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Heavy-metal polluted forest ecosystems near industrial complexes are often characterised by sparse or non-existing understorey vegetation. This enhances the erosion of metal-contaminated particles by the wind, decreases the water-holding capacity of the soil, and facilitates the leaching of heavy metals into the ground water. However, some dwarf shrub species, e.g. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Empetrum nigrum, have been found to survive in contaminated soil in the vicinity of smelter areas. In this study we evaluate the copper resistance of these two species by comparing the results of revegetation experiment in the field to those of controlled greenhouse exposure experiments.


Artikkelen gir en oversikt over skadelige sommerfulgarter som minerer i stengelen på mais, sorghum og hirse i Eritrea 1996-1997. Fire arter ble registrert som skadedyr: Busseola fusca, Chilo partellus, Sesamia calamistis og Chilo orichalcociliellus. Naturlige fiender var to predatorer og fire parasitter. Nitten planter, både dyrkete og ville, ble registrert som vertplanter for sommerfugllarvene.


Two zone sites, i.e. two circular areas with 50 km radius, were established in southern Norway. The zone sites were centred in Tofte (the location of a major pulp mill) and in Drammen (the site of a major timber yard). From June to October 2000, 66 forest blocks were visited, 65 of which were situated within the zone site areas. Samples were collected from 40 forest blocks, especially from wood attacked by wood boring insects. At 34 forest blocks, trees of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, or Norway spruce Picea abies were provided as trap-logs for Monochamus spp. This material will be sampled in the survey of 2001. Some samples were also taken from a wood chip pile and from imported wood material. The total number of wood samples analysed for nematodes were 275. Out of these, 214 samples were collected from forest trees, stumps, timber and logging wastes of P. sylvestris and P. abies. Three samples contained nematodes belonging to the genus Bursaphelenchus, but the Pine Wood Nematode (PWN), B. xylophilus, was not detected. Similarly, this nematode was not detected in the 10 samples of wood chips, or in the 25 samples of imported lumber or in the 26 samples of imported solid wood packing material. In order reach the minimal number of 3000 samples within reasonable time, the number of samples for the next survey season of 2001 needs to be increased drastically. To achieve this, the sampling will continue within the existing zone sites, and be extended into new zone sites to be established in 2001.


Godronia canker, caused by the fungus Godronia cassandrae f. sp. vaccinii, was detected for the first time on highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) in Norway in 1995, and has caused severe stem wilting and dieback of young bushes. The disease was investigated over five years (1995-1999) in two experimental plantings, and in a survey carried out in 51 highbush blueberry plantings in Norway during the summer of 1998. Altogether, 31 cultivars were included in the investigations. None of the cultivars were completely resistant, but there were great differences in susceptibility. "Goldtraube" and "Hardyblue" were the most resistant cultivars, but "Bluetta" and "Patriot" also seemed to have low susceptibility to Godronia canker. "Ama", "Heerma" and "Spartan" had low to moderate susceptibility, "Berkeley", "Bluecrop", "Duke" and "Ivanhoe" had moderate to high susceptibility, and "Blueray", "Collins", "Earliblue", and "Jersey" were most susceptible. The latter four should not be recommended for highbush blueberry production in the cool, wet climate of Norway.


The paper presents an overview of the sweet cherry growing in Scandinavia, including geographical location, topography, production volumes and acerage, soil and climate, rootstocks and cultivars, types of orchard management, protection strategies against fruit cracking, plant protection strategies, harvest, handling and quality assurance strategies and transport and markets. It also discusses briefly present strategies for trade, research and development.

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SVENDSRUD, A. 200 I: Tabeller for beregning av verdien av skogbestand. Rapport fra skogforskningen - Supplement 17: 1-16 + vedlegg. I dette arbeidet presenteres tabeller for beregning av verdien av bestand av gran, furu og bjørk. Tabellene er utarbeidet ved hjelp av regneprogrammet BESTPROG. De bygger på NISKs tilvekstmodeller for de ulike treslagene. Virket er fordelt på sortimentene sagtømmer og massevirke.Verdien av hogstuttakene er beregnet på grunnlag av pris- og kostnadsforutsetninger som ligger nært opp til dagens praksis. Tynningene er utformet slik at de gir positivt kontantutbytte, men de er ikke optimalisert i forhold til de økonomiske forutsetninger. Slutthogstalderen er derimot tilnærmet optimalisert. De bestandsdata som ligger til grunn for verditabellene, er oppgitt i egne tabeller. For de vanlige bonitetsklassene er det stilt opp tabeller for grunnverdi/venteverdi og differanseverdi, som er venteverdi fratrukket bestandets slakteverdi, og rentefot 2,5-5,0 % p.a. For rentefot 4 % er det stilt opp tabeller for beregning av bestokningens venteverdi, som er venteverdi fratrukket grunnverdi. Disse tabellene er beregnet for I meters bonitetsklasser. Tabellverdiene er normert slik at de forutsetter en rånettoverdi (eventuelt nettoverdi) av slutthogsten på kr I 00 pr. m\ skogkulturutgifter på kr I 00 pr dekar og 15 år ventetid på naturlig gjenvekst.