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Arne O. Stuanes Richard Wright Heleen A. de Wit Lars R. Hole Øyvind Kaste Jan MulderSammendrag
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Reidun PommerescheSammendrag
Surface-active spiders were sampled from a ley and two adjacent field margins on a dairy farm in western Norway, using pitfall traps from April to June 2001. Altogether, 1153 specimens, representing 33 species, were found. In total, 10 species were found in the ley, 16 species in the edge of the ley, 22 species in the field margin "ley/forest" and 16 species in the field margin "ley/stream". Erigone atra, Bathyphantes gracilis, Savignia frontata and Collinsia inerrans were the most abundant species in the ley. C. inerrans was not found in the field margins. This species is previously recorded only a few times in Norway. Diplocephalus latifrons, Tapinocyba insecta, Dicymbium tibiale, Bathyphantes nigrinus and Diplostyla concolor were most abundant in the field margin "ley/ forest". D. latifrons, D. tibiale and Pardosa amentata were most abundant in the field margin "ley/ stream", followed by E. atra and B. gracilis. The present results were compared to results from ley and pasture on another farm in the region, recorded in 2000. A Detrended Correspondence Analyses (DCA) of the data sets showed that the spider fauna from the leys were more similar, independent of location, than the fauna in ley and field margins on the same locality. The interactions between cultivated fields and field margins according to spider species composition, dominance pattern and habitat preferences are discussed.
Mekjell MelandSammendrag
Alternate bearing is a major problem for the Norwegian apple industry. Due to over-cropping one year where fruit size and quality are reduced, the trees are likely to turn into a pattern with high and low yield every second year. This inconsistent yield pattern provides problem for both the growers and the market. Commercial practise is to remove the excessive flowers or fruitlets by chemicals or by handthinning. The only officially registered agents for apple thinning are ethephon and ammoniumthiosulphat. The growers find them unpredictable in use and more knowledge is wanted in order to give more precisely thinning recommendations. A new project started at Ullensvang Research Centre in 2003. It will last for three years and focus on optimising the crop loads and test different thinning agents under bloom and at different fruitlet stages. Different crop levels will be established during and after bloom by hand adjusted by trunk cross sectional area. The experimental trees will be monitored during a 3-year period. Traditional pomological observations will be registered included storage of the fruits where fruit quality will be measured. Leaf areas per tree will be calculated using an area meter. In addition different thinning chemicals will be tested according the program to the working group of European Fruit Research Institute Networks. Emphasis will be put on concentration and thinning periods of the agents ethephon, ammoniumthiosulphat and compounds that could be approved for organic growing like colza oil. Results from the 2003 season will be presented.
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Fra to langvarige jordarbeidingsforsøk på ulike jordarter i Midt-Norge, er den viktigste konklusjonen at vårpløying gir avlinger på høyde med høstpløying, mens redusert (plogfri) jordarbeiding ser ut til å gi mindre avling, særlig på siltig mellomsand. Nedgangen på 7% på leirjord er større enn det som er målt i langvarige forsøk på Østlandet, men det kan kanskje likevel forsvares økonomisk så lenge produksjonstilskudd for endret jordarbeiding holdes på dagens nivå. Nedgangen på 19% som ble målt på sandjorda er betydelig større enn det som er målt i forsøk andre steder i Norge. Dette gjør at det ikke vil lønne seg med redusert jordarbeiding på slik jord. Hverken ulik harveintensitet på upløyd jord, eller sprøyting mot soppsjukdommer, ser ut til å gi noen nevneverdig endring av denne konklusjonen. Resultatene kan i hovedsak forklares ut fra endringene i jordstrukturen som ble funnet på feltene. Disse var for det meste knyttet til forandringer i mulighetene for luftveksling, vannledning og rotutvikling. Det ble funnet litt gunstigere forhold i toppsjiktet på leirjorda, og dårligere forhold i det midtre sjikt på begge felt, særlig på sandjorda. Selv om endringene ligner på det som er funnet ved redusert jordarbeiding andre steder, er det sannsynlig at de får større betydning i det relativt fuktige klimaet som man har i Midt-Norge. Selv om overskudd av vann trolig vil være et problem de fleste årene, var det interessant å merke seg at leddene uten pløying kom gunstig ut i det tørre året 1992. Dette stemmer med erfaringer på Østlandet. Ut fra disse undersøkelsene er det grunn til å tro at redusert jordarbeiding kan by på problemer i det relativt fuktige og kjølige klimaet i Midt-Norge, og at problemene vil være størst på jord som har liten evne til å opprettholde en stabil aggregatstruktur. Sandjord og siltjord kommer i denne kategorien, spesielt når moldinnholdet er lavt. På leirjord kan mulighetene være bedre, men det krever at man er spesielt forsiktig med å unngå kjøring på jorda når den er for fuktig. Sett fra et miljøsynspunkt, er vårpløying et godt alternativ, som ser ut til å fungere på begge jordtypene. Forsinket våronnstart ved vårpløying blir ofte brukt som argument mot vårpløying, og resultatene av disse undersøkelsene bekrefter at det er viktig å unngå for tidlig pløying om våren av hensyn til jordstrukturen.
