tetthet, og alle var i tilstandsklassen «moderat» eller dårligere basert på bunndyrundersøkelsene. Dette fanges ikke opp av den årlige vannprøvetakingen, som skjer på et tidspunkt da vannkjemien er nokså god. Forskjellen mellom bekkene og innsjøene skyldes mest trolig sure episoder under snøsmeltingen om våren, når surt smeltevann renner ut i bekkene. Resultatene viser at bekkene må følges opp med videre behandling med kalk, ikke minst fordi de er gyte- og oppvekstområde for ørret, som er mest følsom for forsuring i dette livsstadiet.

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Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra overvåkingen av 5 elver og bekker i Hamar kommune i perioden 1. august 2017 til 1.mai 2018. Det ble tatt månedlige vannprøver som ble analysert for totalnitrogen (TN), totalfosfor (TP), suspendert stoff (SS), og termotelerante koliforme bakterier (TKB). Det ble gjort biologiske undersøkelser av bunndyr og begroingsalger. Termotolerante koliforme bakterier ble funnet i alle bekkene. Det høyeste antallet ble funnet i Finsalbekken, der halvparten av prøvene var over 1000 cfu/100 ml. Resultater: Finsalbekken sør: God biologiske tilstand, men høye fosforkonsentrasjoner. Ilseterbekken: Miljøtilstand med hensyn på bunndyr (ASPT), fosfor og begroing med PIT indeksen er god eller svært god. Ormseterbekken: God eller svært god miljøtilstand både med hensyn til fosfor og biologiske indekser. Tomterbekken: Moderat miljøtilstand med høye konsentrasjoner av fosfor og lav score i de biologiske indeksene (ASPT og PIT). Dalbybekken: Moderat total miljøtilstand men god tilstand i bunndyrsamfunnet.

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Climate change is expected to have a vigorous impact on soils and ecosystems due to elevated temperature and changes in precipitation (amount and frequency), thereby altering biogeochemical and hydrological cycles. Several phenomena associated with climate change and anthropogenic activity affect soils indirectly via ecosystem functioning (such as higher atmospheric CO2 concentration and N deposition). Continuous interactions between climate and soils determine the transformation and transport processes. Long-term gradual changes in abiotic environmental factors alter naturally occurring soil forming processes by modifying the soil water regime, mineral composition evolution, and the rate of organic matter formation and degradation. The resulting physical and chemical soil properties play a fundamental role in the productivity and environmental quality of cultivated land, so it is crucial to evaluate the potential outcomes of climate change and soil interactions. This paper attempts to review the underlying long-term processes influenced by different aspects of climate change. When considering major soil forming factors (climate, parent material, living organisms, topography), especially climate, we put special attention to soil physical properties (soil structure and texture, and consequential changes in soil hydrothermal regime), soil chemical properties (e.g. cation exchange capacity, soil organic matter content as influenced by changes in environmental conditions) and soil degradation as a result of longterm soil physicochemical transformations. The temperate region, specifically the Carpathian Basin as a heterogeneous territory consisting of different climatic and soil zones from continental to mountainous, is used as an example to present potential changes and to assess the effect of climate change on soils. The altered physicochemical and biological properties of soils require accentuated scientific attention, particularly with respect to significant feedback processes to climate and soil services such as food security.

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In anaerobic digestion, studies of feeding frequency have produced conflicting results. Hence, the effect of feeding frequency on process variables and microbial community structure was investigated by comparing a laboratory-scale digester fed steam exploded food waste 10 times daily vs. one fed an equivalent amount once daily. The Frequently Fed Digester (FFD) produced on average 20% more methane and had lower effluent concentrations of long-chain fatty acids. Greater daily fluctuations in acetate, pH and biogas production rate could explain the lower specific methane yield and β-oxidation. Feeding frequency also influenced the microbial community whereby Tenericutes (42%) dominated in FFD but Firmicutes (31%) was most abundant in the Daily Fed Digester (DFD). Feeding frequency effects are therefore postulated to occur more often in digesters fed labile feedstocks at high organic loading rates.

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Soil macroporosity affects field-scale water-cycle processes, such as infiltration, nutrient transport and runoff1,2, that are important for the development of successful global strategies that address challenges of food security, water scarcity, human health and loss of biodiversity3. Macropores—large pores that freely drain water under the influence of gravity—often represent less than 1 per cent of the soil volume, but can contribute more than 70 per cent of the total soil water infiltration4, which greatly magnifies their influence on the regional and global water cycle. Although climate influences the development of macropores through soil-forming processes, the extent and rate of such development and its effect on the water cycle are currently unknown. Here we show that drier climates induce the formation of greater soil macroporosity than do more humid ones, and that such climate-induced changes occur over shorter timescales than have previously been considered—probably years to decades. Furthermore, we find that changes in the effective porosity, a proxy for macroporosity, predicted from mean annual precipitation at the end of the century would result in changes in saturated soil hydraulic conductivity ranging from −55 to 34 per cent for five physiographic regions in the USA. Our results indicate that soil macroporosity may be altered rapidly in response to climate change and that associated continental-scale changes in soil hydraulic properties may set up unexplored feedbacks between climate and the land surface and thus intensify the water cycle.

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Klimaendringer påvirker størrelsen på jordporene og hvor lett vannet beveger seg i jorden, noe som igjen har innflytelse på matsikkerhet, vannmangel, menneskers helse og tap av biologisk mangfold – både regionalt og globalt.

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Vannområde Glomma og Grensevassdragene utgjør et areal på nesten 30 000 km2. Som grunnlag for arbeidet med tiltaksplanlegging er det behov for å definere en del mindre tiltaksområder som skal ha særlig fokus. Inndelingen er basert på analyse av data om sårbare vannforekomster og tilførsler fra fulldyrket mark, husdyrhold, avløp i spredt bebyggelse og/eller gruvevirksomhet. Datagrunnlaget er hentet fra digitale kart og registre. Resultatet fra prosjektet er digitale kart over 8 tiltaksområder. Disse er også koblet til tiltaksdatabasen i rapporteringsverktøyet Glommadata.

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The awareness of sediment and nutrient loss from non-point sources are of increasing environmental concern as measures to reduce point source inputs to surface waters have been introduced. Mitigation efforts to reduce loss of particles and nutrients from agriculture in Norway and other countries have mainly focused on surface runoff, whereas sub-surface drainage has received little attention. However, research has shown that the sub-surface field drains are transporting both sediment and nutrients rapidly to the watercourses. Despite these established facts there has been little development of measures to reduce these losses. This article describes how Lightweight Aggregates (LWA), Leca®, can mitigate some of the environmental challenges connected to sub-surface field drains. A field experimental project was performed to assess the effects on drainage water quality hydrological performance and functionality of drainage systems based on Lightweight Aggregates compared to traditional pipe drains. Registrations of the performance of the systems were done in two separate periods, 1992–1993 and 1999–2000. After 2000 no measurement programme has run. The functionality of the drainage systems was registered in connection to ordinary farming activity. In 1999–2000 LWA drains showed particularly good performance with regard to reducing the content of Phosphorus, 40–90 % reduction in Total-P. The drainage water from the LWA drains contained less than half the amount of suspended solids compared to traditional pipe drains. The results from 1993 showed no significant difference between LWA drains and pipe drains with respect to Nitrogen. The results from 1999/2000 showed higher loss of Nitrogen through pipe drains with no envelope compared to all other systems. LWA drains may be particularly useful in reducing particles and nutrient loads from cultivated flat drained areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive and ecologically important water ecosystems. Further investigations are recommended to optimise the design of LWA drains.