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In this study modified wood samples were tested according to the extended standardised test procedures of ENV 807 (3 types of soils). A Round Robin test was carried out at two laboratories: Swedish National Testing and Research Institute and Norwegian Forest Research Institute.The different soil types used were conifer forest soil (pH 4.6), soil from the Simlngsdalen test field (pH 5.2) and garden compost soil (pH 7.4). The wood modifications used were furfurylation (Visorwood), acetylation and heat treatment (Thermowood). Other materials tested were linseed oil impregnated pine, reference preservative (CC and CCA) treated pine and Robinia psuedoaccacia heartwood.A dynamic MOE (MOEdyn) test device based on measurement of ultrasonic pulse propagation was used for non-destructive decay strength evaluation during the incubation period. The MOE values were correlated to measured decay mass loss of the test specimens after different periods of exposure to the soils. Type of fungal attack was also evaluated using light microscopy.Results from preliminary studies indicate that ultrasound seems to be an excellent tool for evaluation of early brown rot decay. It also seems to be feasible for detecting white rot. However it does not seem to be very accurate in evaluating early stages of soft rot decay.


In recent years chitosans have been investigated as a natural chemical for wood preservation against fungal decay, and chitosan in aqueous solutions has been used in impregnation studies. To evaluate the retention of chitosan after an impregnation process and to evaluate the fixation of chitosan in wood a method for determination of chitosan in wood and water samples has been developed based on acidic hydrolysis of chitosan to glucosamine followed by online derivatization by o-phthalaldehyde, chromatographic separation and fluorescent detection. For wood samples the method was linear up to 45 mg gK1 chitosan in wood and had a recovery of 86%. The yield of chitosan in water was 87% at 1% (w/v) concentration.


In recent years chitosans have been investigated as a natural chemical for wood preservation against fungal decay, and chitosan in aqueous solutions has been used in impregnation studies. To evaluate the retention of chitosan after an impregnation process and to evaluate the fixation of chitosan in wood a method for determination of chitosan in wood and water samples has been developed based on acidic hydrolysis of chitosan to glucosamine followed by online derivatization by o-phthalaldehyde, chromatographic separation and fluorescent detection. For wood samples the method was linear up to 45mgg−1 chitosan in wood and had a recovery of 86%. The yield of chitosan in water was 87% at 1%(w/v) concentration.


In many European countries there has been a substantial increase in the use of nitrogen fertiliser from 1950 to the 80?s. For most of the countries studied, lower prices for wheat in the late 80"s, as an indicator for agricultural plant product prices, leaded to less application of nitrogen fertiliser, presumable because the application was less profitable.


Skadedyr på bartrær i grøntanlegg tilhører gruppene pattedyr, nematoder, insekter og midd. Det er de to sistnevnte gruppene som omtales her. Angrep av spinnmidd, gallmidd, bladlus, skjoldlus, biller, barveps og sommerfugler kan gi skade på trærne som medfører nedsatt prydverdi og tilvekst. De kan også være plagsomme for brukere av grøntanlegget. Sprøyting med kjemiske sprøytemidler er ofte ikke ønskelig. Det er derfor svært viktig å forebygge eventuelle angrep av skadedyr. Planting av friske træ, god anleggsjord, godt vedlikehold, samt overvåking av trærne har stor betydning for å unngå angrep. Man bør sørge for sikker identifisering av skadegjørerne før man iverksetter eventuelle tiltak.


Studies have focused on the progress of diapause and post-diapause development in one early- and one late-emerging population of D. floralis at various temperatures. For the early emerging biotype, diapause progressed gradually at low temperatures and terminated in late spring. For the late emerging biotype also, diapause progressed gradually for a certain period, but did not end, no matter the duration of chilling. For both populations, diapause developed faster at constant 18 ºC compared to combinations with chilling periods, implicating that chilling was not a prerequisite for diapause development. For the late emerging population, results indicated a second phase of diapause development with a threshold temperature of about 7 "C. However, the rate of this second phase development did not increase linearly with temperatures but had an optimum at about 12 "C. Post-diapause development for both populations was similar and had a lower threshold of about 2 "C. Results explain how delayed emergence in some populations are regulated.


Animal health and health handling were studied in organic dairy farms separated into three groups according to time of conversion. The study showed differences in both health and health handling between the groups and especially so for the earliest converters.


Animal health and health handling were studied in organic dairy farms separated into three groups according to time of conversion. The study showed differences in both health and health handling between the groups and especially so for the earliest converters.