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Foredraget handlet om hvilke problemr vi står overfor når det gjelder det å produsere nok mat. Hvordan skjer vanning, hvilke forskjellige metoder som finnes, hva er vannbehovet, hvilke forbedringer innenfor vanningssystemer, hvilke problemer når knappe vannressurser, vannforurensning, hvordan å fordele vannet innefor landesgrenser men også mellom land


This analysis showed that significant differences in hydrology between catchments exist. In addition are large differences in hydrological characters obtained depending on the time resolution of the input data, in which scale, topography and subsurface drainage intensity to a large degree are assumed to be responsible for these differences. It is believed that a thorough understanding of the hydrological flow processes is necessary in the implementation of cost effective river basin management plans and in the selection of adequate measures. This study  showed that data collected at the small scale are important in the calibration/validation of models to be used in scenario analysis for implementation of best mangement practices.


Hydrologiske karakteristikker fra mindre norske jordbruksdominerte nedbørsfelter ble presentert med særlig vektlegging av de ekstreme forhold. Fordeling av årsavrenning, antall dager det tar for å drenere 50 og 90 % av åravrenning, forskjellen mellom gjennomsnittlig døgnavrenning og maks døgn avrenning, flashiness komstante mm. Hva skal være konsekvensen for erosjon, næringsstofftap med klimaendringer.


The results of an analysis of runoff in 17 catchments, located in Norway, Estonia and Latvia are presented. Different parameters, like the coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis were calculated in addition to a number of additional parameters describing the hydrology. The calculations were performed on both hourly - and average daily discharges. The obtained results suggest considering the hourly discharges in the interpretation of hydrological processes in agricultural dominated catchments and its possible effects on nutrient and soil loss. In the light of expected climate changes, the hydrological characterisation could provide information about the possible developments in the hydrology and its consequences for nutrient and soil loss processes.