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M. Finne A. Rognli Ivar SchjelderupSammendrag
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M. Finne A. Rognli Ivar SchjelderupSammendrag
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M. Finne A. Rognli Ivar SchjelderupSammendrag
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Trygve S. AamlidSammendrag
Artikkelen gir en oversikt over observasjonsprogrammet på Planteforsks automatiske værstasjoner, samt temperatur- og nedbørrekorder for Landvik i perioden etter at den meteorologiske stasjonen ble oppretta i 1957
G. Fimland L. Johnsen L. Axelsson May Bente Brurberg I.F. Nes J. Nissen-MeyerSammendrag
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Arne Grønlund Tor Gunnar Vågen O. PrestvikSammendrag
This report presents an analysis of soil and water related environmental effects linked to agricultural production in the net exporting countries Australia, New Zealand and USA, and the net importing countries Japan, Norway and Switzerland. The study has been based on the following indicators: General features of the selected countries. Pesticide use, finding and concentration of pesticides in surface water and groundwater. Fertiliser use and nitrogen balance. Soil erosion, extent and rates of water erosion, risk of wind erosion. Water resources, agricultural withdrawals and water use efficiency. Water quality, nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in surface water and groundwater. For soil erosion the overall tendency is a net environmental deterioration by expanding agricultural production in the net exporting countries as compared with the net importing country Norway. For agricultural withdrawals of water an expansion of agriculture in the net exporting countries may result in a net environmental detorioration versus the net importing countries Norway and Switzerland. For surface water and groundwater quality the effect of trade liberalisation is more uncertain.
Ole Martin EkloSammendrag
Testing of pesticide-leaching models is important in view of their increasing use in pesticide registration procedures in the European Union. This paper presents the methodology and major conclusions of a test of pesticide-leaching models. Twelve models simulating the vertical one-dimensional movement of water, solute, heat, and, in particular, pesticides, through the soil profile were used by 36 different modellers. The adopted modelling codes differ in terms of modelling concepts and modelling hypothesis. Modellers were affiliated to industry and to the scientific community as well. Four quality datasets were identified to perform the analysis. The dataset includesdfield and lysimeter data, collected in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and the UK. As well, non-structured as structured soils were available in the dataset. To elucidate the ability to model correctly water transport, solute transport, heat transport and pesticide transport in soils, a stepwise evaluation approach was followed. Splitting up the experimental dataset enabled ut to quantify the calibration capability and the prediction capability to the models. The simulations were performed by different model users enabling us also to characterise output variability in terms of user dependent interpretation of the model input and parameters. Recommendations are formulated for improving the quality of modelling dataset, and the process description of water, solute, and heat transport in a pesticide-leaching model, plus the process description of pesticide fate. Application of the principles of good modelling practice (GMP) is briefly described
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H.B. GjærumSammendrag
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