`Korona` strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), were studied over a period of three years. A significant effect of mulching was found in the first harvest year, but additional fertilizer did not affect total yield. Bark mulch slightly decreased the level of leaf nitrogen, but increased the level of leaf phosphorus and potassium in all years. Bark had a significant, negative effect on soil nitrate and ammonium content in the two first seasons. Mulching increased the soil moisture content in all years.
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Marit JørgensenSammendrag
Long-term field experiments including short-term leys and permanent swards were conducted from 1968 to 1990 at the southwest coast (Særheim) and in the north of Norway (Svanhovd). The experiments were treated with three defoliation regimes. Results averaged over two years (1984, 1986) on total DM yield, crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF) and botanical composition are reported. DM yields and content in CF were lower at the northern than at the southwestern site. The DM yields were similar, but the CP content higher in permanent swards compared with leys. The defoliation regimes had no effects on yield levels, but affected fodder quality. Sheep-grazed swards had a higher content in CP and a lower content in CF than cut or cattle-grazed swards at Særheim, whereas CP was highest in cut swards at Svanhovd, with no differences in CF content. Sheep-grazing on permanent swards lead to increased amounts of Lolium perenne in the southwest, while cut swards were dominated by the unsown Agrostis gigántea (Roth). At the northern site, Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) dominated the sheep-grazed swards while Poa pratensis dominated cut or cattle-grazed swards.
Line RosefSammendrag
The effects of four different grazing regimes (rotational grazing by sheep and by cattle and continuous grazing by sheep and by cattle) were investigated during four years in an experiment to restore eight abandoned species-poor grasslands in Norway. The results showed that conservation of particularly valuable habitats like the few still intact species-rich grasslands is important for maintaining biodiversity, since it is very hard to recreate the total species composition found in this type of grasslands. Restoration of more or less severely altered areas like those investigated, will be necessary because a few small managed areas will not be sufficient to conserve biodiversity in the long term.
Torild Wickstrøm Gunnar OgnerSammendrag
A humus sample and a mineral soil sample were collected to investigate different sample pretreatments and their effects on the quality (mean value and uncertainty) of soil chemical data. Thirty-four humus subsamples and sixty mineral subsamples were prepared for chemical analysis. Diverse combinations of sieving, milling or grinding were utilized before the determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen (Kj-N), pH, extractable elements, and a few other chemical parameters.The humus subsamples were sieved, sieved and milled or sieved and ground. Relative to sieving, grinding improved the uncertainty in the determination by 210 times [highest for calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), Kj-N, loss on ignition and volume weight].The mineral soil subsamples were either sieved or sieved and ground. The uncertainty was improved by 24 times for aluminum (Al), barium (Ba), Ca, hydrogen (H), potassium (K), sulphur (S), silicon (Si), zinc (Zn), and nitrogen (N) when grinding was applied.The result increased for almost all of the chemical parameters when the samples (humus and mineral) were ground in addition to sieving. The maximum increase in mean value was observed for Si (330%), iron (Fe) (200%) and carbon (C), K, magnesium (Mg), Mn, sodium (Na) (1734%).The determination of Kj-N was less influenced (016%) by different pretreatments but the uncertainty in the determination was improved up to 10 times when the sample was ground.Different sieving techniques were also utilized. It was shown that different sieving techniques altered the mean value for Ba, Fe, K, Mg, Si, Zn, pH, and loss on ignition, while the uncertainty was unaffected.All subsamples were reanalyzed after 15 months, without mixing in each sample before weighing. An increase in concentration was observed for C, Fe, phosphorus (P), S (up to 130%) and in volume weight (626%) while a decrease was observed for Ca, K, Mg, strontium (Sr), Zn (727%).