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Denne rapporten beskriver resultatene fra en gjennomgang av forskjellige såkalte Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) som er tilgjengelig for bruk for norske gårdbrukere. Arbeidet startet med en kartlegging av hvilke FMIS som finnes tilgjengelig. Deretter ble det mest relevante utvalget av disse testet med hensikt å svare på en rekke spørsmål knyttet til funksjonalitet og bruk. Basert på gjennomgangen som er gjort, gis et sett med råd til den som skal ta i bruk et FMIS.


Sustainability is proposed as a solution to the many negative consequences of modern agriculture. However, although science and policy have aimed for sustainability for more than two decades, it seems that we are not making enough progress. This is due to the complexities of the sustainability concept and that we need to better understand how we can create change. In seeing sustainability as a learning process, this thesis aims to understand how to enhance farm sustainability in Arctic Norway. This is achieved by combining four research rationales: stakeholders’ perspectives, sustainability assessments, sustainability learning, and participatory approaches. I use a case study strategy involving farms in Arctic Norway. By applying a multimethod qualitative approach, I explore the topic through three empirical papers wherein stakeholder participation plays a prominent role. By discussing the findings, I conceptualize farm sustainability as a long-term and multilevel learning process. To achieve farm sustainability, several steps must be aligned: there must be a purpose for the process, various stakeholders must take part, we must know what to learn, a transdisciplinary methodology must be used, and the process should be flexible. In addition, the process must be embedded in the very way of farming. The relevance of these findings is that farm sustainability must be aligned with change toward improved sustainability in society at large. Context plays a major role in what, why, and how we can learn, as well as in who we can learn with. Therefore, farm sustainability as a learning process must be translated to fit the empirical context. This thesis contributes to theory development in the field of agricultural sustainability. Furthermore, it deepens our understanding of how values and context influence farm sustainability, demonstrates the relevance of combining sustainability assessments with a learning process, and broadens our understanding of sustainability learning in agriculture. In combining ‘sustainability as a theory’ and ‘sustainability as a practice’, lies the key to farm sustainability in Arctic Norway.

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It has been shown that the COVID-19 pandemic affected some agricultural systems more than others, and even within geographic regions, not all farms were affected to the same extent. To build resilience of agricultural systems to future shocks, it is key to understand which farms were affected and why. In this study, we examined farmers’ perceived robustness to COVID-19, a key resilience capacity. We conducted standardized farmer interviews (n = 257) in 15 case study areas across Europe, covering a large range of socio-ecological contexts and farm types. Interviews targeted perceived livelihood impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on productivity, sales, price, labor availability, and supply chains in 2020, as well as farm(er) characteristics and farm management. Our study corroborates earlier evidence that most farms were not or only slightly affected by the first wave(s) of the pandemic in 2020, and that impacts varied widely by study region. However, a significant minority of farmers across Europe reported that the pandemic was “the worst crisis in a lifetime” (3%) or “the worst crisis in a decade” (7%). Statistical analysis showed that more specialized and intensive farms were more likely to have perceived negative impacts. From a societal perspective, this suggests that highly specialized, intensive farms face higher vulnerability to shocks that affect regional to global supply chains. Supporting farmers in the diversification of their production systems while decreasing dependence on service suppliers and supply chain actors may increase their robustness to future disruptions.