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Velkommen til  Planteforsk litteraturdatabase/ Welcome to  Planteforsk Literature Database Tittel/Title:  Genetic variability of Phytophthora infestans in Norway and Finland as revealed by mating type and fingerprint probe RG57 Publikasjon: Publication: Mycological Research Volum (Nr): Volume (No.): 103(12) Side: Page: 1609-1615 Utgitt: Published: 1999 Forfatter(e): Author(s): Brurberg, M.B., A. Hannukkala & A. Hermansen Enhet: Research station: Planteforsk Plantevernet Nøkkelord: Keywords: Plantevern, Phytophthora infestans, tørråte, krysningstype, DNA fingerprinting Sammendrag: Abstract: Mating type and RG57 fingerprints were determined for 141 isolates of Phytophthora infestans collected from 63 different fields in all important potato growing areas in Norway and Finland. Seventy-six multilocus genotypes were identified, of which 53 were detected only once. Norwegian and Finnish isolates were similar in terms of genotypic diversity and the genetic distances between the genotypes. The large number of genotypes and the high genetic distances between the genotypes indicate that sexual reproduction is contributing significantly to the genetic variation of P. infestans in Norway and Finland. ISBN: - ISSN: - Pris: Price: - Bestilling: Ordering: - Merknad: Notes: vit44 eng61 pl1 pv21


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